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Fuzzy Textures For Everything!

Ka Kimagawa

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I have recently encountered a problem where ALL textures would only load "half-way", and stops after that. Here is a picture for you to understand what I am talking about.


This is not limited to my avatar; it ranges from the world to profiles, and even the map! Once it reaches to that point, all network activity related to downloading of textures ceases, as if it has loaded what it needed. 

This is my laptop's specifications:

  • i5 2.30GHz
  • 4GB memory
  • Intel HD Graphics/AMD Radeon HD 6470M  (The game uses the AMD Radeon HD card of course)

I have tried pretty much everything I could think of:

  • Changed to Fullscreen.
  • Changed to low settings.
  • Changed the viewing distance specifically.
  • Reinstalled the viewer.
  • Tried both the Firestorm and official viewers.
  • Reset avatar to basic Ruth avatar.
  • Tried moving to various sims.
  • Cleared the cache.
  • Tried turning off HTTP Textures.
  • Left it to rez for 5 hours.
  • Turned off OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects.
  • Turned off Streamed VBOs.
  • In Firestorm, made sure that Minimal Texture Loading and Texture Detail Loaded are set to default, changed them, and then reverted back to default.

I'm at my wits end here, because there was no change to my system or my viewer before this problem mysteriously happened! Any help would be much appreciated!

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Try the Imprudence, Phoenix, and Singularity viewers. Imprudence seems to handle textures best and Singularity rezzes them in the quickest. If the problem persists, login at Inworldz with Imprudence and Singularity and see if you're having the same problem there with blurry textures. If not, that should confirm the problem is at LL's end.

Also try creating a new SL account and logging in with that and see if you're having the same problem. Finally, unplug your router for a few minutes and try logging in again.

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Have you cleared your cache?

If that doesn't work (fingers crossed it does)... well, I have been looking at the specifications of your graphics card.

The point is, it seems to have 1024 memory and 120 streaming processors, but it has a very narrow memory bus of 64. SL needs at least 128 since 2008/9. With 128 textures will still need quite a long time to become sharp. The 64 bus width choakes the process of rendering and then stalls. Perhaps it has worked for you earlier, but the minimum requirements have been raised since SL V2. Your card might have been pushed over the edge recently... :( I had that once... very annoying... My experience is that since SL 2.7.4 SL is excessively demaning on hardware ever more even if options aren't used like avatar physics, mesh and shadows.

But not to worry, there are plenty of viewers who can run your SL like Imprudence, Singylarity and 1.23.5.
I'm on a class 1 notebook with a very fast Nvidia 256 bus wide graphics card and even i  am shouting with madness to SL. There are even plenty of users with top of the range computers who can't run SL properly.

It is no shame to search for a less demaning viewer  like Imprudence, Singylarity and 1.23.5.

However be aware that you card has this very narrow bus... In time i would advice to upgrade it if you can.

Best of luck

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Hi everyone, thank you for your responses:

Randall Ahren: I have tried the different viewers, creating a new character on the SL grid and the Inworldz grid to no avail. With Singularity, I get some weird graphic artifects I do not see in the official viewer and Firestorm, but the problem still remains. Also, as a side note, it seemed that Singularity actually ran slower!

Linda Brynner: Thank you for pointing out a possibility. I understand that my laptop does not have optimum specs, but how then could it run Firestorm (the latest release) fine for a few days before this issue occured? I still suspect it is a setting and not so much it is hardware, as it should then affect other games and applications as well, no?

ROB34466llla: Thanks for the info, I will try that to see if I can spot anything.


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Well then, the problem is not isolated to SL and must be at your end. You only have the one computer capable of running a viewer?

If it ran Firestorm for a few days okay, why don't you review your computer's history and see what was installed between now and then? You could try a system restore back to the date that Firestorm was installed and ran correctly.

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For me not everything on the image is fuzzy, the right part of the image is pretty sharp IMO. It seems more like Depth of Field is enabled. This will only sharpen the area your focus is on, the rest stayes blurred. Check your debugsettngs: and see if 'renderdepthOfField' is set to TRUE. If so set it to FALSE. If not then, well, then it was not the case at all. I will include an image that shows the same fuzzyness after i enabled 'renderdepthOfField'


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  • 1 year later...

I have the exact same problem, it's not depth of field. doing a clean reinstall doesn't help. I'm using singularity, but I've tried other viewers with the same results. it's definietly a SL issue. I'm going to try logging in with a different internet connection, I'll post here if it helps

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I fixed it! It's a weird how it works, but then again this is SL!   Go into preferences >graphics >hardware tab. Change the texture memory (doesn't matter to what) and do a relog. When you get back you should be fine, you can change your texture memory back to whatever you had, but I suggest maxing it out.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you so much for providing a resolution to the "Fuzzy Textures" issue. For me this issue presented it's ugly head after the "rebake region" icon appeared. I'm currently using Singularity. Keeping my fingers, toes and eyes crossed that by changing the texture memory "Fuzzy and Blurry" will forever be GONE.

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Holy Crap! THANK YOU for posting your FIX!. i have had this exact same problem for the last couple of weeks! First time ever!. i was running Phoenix 1.6.0 which i LOVE btw.. For me certain textures would be blurry mostly these were pictures, SL photos.. but also some other textures as well. i too, tried EVERYTHING else.. No one but You came up with the solution!. I couldn't understand why all of a sudden this happened, nothin had changed on my end at all, infact my router was replaced and my internet had recently been upgraded to an extremely high speed, so i knew it wasn't me. I never changed this setting before so was not aware of what it did, tho i am usually diligent in learning what all the settings etc Mean, but get nervous messing with hardware changes lol. i did try Firestorms newest release and that DID solve the problem, but i HATE how the chat box and IM don't pull together like Phoenix and those dumb icons on the screen.. It's a Ton of work trying to clear that crap all the time to see what's goin on,, i feel like all i do is CLICK instead of being able to enjoy the game. I did however decided to try the Phoenix 1.6.1, thinking that maybe  this was a bug in 1.6.0, but it was still there in that but decided i'd try and live with it as long as i could, and for sure now that You found the solution, i'll be sticking with it until the end.... and then hoping Firestorm fixes that damn chat box. LOL.

 One last note on this problem, i seached EVERYWHERE trying to find an answer to this exact problem.. i did find something about this same issue dating back to 2006 but Nothing else up until Yours. It would be nice if maybe this problem could be posted in the knowledge base for others searching.

Once again, that you!

Much Appreciated,


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I'm not one to necropost but several friends and myself were all having this same issue today, and the fix of adjusting the texture memory slider, logging out, and logging back in worked for everyone. Apparently this is still an issue with SL in mid 2014. :( So, hopefully this thread update will help a few more people.

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  • 3 months later...

I had this problem for over two years. Reinstalls of clients, clean installs, nothing helped! I accepted that this is how thins were going to be. Just for the heck of it, I googled again tonight, and found this. For the first time in a LONG LONG time, I do not have to keep clicking on objects to keep them in focus! Thank you!

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  • 4 months later...
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