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Down With Tier Already!

Autumn Arlington

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OK Guys... those of us PR owners that weren't blessed enough to get a grandfathered 195 per month PR have been paying the 295 USD for almost 2 years now. WHEN IS THE BREAK?? I own an acre of beautiful RL land that costs me $240 USD. I'M CRAZY to pay these prices. LL needs to remember that not EVERYONE lives in pricey California and things are NOT that high in the rest of the states. So I scream... at the top of my lungs...




*knock knock Linden Labs... we know you're in there.* Question is can you HEAR your customers? My main account pays 305 USD a MONTH in tier and premium membership fees. If you agree please say "I" ! If they want the SL economy to boom and keep members, lower this PR monthly tier back to 195 USD and we'll spend more in SL because we'll HAVE MORE L's TO SPEND!!!


(had to try, the squeaky wheel gets the grease... well.. usually)

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You aren't blessed with the $195 per month tier for a full sim because you didn't own a sim when that was the monthly tier rate.......you got into the sim ownership a little late for that.  LL increased the tier rate because, according to their financial goals, the tier needed to be raised to the $295 rate.  Don't expect them to lower it just because you weren't "blessed".  Everyone wants lower tier (just as everyone wants lower property taxes) but until something happens that makes lower tier attractive to LL it just won't happen.......screaming at the top of your lungs won't change it.  Growth in SL has flattened............it hasn't goine down so the incentive to lower prices is just not there.


Oh, and that pricey California stuff..........I live in California.  Property values have gone down with the economy the way it is and property taxes will go down too when it is re-assessed.  But that's real life........and we're talking about Second Life (not really comparable no matter how you want to try to twist it up).

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What makes you think I need to lighten up?  I just pointed out some of the why's things are the way they are.......the OP was the one screaming.  I don't have a problem with the tier rates........if I did then I would not put my finances in a position to pay those tier.  It's not like the rates are anything new........they've only changed one time since I've been in SL (that $195 to $295 change about 5 years ago).  From the tone of the post it would seem LL was robbing the OP.......he opted to pay when he purchased the sim.  He knew the rate was $295 a month then and they are still the same.....they didn't jump $100 a month on him (LL grandfathered those folks and the OP thinks they were "blessed").


I'm not upset......more like amused (in a very sad way though).

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I agree with the OP.   Yes, Peggy, I knew what the charge was when I got my sims.  BUT I also got good support and concierge service that you don't get now.   It used to be you could call and talk to someone that knew what they were doing and that could fix most problems then and there.  If they couldn't they would refer the problem up the ladder and you generally had a quick response and the problem was resolved.

I had problems with my estate that were severe.  Nobody could tp to my sims unless they were an estate agent.  Also, a sim was moved into the general area of my estate, and when you did try to tp to one of my sims using its landmark, even if you were an estate agent, you ended up on the other estate's sim.  If you tried to use a landmark for that sim, you landed on my sim.  After months of hearing excuses, outright lies, and finally the lindens trying to shift blame for this to me, I had enough and got rid of all my sims. I refuse to pay what I did for such crappy service.  I still manage some estates and 99 percent of the time when I need support I get "file a ticket" and then wait and wait before any action is taken.

If for no other reason than the value of the support service has gone down, tier should too. Also LL is running more sims per server than they used to, so their costs have decreased quite a bit.  But I too think more people would be here if land prices were cheaper.  I know tons of people that left SL for the open grids for this reason only and are willing to accept lower tech standards to get a more affordable land price.  However, I know many would return if the prices were more reasonable here.


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I'm agreeing with Ameythest and the OP. When we signed up to pay 295 per month the tier had JUST changed from 195 to 295 and there were talks that THIS was temporary. almost 2 years later not only has it not gone down but the service has taken a nose dive.The words on EVERY Linden's profile are FILE A TICKET. ... Seriously, I get better service out of my horrible bank than from Linden Labs. WHen they make a mistake you can't even speak to a person to make it right, let alone get a discount or free ANYTHING for your troubles.


I agree their costs have come down, so the RIGHT thing to do is to pass that savings along. They keep trying to give VERY VERY minor incentives to become a premium member but for what? a mainland generic house and 300 stipend bucks? Oh and you also get to pay 295 a month, congrats on becoming a premium member! Ridiculous. I'd like to see more action, a LOT lower tiers and less focus on viewer reconstruction than this tier bull crap. The noobies that come around can't understand why if you pay 1k USD, that the sim is STILL never really yours. Something has to change.


Sim owners that pay 295 can not compete with the sims that pay195 pricing on rentals and make a dime.High 5 OP. Start this ball rolling again, we need LL to know we're tapped out and going broke.

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Sadly nothing will change until large numbers of sim owners dump their land. That's the only thing that will open the eyes of the Lab. I'm not even sure if that would make a difference due to the vast holdings of the major land barons who are paying much less than the $295/month standard rate and are therefore able to undercut their competition while still making a profit but, it's the only thing the Lab will understand. People have begged for lower pricing for years and it hasn't happened.

The Lab's costs have dropped due to more automation, running more sims per server, etc yet, those savings aren't being passed along. Time to quit being polite and hit these guys where it hurts; the bottom line.

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The reason we're selling up is because of the continual shabby treatment of long term customers...we fork out a fortune while newcomers get all the incentives.... we've had enough of it and considering that at one time full regions were snapped up for for or five times the cost we're selling ours for other people seem to be realising that sl isnt worth a big investment either....

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Hallie Halsey wrote:

Y'all need to do away with your lands for a month or two.  Enough people have to do this. 

That is the only way Linden Lab will take notice.

Anything less is a non-starter.

Not necessarily. Before they sacked Jack, he did argue for lower tiers. There may be others in the higher echelons at LL who also think that tier reductions would be a good idea and, if there are such people, it could happen.

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Uniform tier would be nice. Removing that $100 difference would help some but at this point I would say most of those massive grandfathered estate holders would of been working on ways to protect their investments as well. Not sure on how many years the Grandfathered priced Estates (Homesteads and FP SIM's)  have been offered for but pretty sure was not until about May of last year you could no longer carry the grandfathered status over thru selling.

This in itself has led to a monopoly on Estate lands with little fear of loss on the part of those who may have stockpiled possibly hundreds of Estates. Guessing with maybe an extra $100 US profit margin they could of been making thru the good months and years means a larger land holder could be making a pretty penny (their tenants none the wiser thru those times as well?) . If you were making say this much a month or more just in profit, would you do whatever it took to cement this and ensure your cash cow wouldn't die?

As a side note with no longer being able to acquire Grandfathered Estates for themselves, I would say MAINLAND is the only comparable product left to 'exploit'. Being the same monthly rate ($195/month) as Grandfathered Estates... Now thinking on larger 'businesss minded' Estate holders the same ones who may of been charging regular rates on their Grandfather tiered lands just because they could and their tenants may of known nothing. At this point  you could argue how to best secure your monopoly or hold on making sure you keep that going which brings us to...

 Mainland! The rush is on, but more than likely you are paying one of them for the land you buy there as well. With the ability to create so many alts/bots etc. You could help bring about the downfall of startup companies easily in the land business in a lot of ways. TOS is like having a lock on your front door... It only keeps honest thieves out... So run to Mainland but do not be surprised if things go 'weird' for you there as well. Once a monopoly always a monopoly. Personally I liked the hype on merging the Teen grid with the Moderate, causing a mad rush to the Adult area for land purchases and you can be sure the costs to buy land spiked very fast when that happened. This year Estate abandonment and run to Mainland, seems kinda cheesy. Next year's theme.. back to Estates?



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