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Line across center of snapshot

Teagan Tobias

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Not sure if this is where to post this but could not see another spot. Two things, ONE: when I open Snapshot and set it to how I would like it, the settings are not saved. Is there a way to save the settings that I set so next time I open Snapshot I don't need to set it up again? TWO: Every snapshot I have taken has a thin line across the middle of the photo. I have used different settings, I have updated my graphics driver, I have tested my graphics card, I have taken snapshots with another viewer (and get no line) but V3 Beta still has this line right across the middle of each photo I have taken. It makes the photos worthless.

NVIDIA 8800 GTS 512, AMD Dual Core 6000+ 3GHz

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This happens to some of my photos as well, the line through the middle, and has happened several times since I was using V2.6 or so.

What seems to cause the lines for me is if I am using windlight settings along with shadows and or depth of field.

It seems to happen when the windlight settings are extreme, that is, much gamma or light or really awesome funky colors.

What helps, is to minimize the viewer window. Not tiny tiny, just some so that the viewer isn't filling up the whole screen.

This is the line I get, mine are actually two lines, one vertical and one horizontal.



Also, what might also help, but which I don't do, is uncheck high rez snapshots.

Also, Torley mentions taking screen captures, like with fraps, and just cropping out the UI or snapping with the UI hidden.

Easiest solution for me though, has been to reduce actual viewer window size.

Similar problem here:


And Mr Torley's discussion of fraps and hiding UI here:



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I can see the lines when I look very carefully, one vertical and one horizontal line through the middle of the picture.
The picture is a high resolution snapshot and has double pixels in each direction (3840x2038pixels in my case)
In other words it is composed of four pictures.
When I downsize to 1920x1019 pixels I can not see the lines at all.:smileyhappy:

I am running this viewer:

Second Life 3.2.1 (243874) Oct 26 2011 09:44:27 (Second Life Developer)

On this computer:

CPU:         Intel® Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz (3392.35 MHz)
Memory: 8174 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 460/PCI/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0012.8562
OpenGL Version: 4.0.0

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