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Have the graphics bigs been fixed?

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Actually everyone uses SL for their own reasons, and there are many. What may be an enhancement or improvement for your use of SL might well be meaningless or a detriment to someone elses use of SL.


If the graphics bug you mention is the OpenGL issue, that's not something that is easily fixed nor limited to SL (many games have issues with OpenGL); but there is an ongoing project working to resolve the OpenGL issue and a separate beta viewer that goes with it. If you're concerned about the fix maybe you could download that viewer and help.

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Here's the developer build I'm working with. It seems to be pretty stable and I don't have many problems with my Nvidia 430 card and Nvidia 285 drivers anymore. I know CYGWIN is Windows and Linux is, well, Linux - not sure what Darwin is.


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It is coming:smileyhappy:
I don't know when but I know on the  3.2.1 (243874) viewer most things are fixed and my setup works smoothly in log in, in-world and log out even when in Ultra graphics mode.
I only have viewer crashes in full sims and the antalis is not working well.
My configuration is:

Second Life 3.2.1 (243874) Oct 26 2011 09:44:27 (Second Life Developer)


CPU:         Intel® Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz (3392.35 MHz)

Memory: 8174 MB

OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)

Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation

Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 460/PCI/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0012.8562

OpenGL Version: 4.0.0

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1

J2C Decoder Version: KDU v6.4.1

Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000

Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)

Voice Server Version: Not Connected

Built with MSVC version 1600

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Cincia Singh wrote:

Actually everyone uses SL for their own reasons, and there are many. What may be an enhancement or improvement for your use of SL might well be meaningless or a detriment to someone elses use of SL.


If the graphics bug you mention is the OpenGL issue, that's not something that is easily fixed nor limited to SL (many games have issues with OpenGL); but there is an ongoing project working to resolve the OpenGL issue and a separate beta viewer that goes with it. If you're concerned about the fix maybe you could download that viewer and help.

It's true that people do different things in SL, and on this issue it's irrelevant.

If a user can't see what is happening in-world, he can't do anything.

As for your suggestion, you seem to be suffering from an all too common fallacy which is held by Linden Labs, and others. Let me make it clear to you:

I Am Not A Programmer

 I struggle to figure out out to use JIRA, and figure out whether anyone is doing anything to fix a problem, I suppose that I can, just about, report when something is broken. but I don't speak the jargon. I cannot tell if I am reporting the same bug as somebody else. And you want me to download a special beta viewer and help them fix it?

This does not, from my point of view, appear to be an entirely sane suggestion.

I am, I may note, a paying customer. Is it so unreasonable to expect the people I am paying to do their jobs properly?

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Okay, Wolf, here's what's going on with the graphics issues...

Graphically intense software communicates with video cards using a "language" called OpenGL. Over time this language is revised as new features come out. Sometimes the new revisions supercede old procedures. Videocard manufacturers update their drivers frequently using the latest versions of OpenGL.

As SL has been around for quite a while, some of the OpenGL coding used in it is rather old. Newer video drivers and video cards no longer support it properly, causing crashing when certain features are used. This becomes worse as more graphics options are added to SL. For instance, some people can run SL with old Nvidia drivers like version numbers like "266" but the current driver "285" will crash. However, OTHER programs prefer the NEWER drivers so keeping the old drivers may not be an option.

Right now, to try to fix this there is someone at Linden Labs (his name is Dave) who is re-writing how the viewer communicates with OpenGL by using the latest procedures. This is a complicated thing - imagine someting like changing all the bolts in a car from Imperial to Metric. He's making good progress but they don't feel ready to release these changes to the general population because in computer programming fixing one thing often breaks another and they want to be sure it works and that people with OLDER hardware don't get left out in the cold. For instance, some people testing these changes have had the moon suddenly turn huge and bright red and appear in the middle of the day.

However, from time to time they release "developer" versions of the viewer that include these changes. I've been using one lately and it's fixed the viewer crashing I've been experiencing. It may work for you too. To get the test viewer go to the three links next to "Install" - click CYGWIN if you run Windows, Darwin if you have a Mac and Linux if you run under Linux.

You'll start downloading a file which, if run, will install a separate version of the viewer in addition to the one you have now. It will be labeled "Test" and have a white background behind the icon, but it will otherwise behave like the current viewer. I've been using these "development" viewers heavily for about a week and I'm quite happy with them. I used to crash frequently in crowded places and randomly while trying to log in and that's stopped happening. I can't guarantee they'll work as well for you because all computers behave differently, which is on of the reasons for these problems in the first place.

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Wolf is most likely talking about a good portion of the bugs on the top of this list http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=hot_ll_jira_issues

While i applaud the effort and progress that is being made towards fixing them (not an easy feat), if you are a non-techy, paying customer that is affected by these bugs like crashing, black prims and textures, AA not working or driver crashes on startup, then communication on part of LL to normal *users* of SL is simply vital and required.

Those of us with enough knowledge, time or interest may frequent the jiras to stay up to date with latest builds and progress or help test, but that is simply a bit much to ask from normal users that just want to log in to enjoy SL.

Some of these bugs are also blockers to new SL users. They will hardly search for a nightly build if they experience a driver crash, or the world simply looks black. They will just uninstall and never look back.

Given the serverity of these problems i honestly do feel that more communication on LLs part would be required, and that more resources should have been pooled towards them. Execs could be serving coffee to Dave P and give foot and backrubs :P

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the TEST viewers are good for me too, i have same problem with open gl error with the release versions, having a GTX 460 and using 285 cause i need it for better games, although at the Test viewer i noticed that when u apply Lighting and Shadows the AA is not so soft anymore, its a bit jagged...

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