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Emil Praga

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Everything posted by Emil Praga

  1. i suggest u do this... PLay with Draw Distance 64, but put Non Impostors at 3-4, i did lots of tests, and i realized after Draw Distance is Rezzed properly, it doesnt affect FPS so much, but the Avies do affect FPS, the more they are, the less FPS
  2. Exodus viewer seems to not have this issue:matte-motes-delicious:
  3. So i just noticed this, i always monitor my Temps alongside with FPS, today i noticed a sudden FPS drop from 55 to around 22 for no reason, i was scratching my head cause i didnt knew why, so i noticed if i press Left Click on my Name above my head the FPS raises up again, and why? because mouse cursor goes invisible while doing that. So i tested this, i just moved cursor out of my Game screen, just under it, and voila, FPS high and good again. Also seems Opening an IM Chat keeps FPS in good shape also. Anyone knows whats this about? Specs: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8300 @ 2.50GHz (2497.54 MHz) Memory: 5120 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit (Build 7600) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 460/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.1090 OpenGL Version: 4.2.0
  4. like this would make any difference in SL:matte-motes-big-grin-squint:
  5. i'll try some settings from Driver Video, but don't think will do any good, its frustrating...
  6. Ok, so since i know myself playing SL this has been an issue i have never been able to figure it out. I'll just give an example: I'm on SIM X (no avies) with 75 FPS, i'm TP'ing to SIM Y ( lots of avies around ) FPS drops to 20, now here is the problem...... I TP back to sim X and my FPS don't reach anymore 75 no matter what i do or where i look, they stop around 35-40. Why is this S*it happening?:manmad: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8300 @ 2.50GHz (2497.52 MHz) Memory: 5120 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit (Build 7600) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 460/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.0448 OpenGL Version: 4.2.0
  7. All i know from personal experince is .. as higher your FPS gets, as hotter the GPU gets. Why? Because in that moment it runs at maximum potential, so basicly it gives you best performance from it, like full throttle. About CPU....i think this one just takes SL as it is from start to finish, so the tempterature remains kind of the same all the time no matter what you get in your screen. I say this based on my Temps, i always monitor my temperatures.
  8. usually what makes SL run faster and smoother is a CPU, although u have a good CPU
  9. Exodus has very complex settings for Shadows, just like KIRSTEN viewer used to have, u might wanna play with all thoes buttons, if not, just get another viewer:D
  10. yeah i guess you are right:mansad: , actually i overclocked it like 3 days ago to 3ghz cause i needed better performance in another game, now it runs epic
  11. CPU: Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q8300 @ 2.50GHz (OC 3000.17 MHz) Memory: 5120 MB (1066mhz) OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit (Build 7600) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 460/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0013.0142 OpenGL Version: 4.2.0 Internet Connection >>> http://www.speedtest.net/result/1982977422.png
  12. ok i have GTX460 1GbRAm, i play on ULTRA SL but with some customising of myself like Avatar Impostors reduced to 5,ummm on empty SIM i get 130 FPS aprox, and in very crowded places like clubs with around 30 avatars in screen i get 40FPS EDIT: with shadows enabled in crowded places i get 20-25 fps, on empty sim i can remember, over 50 anyway
  13. its actually not even 50%, its 40%, but its probably because its using only 400 MB from its 1 GB memory, the Clocks go as high as they are set, anyway, i get great FPS no matter where or what... i was thinking if it would use its full capacity, it could get even more FPS, no?
  14. doesnt help, same thing ....:matte-motes-asleep:
  15. Why does SL use only 50% of my GPU performance? i meen..... from 730 Core Clock it uses 405 constantly, from 1455 shader clock it uses only 805 and from memory clock 1800 it uses only 324, so wtf?
  16. neah nothing helps, its just the hair that comes with that invisible prim around it, but its viewable only when L&S are enabled
  17. ok then, my bad, i thought GTX's use 2 connectors due to being the best of its series (GT, GTS, GTX) and due to my previous GTX's, i have a MSI GTX460 1GB Ram OC Edition and i play always with Shadows On no matter its a crowded place or not, i never go under 15 FPS, and usually i stay only in clubs
  18. all GTX video cards need 2 power connectors with 6 pins each coming from the power supply, indeed if u dont connect bouth of them, your video card will work half or maybe less then its full potential ...
  19. yeah as u can see in the picture its not only the SHoes, its the Hair, u cant put alpha layer on hair, at shoes yes i use Alpha Layer to cover the Foot, but at Shoes you have Version with Invisible or WIthout, at Hair its just the way it comes in 1 version, and many many NEW hairs are made like that
  20. Ok, we all know about this issue, whenever we use Lighting and Shadows, around usually Hair or Shoes it appears an invisible area like this....... http://postimage.org/image/52llnt1cr/ My question is.... is there a solution to cancel the invisible area while using Lighting and Shadows?
  21. aaaaaaa, ok, that explains everything, thx:)
  22. i was thinking it could be something from DEBUG, like a value or something, u know how some 3rd party viewers have the option to adjust with the blurr, it must be done somehow from V3 also
  23. ahh no no, i know that setting, its not that
  24. With the latest update whenever i apply the Lighting and Shadows it gives a slightly blurry effect, and i dont like it, plus it ruins a little bit the AntiAliasing also, its not so soft anymore when checking L&S. Someone knows how to cancel the blurr and why the anti aliasing doesnt look so soft anymore when using Lighting and Shadows?
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