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Attitudes on SL


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I really like this game but the attitudes of people are turning me off everyone seems to think what they have is the best or they are the best at what they do like no one else can do it I may be a noob but I can jump on a dance pole and dance like the rest of me. I guess people think that their online that other people don't have feelings like griefers what makes them think their opinion matters so much why are they the most important person on the game. People think their avi is the best or they think they know what other people will like I don't dislike any avi male female noob furry neko why do people think their likes are the only likes there should be in the game. I was at a club earlier and the management was harassing a avi because they thought it was over sized I though it was fine what about the person playing that avi that's their choice respect other peoples choices. I guess this is more a rant then anything I could go on all night but who's to say my opinion is right so ill end.  If this rant offended anyone I apologize and if you feel the need to remove it I understand.


                                                                         respect each other and try to enjoy SL




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ya i hate that..especially when everyone knows who the best is *Makes a muscle with both arms \o/*


all kidding aside..ya some people can be a damper..but someone out there loves them hehehe..

we all get caught on bad days..some have more bad days than others..

we just have to keep on moving on till we find a place that we can squeeze in where the crowd is fun and the music is good and they let us kick back when the griefers wanna play hehehehe

keep your eyes on the road and floor the gas and dodge the bumps the best you can..the spills are just experience  to help avoid the new bumps up ahead hehehe  *winks*

REGULATORS!!! LETS RIDE!!!! \o/ hehehe


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Ceka Cianci wrote:

ya i hate that..especially when everyone knows who the best is *Makes a muscle with both arms \o/*


all kidding aside..ya some people can be a damper..but someone out there loves them hehehe..

we all get caught on bad days..some have more bad days than others..

we just have to keep on moving on till we find a place that we can squeeze in where the crowd is fun and the music is good and they let us kick back when the griefers wanna play hehehehe

keep your eyes on the road and floor the gas and dodge the bumps the best you can..the spills are just experience  to help avoid the new bumps up ahead hehehe  *winks*

REGULATORS!!! LETS RIDE!!!! \o/ hehehe


You get that front wheel back on the ground right this instant, Young Lady!

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Well funk,

You stated in another post you were interested in creating a club. Use this experience to crate your own they way you feel it should be run and created.

Back in 2006 when I created my first popular club. I went to the worst clubs ever, and also went to the good ones who were a bit popular. I observed and took it all in. I determined what makes a bad club and what makes a good club and turned it around for my benefit. I took clubs to the next level

Not every place you go to will be a place that suits you but may suit others. That is the beauty of Second life and thousands of places to chose from.

I am sure after building your club you will eventually develop rules that deal with disruptive avatars and that deal with how you perceive your club to be. For all you know, that avatar could have been a regular problem there for management. You have not shown " the over size avatar" So it is really hard for anyone to determine who is right and who is wrong.

Take what you have observed, and turn it around for your future endeavors :)

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

 I determined what makes a bad club and what makes a good club and turned it around for my benefit. I took clubs to the next level


omg so Goddess Of Love/GOL was all your doing?

LOL sorry couldn't resist..I'm hopped up on tea right now and just being silly lol

nobody is up in this one bike town and i wanna ride!! lol

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Hiya Funk. You'll eventually find the people you want to be with, and the places that are good for you, and you'll learn to spot the negative-energy people and keep away. Luckily, this is easy as they often have foolproof clues in their profiles, and you'll know to avoid them. (I'm sure everyone here will be able to recite the list of what is a danger signal in any profile, lol)

Maybe SL is an attractive environment for obssessives and perfectionists? This can be a good thing, as it allows those of us who want to spend countless hours fitting two prims together perfectly to do so, but the downside could be that it also houses monomaniacs. Which is which?

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