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Qwalyphi Korpov

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It's certainly something to keep an eye on.  I know they cut down on the number of meetings for the Community Tools User Group, which I thought was a shame as it was very well-populated on a weekly basis, but the Beta Server User Groups have been meeting up like clockwork every Thursday at 3pm SL time over at Morris on Aditi (Beta test grid).  Even when Oskar was off sick, the meeting took place.  And transcripts are put up soon after so those who aren't able to attend can catch up.

Forthcoming agendas and transcripts for Beta Server User Groups to be found at ...


(scroll down page to find transcripts of minutes from previous meetings)

It's up to us to make sure the Linden folks know we appreciate the feedback and information, and badger them to keep the User Groups going.  

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Blodin set up a user group as an Advisory Group for the adult grid too.  He was soon let go from LL and replaced, then his replacement was replaced.  We have no idea there now either and a private forum where no one post anymore.  It was a pretty good group with some of the best brands in SL represented but today..Just dust and tumbleweeds.

It all comes back to one thing I have been saying for years.  Linden Labs still does not know what Second Life will be when it grows up.

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My guess is Lexie hasn't returned yet and I have to wonder if she ever will.

I was late to the last meeting and there were three people there, including two Lindens (I believe Rand and Jeremy).  They were talking about some artist, so I figured it was over or had been canceled all together.  I left without saying a word.

I've missed the last few meetings before that because without Lexie, nothing could get done.  Tbh, I've pretty much given up on doing anything to address issues here since it looks like no one is around in a position to address them with us.  It saddens me because we seemed to have gotten a lot done while Amanda was around... we were actually being listened to for a change.

My hope is that once someone is hired to take over her job, we'll get that line of communication back... in other words, this may be a transition issue more so than a fallback to old non-listening ways.

...Dres *at least tries to be optimistic* sorry-053.gif

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The way it seemed to me, is that Lexie was a place holder for whomever they would chose to hire to take over Amanda's position, which they have yet to do.  I think Lexie is great... don't get me wrong... but, she seemed to be more comfortable being second in command... nothing wrong with that.

My main point is that it seems like things are up in the air right now.  The last thing I want to think is that LL is backtracking on their objective to have better communication with their users (crosses his fingers).  I'm hoping that this is an isolated incident and will soon be resolved.  This, of course, remains to be seen.


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difference between


Amanda and


Lexie was that Amanda would


say she would


do something, and then would either get it


wrong or change her


mind and


say that she didn't actually


mean what she had


publicly and


undeniably said, whereas Lexie never


said she would do


all, preferring to say she'd


consider it and then


hope noone would


remember to


ask about it again, or get


fed up of banging their head on a brick




Not having


CTUG meetings just saves


time, and means the more*

naive aren't left desperately


hoping that something will get


done, when it






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I can't speak to what's happening in any particular group, but several seem to do quite well with minimal flux over time... mostly the tech groups from my observation (server group, scripting group, beta group), but narrow focus groups like CTUG tend to have a much harder time of it over the long haul and only really see attendance surrounding a specific change or issue and devolve when those issues become old news or are addressed.

updates to the wiki however seem to devolve over time regardless of the group, probably because of the repetitiveness of the task.

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