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Animations in Stroker Serpentine's SexGen 5.0 engine

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As people may have heard, Stroker Serpentine has released his SexGen Ultra Base 5.0, plus 600 animations, full perms.

He didn't make all the animations, and there's been some doubt raised about whether builders are entitled to use the animations not made by Stroker himself.    

I don't know, is the answer, and it strikes me that the prudent -- and, certainly, polite -- thing to do would be to ask the creators concerned if, and under what conditions, you're allowed to use their creations.

To assist people with this, I have checked -- by script, I hasten to add; I'm not so obsessive as to do it by hand -- the creators of all the animations not made by Stroker himself.   

The results are to be found in a Google spreadsheet at http://tinyurl.com/662rktd

ETA -- by request, I've put up an additional spreadsheet, showing which animations were made by Stroker himself, as well as the others, at http://tinyurl.com/5wk3mr2


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I'm sure there was, but -- since several people have told me they find that  the list of animations and animators is helpful -- please don't post anything here that's likely to get this thread pulled.   Some topics are best discussed on independent forums, I think, since people are not constrained by the rules that apply here.

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What about the scripts? What about the notecards? What about the two prim triangles on top of the thing? As two of the creators of some of the work have gone on record saying their work was released into the wild with a permission set against their wishes, what is the status of the other works found therein?

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I don't know, Jumpy.  The prudent -- and certainly polite -- course of action would be to seek the views of the creators of those items, as I suggested doing with the animations.

For what it's worth -- and I'm open to correction here because I've not looked at them in any great detail -- I can't see any particular reason I'd want to use Stroker's scripts in preference to MLPV2 or nPose unless I wanted to make something with a vast number of animations.   They look like a brute to configure from scratch, certainly.

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Well the history of the scripts are some what known. Supposedly the scripted quit over her partners decision to no longer split the profits of their sale after deciding that paying for a trademark application, hiring rl lawyers to protect his trademarks

And sinking rl usd into advertisments gave him to lay claim to ownership of the works of others. Correct me if I'm wrong and the scriptor and all the animators licensed away all rights and claims to their work.


In your use of this freebie let your conscience be your guide!

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I took the time and effort to contact one of the animators since it was important to me that a fledgling company like the one I represent was best getting off on a good footing, certainly Stroker's work may be considered now abandoned but please take the time to read this response from Corsi Mousefold.


[14:50] Lil' Devil (lillith.firebrand): Hello sorry to bring up what might be a sore point for you but it is my company's belief that it is always best to get permission to use people's animations, and you can probably guess where this is leading, may I have your permission to make use of your animations that can be found in the Sexgen engine or would you prefer I delete them from my inventory?
[14:55] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold): It would be nice if you didn't resell them.
[14:56] Lil' Devil (lillith.firebrand): ah probably best for me to delete them then since we are looking to use them in our builds, or do you mean resell as they are?
[14:56] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold): Resell at all. I support FurNation with them
[14:57] Lil' Devil (lillith.firebrand) nods with understanding "ok then, thank you for taking the time to answer my enquiry, is it the same thing with Briggi's do you know?"
[14:59] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold): UNfortunately yes.
[14:59] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold): Sorry hon.
[14:59] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold): The scripts we were going to Open source anyway and if Stroker wants to give out his animations ... all the power to him.
[15:00] Lil' Devil (lillith.firebrand): not to worry, clearly Stroker has done wrong here and I would like to make sure I at least do the right thing before I create any end products
[15:00] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold): He's facing three DMCA's right now and the entire base unit could be wiped from the grid.
[15:01] Lil' Devil (lillith.firebrand): 3 DMCAs?, Briggi, yourself, how many others has he ripped off by doing this?
[15:02] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold): Craig Altman.
[15:02] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold): Owner if Bits and Bobs.
[15:03] Lil' Devil (lillith.firebrand): however rest assured, I shall not be using stolen animations, it would look bad for business, and could close the company I represent before its had chance to open
[15:04] Lil' Devil (lillith.firebrand): May I share a copy of this IM with the rest of the company staff so they are aware which animations not to use?
[15:05] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold): Please yes.
[15:06] Lil' Devil (lillith.firebrand): again thank you for taking the time to deal with my enquiry, it is much appreciated, as it is the hope of our company to start out on good footing ~smiles~

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You know it amazes me how something like the post I wrote spreads over the internet, before posting anything about me not having permission to post an IM log kindly read the last few lines


[15:04] Lil' Devil (lillith.firebrand): May I share a copy of this IM with the
rest of the company staff so they are aware which animations not to
[15:05] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold): Please yes.
[15:06] Lil'
Devil (lillith.firebrand): again thank you for taking the time to deal with my
enquiry, it is much appreciated, as it is the hope of our company to start out
on good footing ~smiles~


Corsi pratically says she wants me to put her side of the story forward, I have recently spoke with her again and I have her full backing to post the conversations I have had and have even been permitted to include them in the 'StrokerZ only' freebie box that I shall soon be releasing.  Although I am not on either side of the whole SexGen arguement, I am a creator and I know how it feels to have your products openly stolen and posted on marketplace, so in the respect of Stroker adding animations, scripts and sounds that were not his own was an act of IP theft and such actions must not be encouraged

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Well here's a turn up for the books, it seems as if the powers that be in the labs have removed both the orginal sexgen engine AND the fully legal version as realeased by my company DaemonCloth.  For the record Jumpman Lane, I prefer it if people like yourself do not reply to my comments, its is clearly seen on the rest of the web how you gloated over Stroker's departure from SL so kindly do not use my statements and interviews as a jump board to further gloat over your part in the sexgen debate

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As one of the overwhelming number of residents who paid good linden for the genuine purchase of Sexgen-based products, I am sure I am not alone in hoping that common sense will prevail in any forthcoming DMCA inspired takedowns. The products I paid for in good faith from merchants acting on behalf of the creators who made them when I paid for them ought not be arbitrarily  borked just because they happened to have been made full perm after the fact. 

I feel for the creators such as Corsi who've put in a lot of work on this product and I can well understand their anger at the prospect of their own business being undermined. They didn't intend for their work to be made free to all, I understand that. Likewise I did not buy licensed copies of their work only to find them scratched from my inventory at a later date. There was every reason for me to expect that these were and are still merchants of good repute. There was every reason to expect the products I bought from these accomplished creators would work and continure to work and certainly no "caveat emptor" message at their respective vendors to indicate otherwise.

Of course I am cynical enough from past events not to get my hopes up. I imagine that once enough shouting has happened that LL will be compelled to the equivalent of shooting a cannon to kill a fly and I will have yet another reason to think twice before spending money in-world on other people's hard work. 

Que sera sera. 

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Now you see Jumpman, that is exactly what I mean, I kindly requested that you don't use my works as a springboard, and how do you respond? By throwing a childish tantrum thus further proving my point that anything said by yourself is really nothing more than webtrash.  Have a bit of common sense and do NOT respond to this observation, and for the record, several others have basically copy and pasted the interview I conducted on to their own websites, without first contacting Corsi or myself to see if that is alright, I was polite enough to ask Corsi if I could use the interview to tell others and on other websites like SLUniverse people have said that I shouldn't have pasted the private IM, clearly people who do not bother to READ the WHOLE interview, since that thread has now been closed I thought I would make my point here.  Now go and play with your toys Sadman....er sorry I mean Jumpman

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i didnt copy paste your crappy "interview" and could care less when and how you choose to violate the tos as i am not a linden. if you dont wish people to comment on you posts in a FORUM WITH COMMENTS, WHY DID YOU POST AT ALL!. 


I believe you are some sort of attention seeker seeking to capitalize on other peoples drama. you seem to want some kudos for having the brilliant idea of iming corsi! well bravo lol


on, the other hand I have been covering these events since 2009.


mr. serpentine chose to contact me quit publically on twitter about his intentions to quit sl, and why, and drummed up such concerns over his potential suicidal ideation. i believe i thereby have the right to express any opinon i wish in any forum, venue ,media etc open to me hehehe 

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Jumpman Lane wrote:

[..] I believe you are some sort of attention seeker seeking to capitalize on other peoples drama.[..]

familiarity breeds contempt?

I suppose I could gently remind you both that this is content creation fora, and not general discussion, and urge you to take this squabble there... but then one or both of your would just cop an attitude and sling some more muck around in my general direction, or maybe a miracle would happen and you would (just to spite me) and make me look like an cranky old lady.... I could live with that.

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