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Extremely Pissed

Jamiee Baily

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Ever since I downloaded Viewer 3 whenever I log on, my avatar is a cloud.

I've tried:

  • Ctrl+Alt+R
  • Clearing Cache
  • Restarting
  • Changing outfits
  • Character Tests
  • Using different viewers

And when I did the character test, it worked but then when I went to add another outfit. It kept the noob clothes and just attached the prim parts of the outfit. And thats what happens for all other outfits.

I really want my old Viewer 2 back, Im extremely frustrated.


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If you'd like V2 back, it's right here >>> https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Supported_Viewers .  When you re-install it, I'd recommend doing a clean install (See here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=clean_reinstall).  Then be sure to go into Preferences and UNcheck the little box that gives LL permission to automatically upload newer versions.  

If you'd really rather have V3 and get rid of your cloudy appearance, go to http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fail . Start at the top and work down until you find what works for you.  There are many reasons for bake failure, so the answer isn't the same for everyone.  And yes, I know that wiki page is written for Phoenix, but it works for any viewer.

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Arrrg!  :smileymad:  LL changed the links on that page.  You can still get the download, but not by clicking on the obvious link that says Download.  You have to click the link at the end of the line that says Release Notes.  That opens another page, with a Download link that actually works.  Don't ask why........  :smileysad:

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First thing I wanted to ask you Jaimee is if that is your house in the photo.  It's absolutely darling!!! I'd love to come see it sometime.

Also, here is a drastic but effective thing that I had to do years ago when I had a similar problem.  Uninstall everything you have related to SL viewers.  And make sure to remove all.

Then create a new user on your PC (if you are on MS) .  Log to that profile in your PC then install SL.  This will block any potential access to other files and should show you if the problem is client based.

If that does not work, then you'd need to open a ticket but they will just tell you everything you already have seen here.


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Far too many people have more than one viewer installed, and are constantly running into issues *because* of that, and end up blaming SL or a viewer for *user* error. I know because I was one of them, and had lots of issues *until* I removed all the installed viewers and only reinstalled one. It's worth a try.

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I agree, although the problem isn't exactly that users have several viewers installed.  It's that they are installed improperly, so that they share files or settings that they shouldn't.  Unless the viewers are kept from interfering with each other, you can have all sorts of problems, starting with rendering and inventory management issues and leading up to crashes and login failure. You're right that sometimes the best solution is to clean house and start over completely.

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This used to happen to me for the longest time too after doing character tests.

The polka dot stuff is actually not on the pants and shirt layer, it's on the underwear layer. Also, there is a pair of panties on the character test avie even when nekkid cause it's a part of her skin. Obviously SL doesn't feel as free about having her strip down to nothing as 3rd party skin designers.

For some odd reason which I never quite figured out (maybe packet dropping), doing a detach all clothing or detach all after a character test will leave the polka dot items on, even if you can't see them showing "worn" so you have to do them individually.

If you re-wear your preferred skin and detach everything on the underwear layer, the clothing you intended to put on that apparently isn't showing up even though it says "worn" will appear.

Hope this helps and it's not something entirely different than what I experience! :matte-motes-wink:

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Hi Jamiee,

This happened to me a week or so ago and somewhat strangely affected one alt and myself but not another alt. I tried everything possible for hours and even into the next day but what eventually worked was one of what a friend calls the Big Four, skin, shape, bald base and eyes. I'd already tried shape, skin and bald base but the last one, eyes, is rarely the solution and I hadn't thought of it until the next day but it worked for me. Soon as I changed eyes, my avatar and alt instantly rezzed and have been fine since. I can even still wear the eyes I had on at the time when the issue arose.

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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

Hi Jamiee,

This happened to me a week or so ago and somewhat strangely affected one alt and myself but not another alt. I tried everything possible for hours and even into the next day but what eventually worked was one of what a friend calls the Big Four, skin, shape, bald base and eyes. I'd already tried shape, skin and bald base but the last one, eyes, is rarely the solution and I hadn't thought of it until the next day but it worked for me. Soon as I changed eyes, my avatar and alt instantly rezzed and have been fine since. I can even still wear the eyes I had on at the time when the issue arose.

Ya that too with the hairbase. I can't understand why they cause so many problems with this. I honestly can't remember ever having this problem before going to V2 and wearing hairbases all the time. V1 still comes up instantly.

They've really got to get this multiple tattoo layer thing sorted out.

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  • 3 months later...

Yes I have had this problem, too, and I recently uninstalled ALL viewers on my computer, reinstalled the viewer I wanted (which is Firestorm) and I have seen a dramatic drop in problems. 

However, I am having a HUGE problem with hairbases!! I'm not sure what that's all about, but suddenly I'm having an issue with a skin that has a hairbase.My face won't rezz into focus and there is what looks like a corrupted spot on my neck. When I wear the non-hairbase version of that skin (the bald one) I don't have that issue. HOWEVER, on the bald version, I am havnig a problem with the lower half of my body not rendering.

Also, when I use a tattoo layer hairbase from Vanity Hair (I've not tried a tattoo layer hairbase from anywhere else, so I don't know if it is the tattoo hairbase or just Vanity's), it turns my avatar into a white oval egg!! As soon as I remove the hairbase tattoo, my avie goes back to normal. 

Clearly there is a problem with hairbases but I have no idea what it is. I have switched to another skin from another manufacturer and it is fine, so I dunno.

Anyway, the region where I live seems to be having asset server issues (I live in the Costa Rica sims) and I can't even open notecards there, and it takes forever for items to attach and reattach themselves to me. And changing outfits?? Fuggedaboutit. I have learned to just go to a protected sim, I used Smith, go under water and open notecards and change outfits. 

So maybe your region is having asset server issues also. It's extremely frustrating!! 

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