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Meeroo Fanatics? Need your help :)


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Hi everyone :matte-motes-grin:

Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but if not, hopefully someone will move it for me.

I'm currently in the process of producing an inworld show for one of the SL Television channels all about breedable pets. The first few shows will be focusing on Meeroos and from there will cover all other pet types in turn.

I am currently looking for people to come on the show and talk about Meeroos with me. The types of things that I would like to get covered are:

  • What are Meeroos?
  • Tips on how to care for Meeroos (including breeding).
  • Products available on the market to help with the care of Meeroos.
  • The chance to showcase any products you may have created for Meeroos.
  • Possibly answer questions from the audience.

The show will be live in front of an audience and you will need to have Skype. Due to the live nature of the show, you will need to be able to think on your feet whilst remaining calm and confident.

If you are interested in appearing on the show and sharing your love for Meeroos, please drop me an IM or notecard inworld, so we can arrange a time for an informal chat.

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Yeah I have a ton of the little rodents, and they're eating me out of house and home! (If I had an SL home.)

I can send you some note cards in world and groups to possibly join but they CAN be spammy. 

Let me go back now and copy/paste and reply to each question.

ETA: OH. You want those answered on SL tv. Well, possibly. I'll send a note card to you in world. You can see some of my roos in my picks. But, the pens are kind of a mess right now. I stopped picking up the common nests since I was juggling their mates around.

ETA again: You might want to post this on the meeroo forums too! Imagin Illyar is one person on both forums, I think, who has products to sell for roos if you want that.

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  • Products available on the market to help with the care of Meeroos.
  • The chance to showcase any products you may have created for Meeroos.

Whatever you do, don't promote Meeroo-related products without rigorous testing for lag.  Although Meeroos themselves have some fairly sophisticated scripting to constrain demand on sim resources, I've seen some horrendously lag-inducing third-party products.  This is not good for Meeroos, nor for responsible creators of related products.

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The "Non-Breedables" Option:

What about non-breedable pets?

There are lots of excellent non-breedable pets in SL also. They have been around SL since before breedable offerings.

One big advantage to these pets is they are low maintenance, they don't need to eat your L$ to be happy. Also they don't replicate so you have an easy to manage population. (AKA: your land doesn't need to look like a puppy mill, overcrowded with too many animals in too small of a space.)

Many people in SL much prefer these pets to the new-school "breedable" products. For example, there are cats in Second Life that have been alive for 2 or 3 years (real time) under good care of a kind-hearted resident.

If you are interested on a discussion about these pets for your show, hit me up, I don't know for sure if I'll be around at the right time for a skype talk, but could provide you good info for your show :matte-motes-asleep-2:

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Thank you all for your responses :matte-motes-grin:

Wade... although I only mentioned breedables in my post above, we will no doubt cover non-breedables in the weeks/months to come. I am aware that there are many people who still hold the non-breedables in high regard, so it's only fair we try to give them the lime light they deserve.

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How would one go about rigorously testing a product for lag?

I've decided the treasure hunters are basically useless, since I quickly tired of leaving what I was doing, to go and graciously thank some meeroo for digging up a dented tin can, broken pipe or rotten fruit. 

But if I could have one that only told me when it was worthwhile, and didn't lag, and was copyable, that might be good.

I did get the Primbie bird (official product), but it isn't copyable and at 500L that's a little pricey.


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Non breedable... lol That's funny if you really are trying to compare both. Breedables create an economy, your non breedables just make you rich... :P A Meeroo just sold for 170,000 lindens... Some of the nests I've had are worth more than 20K each... so... Ya think i'll get one of your dogs just cuz it's a cute prim with a script? LOL 

Non Breedables are... "decoration"... 

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