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How can I ban a deviant user? He has found a way to bypass the ban list!

Maxwell Grantly

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Please is anyone able to help me? I am getting concerned at
my inability to ban a deviant avatar from my land. There is a man who is
pestering me and I have muted him. Sadly, he keeps returning to my land, again
and again, and he seems to take pleasure in making a nuisance of himself to other
avatars that are legitimately on my property. He bumps people into the water
and spams the public chat window with pages of text. He is a real nuisance but
my main concern is “how has he managed to evade my ability to ban him from my
land?” The name of the avatar is entered correctly in the ban list of my land
options and I can confirm that it is spelt correctly with the correct
capitalisation but yet he is able to return again and again and make mischief
on my property. I can also confirm that he is the main avatar – the one who I
originally banned (and not a second or third alt) – each time he appears, I am
unable to “freeze” him by right clicking on him however, I am able to eject him
using the right-mouse click button. When I eject him, I select the “eject and
ban” option. However, he is able to return a few seconds later. He is also able
to evade the security system that I have installed on my property – surely, I
would have thought, this is impossible. My main question is – how is it he is
able to return again and again to my land even though I have barred his entry
using the ban list on my land properties?




The follow reply has been added as an edit as I am not allowed to reply to my own question:


Thank you for your input. I have read the jira and I think
the problem lies with one of the replies on the jira – there is a height limit
to a ban. I quote,


“It appears that there's a height limit on the
ban lines. Over 811 m people can get over the ban line and give you the finger.
I have a guy repeatedly coming into my club laughing at me and harassing away
clients. I've filed a ticket and abuse reports.”


The problem was occurring in a skybox at 1005
metres. I think that this could be the reason why the ban cannot be enforced. I
do thank you all for your input regarding this problem – it has been very

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8 answers to this question

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Regardless of how he is managing to evade your systems, the correct response is to take photos every time he appears, engage him in conversation and keep the logs and then file repeated Abuse Reports, including the documentation in each one.  Let LL deal with the bigger issue.

ETA:  You might try using a targeted script to deal with him. Something like this ...

key BadGuy = "Put Bad Guy's UUID Here";default{	state_entry()	{		llSensorRepeat("",BadGuy,AGENT,96.0,PI,10.0);	}	sensor(integer num)	{		llTeleportAgentHome(BadGuy);		llAddToLandBanList(BadGuy,0.0);	}}

 Put that in a prim somewhere in the center of your parcel, being sure that you have put the offender's UUID into the quotes in key Badguy at the top of the script.  It does a quick scan every 10 seconds. If it sees him, specifically, within 96m, it will eject him to his home location and place him permanently on the parcel's ban list. This will only work, of course, if you are the land owner.

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As the others have said, file an abuse report for a more permanent fix, but, it is really strange that the land ban list isnt working. It is possible to get round security systems but I have never heard of a land ban list not working. I wonder, even if you can see the name on the list, if the system has really actually picked up the person to ban. Did you try unbanning him, closing about land, then opening it and banning him again? Long shot I know but sometimes what you can see is not actually what the system is seeing ! Also, i am really very sorry for you Maxwell and I hope this thing gets sorted.

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When did you last have the region restarted?  If I was you, I would be talking to Live Chat/Concierge Help about this issue.

Also, the more people who submit an Abuse Report against the griefer, the more chance they will be suspended/deleted from Second Life on grounds of harrassment. 


You might want to take a look at this JIRA also


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Rather than add yet another note to my earlier response, here's one other thing to think about.  If you have been unsuccessful in adding him to the ban list, check to be sure that you are using his username, not a Display Name.   A display name is like a nickname, not regcognized by official functions like the ban list.  That's why the script I offered doesn't use a name at all.  It wants his UUID, which cannot be hidden.

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