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Something smells fishy...

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*scratchs his chin*




Take a gander at the reviews, all on the same day by mostly folks who are just residents not full named, and a few made even on the same day ((as in creation of the names))

Just find it fishy and misleading for a business to bolster their advertising with false ..well advertising.

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There are so many wiseguys heh?

I never thought I can do such a con just to have a bunch of reviews for my products! lmao

If it is good is gonna sale, if it isn't, I should make a better one, thats the rule of descent commerce.

These ppl are loosers by hand.

I wonder, is it a TOS violation to this? if this can prove it ofcourse?

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This sadly happens a lot! This/these person(s) obviously made alts just for the purpose to boost their ranking on the Marketplace. At least they went trough the trouble of writing a review, hehe. Most of the time ppl just rate their own listings with the highest amount of stars. I saw a skin creator, a very untalented one if I may ad, who did this for almost all his/her skins. No1 in his right mind would rate those skins with the maximum number of stars, not even if you got them for free. I won't mention his or her name ofc..Older residents won't fall for these fake reviews but it does give a very wrong picture of true ratings on the Marketplace. And it pisses of the ppl that do work hard to get a good or even any review at all... I am one of the last group, lol.

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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

The only reviews I believe on Marketplace are those that criticise a product.

I sure hope you're generalising, and haven't failed to notice the opposite problem that's also rampant on the Marketplace; competitors using alts to lower the ratings of competing products.

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Anything goes on the Marketplace these days. If you spend some time looking closely you will find copied (read stolen!!!) skins sold for 10L up to 100L. You will find unfair competition, fake reviews and ppl trying to destroy the sales of ppl they simply do not like. Well... what else is new? :matte-motes-nerdy:

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Well botting isnt illegel...and I wouldnt say its morally wrong either. I mean its your land your paying for, you can have as many alts or whatever you want on it. Its when you put reviews up that are false or misleading that makes it ...aaaaakward

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amarock Amat wrote:

Well botting isnt illegel...and I wouldnt say its morally wrong either. I mean its your land your paying for, you can have as many alts or whatever you want on it. Its when you put reviews up that are false or misleading that makes it ...aaaaakward

i thought bots were illegal if you were using them to game the search system, much the same as camping.

but i really dont know where LL is going and i dont know how traffic is counted anymore, as far as i know its still the old formula, something like 1 avatar per hour * 24 (i cant remember the formula exactly).

so claims from our mutual friend of 1000 unique visits per day are totally fabricated.

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