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Is there a quick way to find whether I've had any reviews for my items?

Emma Krokus

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Hi guys :)


I am pretty new to selling... so I apologise if this total newbieism on my part...:  I have just found a customer review - 6 days after it was posted!!  Luckily it was a really nice one :)))...


Sooooo, now I am wondering, is there a way to find out quickly whether I have had a review posted?


I don't appear to have had an email from Marketplace about it.  Especially if a review was pointing out some failing, I would like to respond to it very promptly and hopefully put things right with the customer.


Emma :) 



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Thank you Arwen and Nyx.

Having notification of when someone reviews my items is a feature I would find really useful.  And, if the stars are 5 out of 5, then I am happy with just the rating. 

Anything less and I'd love to know why - ideally via IM or notecard to have a chance to sort things out, rather than finding out in a review.


Emma :) 

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we had email notifications on new reviews on xstreet, but i guess the lab people somehow  thought we didn't need this anymore when they launched the new marketplace. perhaps they already knew the massive amount of delivery failures that was coming and wanted to spare us from the raging pack of shoppers with pitch forks on some level, i don't know (what you don't know can't hurt you, right?). i honestly cannot follow their logic on this one and am more than disappointed about their decision to take this away from us.

i can only imagine what it's like for the merchants who have several hundred listings, to have to spend their time searching for any new reviews from an unsatisfied customer because delivery failed - [one star rating] omg don't buy from this merchant! they steal your lindens! i never got my purchase! zomg gimme it nao!! i am sooo filing an abuse report!!!1eleven!!.

quickest way i can think of with the tools currently available would be to sort your listings by rating. those with few ratings will quickly find new ones, but again, the ones with a lot will have their work cut out for them if they want to keep on top and give good customer service. so many shoppers do leave those nasty reviews when a delivery fails instead of contacting the merchant inworld. if the merchant never finds this review... logic, where art thou :smileyindifferent:

i wish you good luck with selling :matte-motes-smile: - especially on the marketplace. may your deliveries never fail and only good reviews go unnoticed.

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Hi Sassy,

thanks for your reply :).

I totally agree about setting IMs to email - I had already set this up.  It's just extra hassle for customers to have to do notecards even to get a response.  There is maybe a place for them if you have a tricky issue.  

Hopefully customers would contact me direct before writing about a problem in a review.  So it's up to me to make it as easy as possible for me to get in touch with me in the first place. 

Of course I am hoping that the problems never arise in the first place!!


Emma :) 


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