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Cannot Log in for the Last Hour

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Cannot log in for the last hour, have seen grid status , just says rolling restarts for today. Anyone else having issues? Message received is Something unexpected has gone wrong.

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There are some route issues it seems like. I can log, but ping spikes are around 380ms somewhere on the US side already. It did appear to be okay for 15 minutes earlier, but now back to this. It'll probably be fixed sometime soon, not the first and not the last time for sure

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  • Lindens

Any lingering problems not related to the current deploy?  We're looking for the backhoe operator still...

(Really reaching here:  anyone grab a 'Reference ID' from a failed login?)

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Kept telling me "Can not find location" no matter what LM I used. Finally let me in when I chose the starter location and then I could pop around to a couple of my landmarks. Even though the sims aren't showing offline, most of my LMs still come up as "Can not be found" and I know quite a few of my locations are on different servers since I've TPed to them when others are getting restarted.

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