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Laggy Performance ? Is it bad just now

Sparkle Lytton

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I am not sure if this is the right place but I'll give it a go.

Is it just me or has SL got a lot worse over the past month. Now when ever I go to a busy club everyone is a dancing grey shape some people rez but some never do no matter how long I wait. It isn't any specific place it seems to be at busy places. I know that you used to have to wait a few mins for people to rez but is seems to have got out of hand just of late. Pity cos SL has been pretty good for quite a while now but going down hill.

Any one any tips on how to fix this cleared cache but no luck I have a rock solid 25mbit connection. Lag meter always seems to say client frame rate below 10 possible cause images loading (tell me something I don't know). I am using the latest SL viewer via their regular update feature.

Bandwidth is about 130kbps ping is about 150.

Solutions comments info gratefully received

Second Life 2.7.2 (233432) Jun 21 2011 14:15:06 (Second Life Release)
Release Notes

You are at 256,397.0, 272,043.0, 67.9 in Chained Desires located at sim9229.agni.lindenlab.com (
Second Life Server
Release Notes

CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+ (2599.96 MHz)
Memory: 2047 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows Vista 32-bit  (Build 6000)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce 210/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW!

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.15.0011.9045
OpenGL Version: 3.1.0

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v6.4.1
Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000
Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)
Voice Server Version: Not Connected
Built with MSVC version 1600
Packets Lost: 8/164,992 (0.0%)

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I have not found any extra ordinary lag over the past month, all seems to be fine. I am using 1.23 but I know there are compatability issues between viewer versions 1 and 2 which is odd since they are both from the same company. As far as I can tell there is only the reintroduction of Ruthiness on other avs, (I am still smoke to me anyway when loading is the issue which is not often). The grey avatars have always been around from time to time but it could be that you are just in a places that are high prim, high textures and high scripts that all add up to slower loading time especially in populated places.

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Seeing your set up, I might suggest you get more memory.  SL is graphically intensive as most builders are not professionals and use very high res images, often way too much for your graphics card and memory.

It also looks like you are running 32 bit software on a 64 bit processor. You may want to install Windows 7 64 Bit but you wont have be able to until you increase your memory.

I don't know what you are using for your graphics card other than its an Nvidia Driver but I recommend no less than 1024 GB.  I turn two 1024's bridged as a crossfire and 12 GB of Ram. Lag is a stranger to me.


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"Bandwidth is about 130kbps ping is about 150." You have to look at the bottle necks. Your bandwidth is low. If you go to a new location, downloading the textures would take a while. Add to that, all the woman want to wear 4000 prim hair! Suggestion: Google something like "lowering your graphics settings for Second Life" and learn to live without shadows, huge particle counts and the other fluff that comes with 2.7.2. Or spend money on higher bandwidth and hope that is the only thing you need to buy. (I use Emerald.) BTW, there is no reason to use 64-bit Windows anything, unless you want to use more that 4-gigs of RAM. In fact, sometimes there are driver and compatibility issues that are a real pain. I used Vista 64-bit and am now on Windows 7 64-bit. I have 8 gigs of RAM, because I use a graphics program that takes advantage of all the memory it can find. Otherwise, I would have switched to 32-bit a long time ago and saved myself some stress. I also have a 3 meg download speed on DSL. I still see gray clouds, my pants bunch around my ankles and I look like Alice at times. I have been wanting to buy a solid-state drive for my rig, but when I consider the cost, I always change my mind. Lowering the graphics setting costs nothing.

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I actually see this same thing. I've used 2.0 since it came out, and just the past month or so, yes I've definitely seen exactly what you mean.

What it seems like is happening, is now when you walk into a busy or new area, and it's grabbing the textures, it firstly seems to take WAY too long to download any of them. I watch my network bandwith, and it's maxed out for a long time, with minimal textures being rezzed. Over time, they start to come in, but then at some point my bandwith starts to drop to zero, with almost half of the textures rezzed only. 

If I sit there, nothing EVER happens past that. The only way I can then get textures to rez and/or finish rezzing, is to mouseover them. It's like the client just starts to "forget" what it needs to be doing.

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Thanks for the suggestions but I think the key point is this for the past 18 months SL has been pretty good. I used to go to a busy club and in a few minutes every one has rezzed no grey dancing nudes. Then all off a sudden it doesn't work anymore some people in a club never rezz they are just grey dancing nudes .Same PC no changes, PC is running as it came out of the box so if its 32 bits then i assume it must be set for that. Grafics card works ok with video intensive games and connection speed is 25kbps and steady. About the only change has been the auto updating of the SL viewer which seems   to happen automatically. I put the SL video  quality to low and it didn't make much diference and fiddled around with the draw distance both put the fame rate up a little but not much but still the grey figures remain. Thats why I was asking if anyone knew any non pc based reasons why this has suddenly started happening or if SL has suddenly got worse

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Performance has gone to hell in the most recent Viewer update; it seems about 3 or 4 times more laggy.  I'm on a Mac Mini, and things were great until I installed the latest version.   (Actually the problem might have started a version or two ago, I wasn't paying attention as much as I should have, just trusting that the latest "latest version" would be better.   But something has definitely happened, and it seems permanently messed up now.   A few months ago things were fine.

I am also seeing a lot of error messages on the system console log: "NP_Init called", "addCAFile attempting to read certs...", "No bp log location saved, using default", and some others that never appeared before.

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I agree that the recent update has been a problem. Lots of incidents now of the "half grey" person where the viewer just stops downloading the textures.


Alarmingly, i was at a party yesterday and everyone reported the same grey things, ie the poor dancer's head which everyone saw as grey, apparently regardless of which viewer they used.

Previous to the update, things seemed very good and people commented on that, but now its back to badness.

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  • 2 months later...

I know this thread is almost 3 months old, but I too have experienced this, for a while now.

I used to have no problems with SL until last november (2010), then my framerate suddenly dropped after a viewer update (using viewer 2.x).

It used to be around 17 (not really high perf. but it was ok) and then it dropped to 3. Nothing changed in hardware or internet connection.

Since then I doubled my internet speed and bought a better videocard, but framerate is still 3 of 4 fps with some sudden bursts to 39 (for 1 second). Ping time is ok as is packet loss. I disabled every single program in the background that I could. But no dice.

When using a 3rd party viewer my framerate is still not ok, but a bit better (14 on avarage).

So basically I really wonder what is going on. I nagged LL for months but finally discontinued my premium account since loggin on became impossible. I still try once a week, and sometimes things seem ok for half an hour and I am happy only to get disapointed again the next day.


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