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SL Hot Takes & Unpopular Opinions!

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3 hours ago, HeathcliffMontague said:

- How body mesh was introduced was a HUGE mistake.

Strongly disagree. It has, for better or worse, made SL much more immersive

 That wasn't my point at all. What I meant was, letting their uderbase create 20 different bodies instead of one default, very versatile body and adding more sliders to make it to where you can make said body any shape you want, has made avatar customization a bit of a headache. For a solid couple years where was body after body after body being released that was catered to the same body type and virtually no notable features that made them stand out. It added a lot of stress to creators when they were flooded with requests to make for these bodies and their work loads became more and more overwhelming. Many are REFUSING to create for anymore new bodies because it's gotten SO flooded.

- Kid Avatar's need their own separate platform, they don't need to be on the same platform that is hypersexualized.

Kinda agree there.

- SL Content creation should have stayed a hobby or at most, a second income.

Nope! That would have stipled things big time.

How? in my personal opinion, SL content creation was never meant to be a full time job one could make their whole living on and personally, I think thats why SL has gotten so expensive in recent years, both in inworld shopping wise AND buying Linden in general. SL right now is more expensive than it's ever been and sure, I'm sure most of that is because of inflation, but if it wasn't for the fact that it's become a popular career choice, I don't think RL inflation would affect the SL economy as much as it is currently if Sl content creation stayed a hobby or second income based, because then there wouldn't be AS MUCH of a need to hike up prices to adjust to the cost of living.

- You're just asking for a lawsuit if you're putting RL brand logos on your virtual products.

Sure. Just look at what Harley Davidson did.

- The Community side of SL died years ago.

There are still lots of communities, just often very separate. So half agree.

- People take too much comfort in this platform's anonymity and treat people horribly because of it.

Not in my experience. Some most likely do, as with all platforms.


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On 10/25/2023 at 11:40 AM, Lewis Nerd said:

That's the problem, it's taken over to the exclusion of pretty much anything else and driven away many of the 'average user' who wasn't interested in that sort of thing.  I think it's quite sad really.

SL had so much potential back in the day, yet it's been lowered to essentially a 'virtual Pornhub' by the freedom it gives to people to pretend to be what they aren't in real life, and the anonymity that goes with it.  My avatar doesn't look that much like the real me, but I never pretend to be anything but me.  I have a few alts that have specific purposes but they are never used for 'adult' purposes.

It still has potential. Your responses are giving " I don't participate in Adult activities, so I don't understand why anyone else would or why it's allowed". As Rowan said, it's very easy to avoid the adult side of SL if you're willing to adjust your search settings to do so. Keep it all on General and/or Moderate and Voila! No adult sims or products will show up, it's like it doesn't exist ;). I do it frequently to weed out the billion escort clubs when I search for Roleplay sims

On 10/25/2023 at 12:53 PM, Rowan Amore said:

It's fairly easy to NOT engage in adult activities in SL.  I've been doing so for the past 3 years and have been enjoying SL just fine.  I'm even in adult regions and enjoy myself.  If someone is adverse to those activities, it's also fairly easy to restrict yourself to General rated regions.   Problem solved.  Oh wait...there was no problem.  🙄


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15 minutes ago, ballparkdogg said:

I want to call out someone for catfishing in world in a certain chat for certain sim..like Peter Weller in Buckaroo Banzai. Pointing at the aliens pretending to be human and yelling out..."Lectroids from Planet 10..."    I deleted that group never to go back again.

May want to creat your own thread for that darlin, this threads for talking about hot takes and unpopular opinions :) 

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4 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

One wonders how many full perm products some have to buy and retexture before they make one that actually gives them some profit.

One probably...

You can buy a decent quality full perm mesh template dress in a pack that supports ALL the currently well selling female bodies (and GenX), for under 500 L$ if you know where to look, uploading 12 different coloured textures for the dress, and a couple more for the hud, and product shot, under 150 L$, you sell the thing on the MP at L$250 for the dress with a 12 colour hud, you only really need to sell 3 or 4 copies to break even and start making a profit.


There's a merchant on the MP, often sells multi colour texture hud outfits, made from several pieces of template, often from different template makers, as "promo's" for L$99, and they certainly make a profit, on the MP, and at their large inworld store.



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31 minutes ago, Unity Evermore said:

Hot Take: It's whorish to have a wish list in your profile.

I originally created one when building for somebody in a different time zone, as a "this is the stuff YOU need to buy and rez so I can edit into place for you ", it was easier to give them a wishlist link to look at to find stuff by IM, than sending them 20 mp links.


Wh*rish would be spamming some local chat or group with "Hey any Daddy out there want to buy stuff off my wishlist", and many manage that without having a wishlist, by just asking a Daddy to buy item x, or y or z directly.

It's not the wishlist that's wh*rish, it's how it's used, just like anything else really.


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10 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

And you've been in SL how long?  Wow.

I'm not sure why that should be a surprise.  You generally only find what you search for, unless you are just randomly hopping around.

If someone has zero interest in steampunk furries, then it's very unlikely that they would seek out steampunk furry activities, stores, groups or regions in-world, or randomly get involved in conversations about steampunk furries.

Back in the early days of SL, there were more than just the 'official' forums (especially popular as what you said on the forums wouldn't get you in trouble in-game) and they would have had different standards; perhaps the guidelines of the one I preferred banned discussions of an adult nature so this "Zindra" wouldn't have come up there either.

Now I know about it ... I still have no desire to go there.

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4 hours ago, Ivy Mysterious said:

 it's very easy to avoid the adult side of SL if you're willing to adjust your search settings to do so. 

So you don't think "exclude adult content, assuming it's actually categorised properly" should be the default, with the user being able to decide for themselves if they want to experience it - rather than having to take steps to avoid it?

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3 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:

I still have no desire to go there.

If you don't go to Zindra, how will you visit the headquarters of the Campaign to Abolish Sex in SL, which is located in Kama City, a few regions east of the den if iniquity owned by @BilliJo Aldrin. There goes your chance to meet up with the other people like you, who want to outlaw what you don't understand or know anything about.

Talk about cutting your own nose off to spite your own face. Hahaha!

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28 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:

So you don't think "exclude adult content, assuming it's actually categorised properly" should be the default, with the user being able to decide for themselves if they want to experience it - rather than having to take steps to avoid it?

"No adult content" is ALREADY the default, you have to actively set your preferences to show A rated items in the MP, or to visit A rated regions in world.


If you actually KNEW ANYTHING about the REALSL instead of the imaginary one in your head, you'd have known that already.

Edited by Zalificent Corvinus
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Just now, Zalificent Corvinus said:

No adult content is ALREADY the default, you have to actively set your preferences to show A rated items in the MP, or to visit A rated regions in world.


If you actually KNEW ANYTHING about the REALSL instead of the imaginary one in your head, you'd have known that already.

You're still here?  Wow.  

So now you're saying that "your" version of SL is the only 'real' one, having criticised my thoughts on how I'd prefer it to be.

You might just want to think about that for a bit.

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Just now, Lewis Nerd said:

You're still here?  Wow.  

So now you're saying that "your" version of SL is the only 'real' one, having criticised my thoughts on how I'd prefer it to be.

You might just want to think about that for a bit.

I'm saying that YOUR imagined version of SL is radically different from the actual reality of it.

For example, you falsely imagine that Evil Adult Content is FORCED on you by default,, when in reality, it is NOT, you have to voluntarily CHOOSE to see DELIBERATELY see stuff you know will offend you so you can come on here and whine about it.


This is expected behaviour for Moral Crusader types.

"I deliberately set my settings to show me stuff that would offend me so I can be deliberately offended! Something must be done about this at once!"


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4 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

This isn't actually a thing, is it?


The headquarters is in Kama city, a region or two east of Vallone, you can see their "skysign" on the world map, or could last time I looked at that area. I even visited it once, a sad pathetic "health clinic" style building with dire warning posters about the evils of SLex outside marriage, etc.


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Just now, Zalificent Corvinus said:

For example, you falsely imagine that Evil Adult Content is FORCED on you by default,, when in reality, it is NOT, you have to voluntarily CHOOSE to see DELIBERATELY see stuff you know will offend you so you can come on here and whine about it.

When I use the in-game 'search' mine always defaults to General/Mature/Adult when I go to use it, although marketplace seems to work as it should.


Where have I said anything about "evil adult content"?  What two adults do in private is up to them - I just don't want to see or hear it, and it's a simple fact that 'real world' is far better than 'second life' for consentual inter-adult activities.

If you can only get 'satisfaction' on a screen then you're probably missing out on a lot.

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5 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

The headquarters is in Kama city, a region or two east of Vallone, you can see their "skysign" on the world map, or could last time I looked at that area. I even visited it once, a sad pathetic "health clinic" style building with dire warning posters about the evils of SLex outside marriage, etc.


And it's in Zindra???

Well, at least someone has a sense of humour???

Now I want to start my OWN group: Born Again Virgins of SL! A group for women who have found their way back to Virtue having once fallen into iniquitous and sinful ways.

I think we should set up shop in a backroom of a strip club in Zindra, so that those who come for meetings are forcefully reminded about the HORRORS of naked flesh mesh.

It'll be a small meeting room, but probably more than ample to accommodate the actual number of "born again virgins" in-world.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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4 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

The headquarters is in Kama city, a region or two east of Vallone, you can see their "skysign" on the world map, or could last time I looked at that area. I even visited it once, a sad pathetic "health clinic" style building with dire warning posters about the evils of SLex outside marriage, etc.

That sounds very much to me like it's a joke rather than a real thing... but I'm not going to go there and find out.

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13 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:

it's a simple fact that 'real world' is far better than 'second life' for consentual inter-adult activities.

If you can only get 'satisfaction' on a screen then you're probably missing out on a lot.

Back in the day, before I became a "Born Again Virgin" (see above), I had an SL boyfriend (actually, two! Successively, not at the same time!). We engaged in SLex because of, well, geography.

I am not all that big on SLex either, to be honest, although I DO enjoy writing erotica.

But what I, or you, get off on isn't really the point, is it? There are a TON of reasons why people engage in sex in SL: they can range from an inability to express elements of their sexuality in RL on the one hand, to disabilities on the other, and a huge and diverse range of legitimate reasons in-between. And, of course, they may actually just enjoy it -- who am I, or you, to tell them they shouldn't?

I think that there is too often a tendency to make value judgements about things like virtual sex, pornography, and so forth, based on very tunnel-visioned normative attitudes that often reflect positions of privilege. You might consider that you have zero insight into what motivates any given individual to engage in sex here before, frankly, kind of sneering at them?

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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Just now, Lewis Nerd said:

I have no privilege at all. I'm just your bog-standard average human.

My point is that this

17 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:

If you can only get 'satisfaction' on a screen then you're probably missing out on a lot.

is itself founded upon assumptions that represent privilege.

Not everyone can get "satisfaction" in RL, for all sorts of reasons. You're implying that they are "doing it wrong" when, in fact, it may sometimes be the only way they have to "do it right."

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13 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:

Then I have no option but to reluctantly make you the first person I add to the forum ban list so I no longer have to interact with you.

I don't respond to threats.

I mean if you took what Zalificent said as a threat - then you quite literally just did in fact respond to a threat. Yes I'm fun at parties but you probably wouldn't know, they're for... grown ups.


Jokes aside - I wanted to point out that seeing adult content is actually an option that you have to opt in. At least that's how it was for me when I joined give or take two years ago. It was turned off by default, both on the marketplace and in my viewer of choice (Firestorm - I never even touched SL official). Also maybe it's just a bug on my end but when I head to the marketplace not logged in, I can't even select anything above General so - yah. The default does seem to be for adult stuff to be opt-in, rather than opt-out.

Edited by ValKalAstra
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3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Not everyone can get "satisfaction" in RL, for all sorts of reasons. You're implying that they are "doing it wrong" when, in fact, it may sometimes be the only way they have to "do it right."

But... does anyone need to 'do it' at all?  There's a lot of emphasis, in first and second life, that there's nothing more important nowadays.

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20 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

You might consider that you have zero insight into what motivates any given individual to engage in sex here before, frankly, kind of sneering at them?

He might consider that the people he's sneering at might not actually bother having "SLex" at all, and have other reasons for logging in, remember that guff he posted about what the "friendless people in banlined parcels" get upto, that they "obviously want to hide", the assumption being anyone with banlines is some sad loser with no real life who is hiding SLEX!.


Moral Crusaders always try to paint the opposition as sad depraved losers, now I'll freely admit to depravity, but generally, I do most of that in RL, in Lesbian bars in the LGBT village of a city close to the boring town I live in that's filled with people like him.

But there is NO justification for pontificating about Moral Superiority and having a "better RL" because somebody doesn't agree with their suggestion to "save SL" by abolishing half the regions and people that pay to keep it open, and making fraudulent statements about how he came to see the stuff that offended him.


Set your viewer to allow Adult destinations, only your self to blame for seeing it.

Edited by Zalificent Corvinus
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3 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

I mean if you took what Zalificent said as a threat - then you quite literally just did in fact respond to a threat.

No, I took control of the situation.  That's quite different.  I have removed her ability to communicate with me for the benefit of both of us, as I'm sure we've all seen situations where someone is pushed to breaking point then all of a sudden they're the victim and you're the bad guy; after all I could just as easily start mashing the report button over some of the things she said to me.

I chose not to.

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