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Why don't clubs get any Linden Lab Government body financial assistance?

Flux Afterthought

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Why don't clubs get any Linden Lab Government body financial assistance based upon the community in which clubs create.  There are clubs around that generate over 40000 residentially based traffic (non-artificially bot based) so as far as I'm concerned, that is a community.  These clubs are a win win for second life, they generate awareness in rules, education, finance, content, because basically,  a resident is a walking billboard of advertisement.  Self generated revenue for club owners is expeditiously dissolving with the increasing usage of the "easier to use and access" marketplace.  Shop owners are deciding to not worry about using in world advertisement in the form of setting up shop in a high traffic environment to increase there sales but instead just relying on marketplace sales.  The "community" part of second life requires actual support because for what I can see, it seems that the people whom actually do the hard yards to keep it circulating is slowly and surely being made to walk the plank.


Oh and P.S..  Can I get some actual legitimate response rather than regurgitated passages you have read.  Please try and use self generated thought.  Belief is the act of someone else doing the thinking for you.

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Considering that Linden Lab recently eliminated their discounts for verifiable education accounts and registered non-profit organizations, I think the chances of getting them to give discounts or incentives for clubs is absolutely zero. The current management at the Lab apparently doesn't care about "building community" or that stuff. They just want to rake in as much cash as they can.

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Flux Afterthought wrote:

Why don't clubs get any Linden Lab Government body financial assistance bassed upon the community in which clubs create.  There are clubs around that generate over 40000 residentially bassed traffic (non-artificially bot bassed) so as far as I'm concerned, that is a community.  These clubs are a win win for second life, they generate awareness in rules, education, finance, content, because bassically,  a resident is a walking billboard of advertisement.  Self generated revenue for club owners is expeditiously disolving with the increasing usage of the "easier to use and access" marketplace.  Shop owners are deciding to not worry about using inworld advertisement in the form of setting up shop in a high traffic enviroment to increase there sales but instead just relying on marketplace sales.  The "community" part of second life requires actual support because for what I can see, it seems that the people whom actually do the hard yards to keep it circulating is slowly and surely being made to walk the plank.

Welcome to Second Life Answers, Flux.

In the olden days (a little bit before my time in 2007), apparently landowners WERE given financial incentives based on traffic numbers.  However, for one reason or another (one being the traffic got gamed by bots), LL did away with this scheme.  Anyway, the incentive for running a club or a sim should be that you enjoy doing it, that you do it of your own free will. SL is primarily a game, or for some a business with which, hopefully, their products will bring in a lot of revenue, or even an educational tool (schools/colleges/employers all use SL for their own needs).  And the word I must stress here is use.

Linden Lab provide us with the platform, why should they be paying anyone to use it? Really. They are a business, they are not a separate country, they are not a government and they are not our mum and dad.

Edited to add more:

LL do provide some incentives, offers on the purchase of sims, free land and sign-up bonuses, and weekly stipends. Don't forget this. Also, of the 40000 users (as per the OP's statement), how many remain in SL, and how many are just here today and gone tomorrow database clutter?  

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I would like to mention here that one can get much nonfinancial support eg:

- ability to be announced in Destination Guide,

- ability to advertise at Second Life Forums,

- ability to advertise events (for free!).

There is a support for community activities. Money is not everything. :)

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LL is not in business to provide support for your hobbys.  Our hobbys are what supports LL.  What LL needs to figure out is that their products are overpriced and they will grow the world and make more in volume if they lower the prices some to allow sim owners to be able to survive these lean times. 

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 As someone else said, LL used to give financial incentive for traffic created by user made communities, but the system was gamed to the point where it served no purpose except as a financial liability to LL.

 I would like to see LL take an active, non-automated role in helping communities, but at the same time they want to appear as if they're favouring friends of employees over quality work.



It's kind of pointless for them to lower prices in the current situation. People already supersize avatars and content in SL to the point where, for all intents and purposes, people are voluntarily shrinking their land to 1/4th it's size. When people are voluntarily paying four times as much for land than they use it for, why cut costs?

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The very first thing that jumped out at me is your belief that Linden Lab is a government.  I suppose that is understanable for someone just entering Second Life due the nature of SL and it's reference to users as residing in a world and the residents of that world.  Hovever, once anyone spends a few weeks or months in SL, it becomes very apparent that SL is not actually a virtual world, but a platform built as a three demensional, closed Internet where uses can do most anything they can do on the conventional Internet (within the limits of the software, of course).  There is no government for the Internet (not yet anyway, but several real life governments want to change that........let's hope that never happens).


Once a "government" gets involved we get pleas such as yours.  The "we do so much for you, you need to reward us for our hard work and contributions.......subsidies are the enemy of progress for any government.  It stiffles competition, it encourages favoritism, and all but kills creative, original thought (it stagnates the community).  Thankfully Linden Lab has avoided the to a large extent.  Yeah, they dabbled in that "incentive" (subsidy) stuff and for those of us who were around, it was a great big fail.....it did the exact opposite of what LL thought it would do (mostly because, just as in real life, people found a way to use those "incentives" to their personal advantage and to the detriment of all others).  Allowing any business in SL to sink or swim without intervention is what makes SL grow and prosper.  It's a slow growth with high ups and downs just like real life.........but it's completely fair.  No one has an advantage other than their own hard work and creative thinking........everyone has an equal opportunity to do as anyone else has done who might have been successful.  If LL worked to support the "successful" then only the "successful" would prosper....until, of course, everyone who was not recieving the "support" (incentives, subsidies, encouragement, etc) leaves.  It's counter productive.........that is a proven fact of life no matter if you are talking about a real world of a virtual world.


And on your P.S.  Those "regurgitated passages" are, for the most part, not just regurgitation..........they are statements of fact.  Facts that you apparently don't know (or maybe you just refuse to accept).  Your account sir name indicates that you are not a "newbie" to SL..........you should, by now, know what SL is all about.  I feel are a club owner.  And as a club owner, I'm of the opinion that you are struggling...........which is quite understandable due the great competition in the clubbing world that is present in SL.  Instead of holding your hand out for some "support" (I'm sure your definition of "support" is monetary since you seem to discount the support LL has given everyone with the advertising, features introduced to the platform that you can use to help your business........like real time shadows and the coming of mesh imports.  I can see great possibilities for a club owners with the use of just those two features).  Quit feeling sorry for yourself and get off you dead butt and make your business a success..........exactly like those who have made successful businesses in SL.


Was that regurgitation?  Did I pass your test?

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