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When is SL no longer fun for you?

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Venus said copy/paste quote:  Try other clubs. There are 20958209458724 of them in SL. 

How many of those are professional builders?  With that number, that's like trying to find a needle in a haystack.  Not to mention, I use inworld search to find clubs.  They advertise it's this kind of music (so that sounds good to me), then I tp there, and it's NOT the type of music mentioned about their sim nor what they describe in search; no, it's trance, nothing of what they described for their club's type of music in the search. 

And I highly doubt people even want to buy clothes when they are going clubbing.  They are already dressed and want to go clubbing; not shopping. 

There are most likely too many problems because there are too many viewers.  What are all these so called third party viewers anyways?  And if there are third party viewers, it doesn't even sound feasible that the viewer updates will correlate.  How are third party viewers getting the appropriate update?  Could someone explain that to me.   Not to mention everyone on Phoenix is experiencing the same problems I am having, so Phoenix doesn't sound like it's any better to me, not from what I've heard. 

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Here's an idea... vote with your wallet. If a club is too laggy for you then leave, if a DJ doesn't honor your requests to your satisfaction... don't go to his shows anymore.

And if you really want a place that lives up to your expectations in every single way, create one yourself. That way you can control the amount of scripts on your sim to your hearts content, request that avatars with a huge amount of scripts remove them or be kicked out 'til you're blue in the face, hire only DJs that play exactly what you want to hear, or just buck up and DJ yourself. And unlike clubs that have vendors set out to help offset their operating cost (even with them they're probably operating at a loss), you can pay for it all out of pocket.

If this is not something that you're willing to do for yourself, then ffs... stop complaining about the people that have.


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Everyone is having problems rezzing too.  It's not just me.  It could be I need to activate my adult account and see if some sim clubs are better on adult, 'cuz this moderate thing is not working.  The internet is for adults imo anyways.  I don't see what kids would have to do on the internet unless they are visiting the DisneyWorld website or something? 

And Venus you sound like a terrific person, you really do, and I have enjoyed meeting you. 

And I don't blame you for checking on a song, no one needs a 10 minute trance taking up space on their computer, so I am hearing you Venus.  I just hope someone hears me too. 

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No I respectfully disagree.  People get sucked into that kind of thinking too; that they can do better, and only end up with a failing or closing sim.  I also know people who are closing, just like Willow said in this thread. 

Viewer issues need to be taken care of first because it doesn't say there are other viewers; it says download viewer now.   A quality assurance team is all I can think of, along with guidelines for appropriate building. 

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Sucked in? All I'm saying is you have the option of creating the perfect place for yourself, where you can set your own objectives and decide for yourself when or if you want to close it down... how can that fail? After all it's just about you and what you want, right?

Fyi...TPVs don't effect your use of SL unless you're using one, making that a non issue. And quality assurance just can't be done effectively unless the whole system were to be changed. This would stifle content to the point that it would make SL irrelevant as a creative platform, sort of like Blue Mars. The beauty of SL is that anyone can create anything they want... what you're suggesting would destroy that beauty.


Edited for spelling.

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No I respectfully disagree again.  Creativity can most certainly be achieved by using guidelines and appropriate techniques.  I've studied art; you need to learn the basic techniques of painting before you go off and just slap abstract colors onto a canvas.  Even Picasso studied art; he didn't start off by being an abstract painter at all.  Picasso knew every technique! 

Guidelines for appropriate building would not stiffle creativity; guidelines would only help in achieving a balance between creativity and workman/workwomanship. 

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Quality assurance, for builds in SL? Pfft.

The whole point is that you can build anything that fits on your land, so long as it's not against the CS/ToS. Getting a Linden to vet builds in SL is crazy-town frolics. People won't build well just because they should, and people shouldn't be forced to build to invented 'standards' just because things don't suit the local neighbourhood watch.

People need to make the most out of their builds (in your case, clubs) by making them commercially viable (in your case, leasing out space to vendors) because the visitors alone don't cover the operating costs of the venue. If you're mad about the amount of work people are putting in to keeping your favourite places alive (and free), your anger is misplaced.

Regarding your (and I emphasise the subjective YOUR) rental experience, SL operates a 'buyer beware' policy and if you can't trust other residents with your money, you should look into a Linden Home or buy some mainland.

 I don't understand your uh, complaints about the website suggesting you download a single viewer. Discarded.

tl;dr: Your problems are easily fixed; just go somewhere else. Anything else is just you inflicting your subjective, poorly-examined experience on the rest of the community for trolling/venting purposes.

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Okay, forget quality assurance on sims, but at least set up a quality assurance team here on the web forums to help people discuss their issues and difficulties in a private IM until some things start to get sorted out. 

And I always pay for the club; I'm never a freeloader, never.  I'd consider that unethical to be a free-loader in my own heart.  That wouldn't work for me to be a freeloader and I never have been with any club, ever, a free loader. 

And no, I think there are problems because of all these viewers, because I'm not the only one experiencing this.

End rant for now.  Let's just drop it for now. 

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Mayalily wrote:

And no, I think there are problems because of all these viewers, because I'm not the only one experiencing this.

You can think what you want but this issue has no basis in reality. There's a lot of things that effect sim performance to varying degrees; the effect of TPVs is so negligible as to render it inconsequential. In fact some TPVs that have a built in AO actually lessen resource usage because HUD based AOs are one of the most memory intensive scripted attachments you can wear. Getting rid of the need for wearing one helps a lot, though probably more for the individual taking advantage of this than anyone else around them.

Besides this, the fact that people are using different viewers and experiencing the same thing that you are, would more likely lead one to believe the viewer being used is not what's causing the issues and that it's probably because of the SL servers.

Hopefully I'm explained this in a way you can understand. :matte-motes-grin:


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I've already detached AO and am using SL default AO.  It does not help. 

As far as your explanation, well the viewer data needs to go to the SL server.  Having all these viewers could make it very difficult to correlate a correct update.  That just sounds logical to me.  Anyhow, this last update has been the worst!  Everyone on different viewers is having difficulty.  The chat logs are there of all of us talking about stripping on a moderate sim and people were running all different kinds of viewers.  But, there were all these vendor stalls practically right in the club's floor.  Computer's just aren't meant to run that much stuff, or do the Lindens want only customers who are the computer elite? 

Anyhow, I think we are better off just dropping this for now.  Let's all try to have a better RL day and a better SL day (if that's possible; if not then we wait to see if next viewer update is any better.)

I think this forum needs a quality adviser team and forum area, and also an ethical forum area in which we can discuss issues related to quality assurance and ethics. 

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mine is about to get to be more fun if i can ever get my fiance on our land..

we can't seem to get his account to open the matruity settings in the viewer..i log in and they are there..buit when he does he is still G..he wants to use this for when he travels so we can still watch movies together and go out and do things in sl..


i keep telling him it is because he is still so imature that it's not working lol

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Oh, just wanted to add how the jokes escalated.  The next joke became "grey is the new black" (referring to all those grey bots and which was said by the Dj herself of whom I remember her first name only.  However, the chat logs can be found I'd assume).  The music was great, no one could see any bots but grey ones or ghosts.  Some avi's had a prim of hair here or there that would rezz, but everybody was grey/ghost/egg. 

I'm sick of that joke that grey is the new black; it's not funny anymore.  All of us were NOT on v2.   People keep saying viewer 2 is the problem.  Well imo, I'd prefer to download the viewer that originates from the website itself.  I might also have to crash my computer on purpose just to get a crash log through, and I don't want to do that. 

I need some time out. 


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'Updates' between viewers do not happen so that is a non-issue. The communication is always between you (client) and the SL servers. No other viewer interferes with yours nor does yours interfere with others. Use of a viewer is an individual choice and there are some viewers that are better at some things than others. Are you clearing your cache often? You do not need to. Every time you clear your cache, SL must reload the images so things for you may be gray for a bit (in a busy place). Every time you walk into a new place, it may take a couple of minutes to rez. This is not unusual.

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Astina, you are certainly entitled to rant (although as Forum rants go, yours was very mild) about the lack of response from your would-be landlady. I suppose that happens; fortunately for me it has happened very rarely to me. By far the usual response from people selling things here is "Thank you for your business". I've had a few things go wrong and in all but one case the merchant was all over it like a blanket: sending replacements, IM'ing me to make sure I got what I wanted, etc. Even in the one case I did eventually get my item.

As for people judging you by whether or not your RL picture (or anything ELSE about your RL) is in your profile: I believe you summed that up correctly. Not friend material. This isn't RL.

I do think that if SL is making your unhappy then yes, maybe a bit of time off might be a good thing. Why deliberately go someplace making you unhappy? I hope you come back; I don't know you and as far as I know we've never crossed paths but with five plus years you have to be a fountain of knowledge and I think SL needs those people.

Good luck.

ps: I was typing this when the Forums crashed (at least for me) but when I could get back in I was still signed on and my autosaved reply was waiting.

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It greatly depends on the situation. If someone bought the sim for their own pleasure, then it's something they're already paying for, anyway, whether or not they're selling something on they're land. In my case, I just own a few parcels, so my tier isn't all that bad. But the thing is, with or without my shop, I'd still be paying for the tier, because I like having the property. So, for me, the cost of tier doesn't actually factor into the cost of making one of my parcels into a shop.

As for the transaction history, you're assuming that my only concern is being able to deal with failed deliveries. That is not so. A few years ago, I had updated all of my inventory. Rather than expect my customers to pay for the items, again, I decided to simply go through my transaction history to send each and every one of them the updated items. I was pretty upset when I discovered that the history only went so far. I did the best I could with what I had, but that was the incident that decided things for me: I got the Hippo vendors to ensure that I had a full and complete transaction history. Certainly, while I've also included an updater for all my items, I still wanted to make sure that, in case something else came up, my transaction history is complete.

Anyhow, that's about all I have to say on this subject, now. Take care, and I hope you find something that fills you with joy!

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See I don't even understand the point for that G rating in the first place.  Children are learning how to read; they don't even know to type yet, yet alone read blogs, news, do research on the net, etc. 

I'm going to try to activate my adult account 'cuz my thinking is adult may be better because of more experienced builders.

And @ Dres, creativity and technique do go greatly together.  It's extremely difficult to get a creative end result without knowing techniques first.

It's like asking someone to build a house in RL with no experience whatsoever.  Guidelines are needed for everything in life otherwise you'd only have mayhem. 

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I don't know Venus, you're such a kind person.  I'm been tweeking and tweeking that the cows came home. 

This last viewer update has been horrific.  I'm just absolutely exhausted from this, not to mention I feel like I've flushed money down the toilet (especially that home thing!)  I'd like some place to dress in private and not get sucked into renting again right now after what happened to me. 

To address about cache:  I've cleared it twice as told to do on the website's forum adviser team. 

With the new viewer update it doesn't take mins to rezz; it takes hours or never (speaking of clubs with vendors).  Everything else is a fairly good rezz. 

ETA:  No not fairly rezz.  Everything else without vendor stalls is GOOD rezz. 

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Oh, I see about your merchandizing there.  That's too bad because some people are exclusive marketplace users only because as clothes are neither rezzed inworld nor on marketplace, I find marketplace saves about two hours a day from trying to shop inworld.  I find what I want on marketplace so much faster.  It saves a lot of precious rl and sl time.  I don't need to look around a shopping sim to see their chandeliers, etc.  However for furniture, some people like to see it rezzed, like me.  But I don't want another house right now after what I've been through. 

You tc now, too! 

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Wow, I thought you were dropping it.

In RL there has to be regulations when building a house so that they don't catch fire or fall down and kill someone, that can't be equated to building a house in SL.

Many people know nothing of how to build things in SL when they start off, it's really a learn as you go deal for most people. This is how a lot of people got their start and some have developed into incredibly talented creators. The restrictions for which you are advocating would stop that dead in it's tracts and SL would be left with a mere fraction of the wonderfully diverse content that now exists there.

I have to wonder if you've ever even tried to create a thing yourself in SL. If you had, then maybe you'd realize the beauty of being able to make something that not only you but somebody else truly appreciates and enjoys, even though you haven't gone through years of graphic arts training.

I will not continue this discussion with you though, because I don't know how I can make this any more clear and I'm frankly tired of repeating myself to no avail.

Good day... Dres

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Dres, when I said drop it, you replied after that. 

I don't you think you and I will see ever eye to eye on the importance of technique and creativity and how they are intertwined.  So let's not discuss that anymore and discuss other things on the forums. 

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Hi Guys,

Thanks to everyone for your kind words and expressions of support. I especially appreciate the comments about being a resource to others and not allowing anyone to run me out of sl.  A special "shout out" goes to Randall Ahren, for offering a place to stay AND a month free to boot. :smileyhappy:  All of this reminded of what I love about sl. Folks being empathetic and caring. 

Now, the update. The landlord contacted me and everything is settled now and I have moved in my new home. She was on vacation. I just wished in her profile (somewhere) she mentioned that and when to expect her return.

Feel free to come inworld and say hi. If you dont mind the dust, come by and have a beer. :smileyhappy:


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I'm glad to hear that things were settled in a satisfactory manner. I was hoping that, with the offer of a place to stay with the first month free, it would have ended happily, anyhow, but it's nice to hear that things didn't have to become ugly with your current landlord. I hope you continue to enjoy SL!

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Astina, High fives! I am glad all is sorted. Yes, it would have been helpful if the land owner had posted something in their profile about being away and even an alternate contact in case issues arise. Perhaps this is a learning for them, too. Enjoy your SL!

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