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20 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:
21 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

You do have to watch these Psychologists for sure...or people who don't have the full picture of what goes on in SL.

This is why I detest the never ending barrage of students looking for some weirdo very-online cohort to base their thesis on. That garbage informs this garbage.

The "garbage" is already out there though -- stereotypes the general public holds about pretty much anything, formed by the culture someone grew up in or their religion, for example.  Scientific research in the Social Sciences attempts to discover the truth via methods that can achieve greater objectivity, and eliminate cultural or religious influence. In the beginning stages when a subject is new (like with virtual worlds) stereotypes are more likely to prevail however. It's an ongoing process with input from many sources, starting with these students who are learning how to research.

Hopefully, as the field of information progresses and is monitored by those with more experience, and information found to be biased or not able to be repeated in experiments is eliminated, we'll get a better approximation of the truth.  And then, this expertise gained through experimentation can influence the general public instead of the other way around where bias in religion or culture prevented a greater objectivity or bigger picture view. Not that its perfect and not subject to modification in the future, of course...it's just generally more accurate than Bob in the basement with a YouTube video who never went to all the trouble to decrease bias.

This is what happened with homosexuality, which was originally deemed as a sickness by society, and then by Psychology itself in their diagnostic manual, but then (through research and activists insisting on a different picture of reality) not seen as a pathology anymore.
And now, with Science not labeling gay people as having a pathology that must be cured, they are more accepted.

Out of DSM: Depathologizing Homosexuality

So I don't have a problem with these students doing research who come to the forum trying to get participants for their surveys, although I know in such beginning stages the results are unlikely to be completely accurate, and I do feel a little uncomfortable being a possible test subject. However they do ask for consent to fill out their survey, so they haven't really made me into a test subject just by asking for participants.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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15 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:
16 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I look at all the clutter and sites I've built up over time and just think how much would they have by the time they were 18.. Then I cringe.. hehehe


Isn't that like a "do as I say, not as I do" sort of thing? That worked out like never.

While modeling for kids the best way to behave is indeed more effective than telling them how to behave in many instances, there are some behaviors that are okay for adults to engage in while harmful to kids - parents and kids are not the same. For example, it's generally agreed that alcohol is bad for kids, but they may see a parent drink a glass of wine occasionally. And kids need more sleep, so parents are not modeling 'bad sleeping habits' by simply staying up till midnight while putting the kids to bed at 9. Parents may watch shows that are inappropriate for kids to view, or engage in social media that might be harmful to a young child.

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