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questions about helping explain to a friend appeal a ban.


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so ive read a lot into this an seen lots of sites explaining how to appeal bans an im pretty sure i understand everything, but one thing they all say is you need to either explain how you was confused, didnt know the rule, say that your sorry, an such things, but what i dont understand is if my friend doesnt know why there account was banned, how would they  give reason and or apologize an try to appeal said ban, all they got was email with link to TOS an when they made a ticket and asked the again just got linked to TOS but no specific rule or part of the TOs was quoted . so is there a way for my friend to find the reason they was banned? also this was there first ban ever an it says permanent ban.

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The first obvious question should be, "Who banned your friend?"  Most of the time, it turns out to be that some landowner banned the person from a region. If that's the case, just don't bother going back.  You probably don't really want to go anywhere that you aren't wanted anyway.

If Linden Lab banned you, that's more serious.  They won't usually ban you permanently unless you really did something horrible, or you are a repeat offender.  If so, you almost certainly know what you did.  Usually a LL ban is for a short period -- a few days.  You get an e-mail that explains it.  If you don't understand or want to appeal, submit a support case and ask.


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it was a LL ban from sl, my friend says they never been banned before now so this was there first ban an it was permanent ban. an it was 3 months ago, my friend said they sent a ticket asking why they was banned or which rule they broke, but they only got linked to the TOS with no explanation. idk why my friend was banned an i agree that most times if someone is banned they probably know what they was doing, but im unsure if this could be one of those times where they did something without knowing . so thats why i ask if theres a way to find out the specific rule the broke so they can recall what happened. 

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Hmmm..  LL really doesn't like to hand out permanent bans.  They'd rather give you a chance to clean up your act. Banning on a first offence is serious, like maybe a violation of the ***** Policy (they might not even let me type that ... let's see).  If it was that serious, then they may not want to even consider an appeal. I hate to say it, but it sounds like your friend really just doesn't want to tell you what he did.  I really don't know what to say.  

Edit:  Right, I can't even type it .....  A ... G ....

Edited by Rolig Loon
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its a she, an ya i figured they would have to threaten someone, or played an inappropriate age or shared someone else's IMs/info , but she says she never did any of that. i dont feel like she would do any of those things an she was rarely online, mostly hanging out at her place.

so theres no way to find out why your banned if you got banned? (as in a specific rule) they havent appealed yet, they didnt know you could.

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the appeal process is here: Section 10 of the Linden Lab ToS


is a real world process to appeal a ban. We dispute Linden's justification for the ban

Linden Lab is a real world entity (as are we) and Linden are bound by the dispute process laws of California. When we sign up to Second Life then we agree with the ToS, which binds us to the same real world dispute process


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She (sorry, I guessed wrong) should have received an e-mail from Linden Lab that tells her how to appeal.  Maybe it got caught in her spam filter.  In any case, I think the best she can do is write a very polite note requesting an opportunity to appeal and asking about the basis for her punishment. Submit it as a support case and be patient. I don't know what else to suggest.

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4 hours ago, droidleadr said:

 being able to explain to my friend now how they can attempt to appeal.

if it was 3 months ago you can forget it. 

My recommendation would be, don't get involved in any way.
Your friend most likely keeps silent about details that matter for LL to come to this ban.
Claiming "not knowing" the rules is no reason. Your friend agreed to the TOS and Guidelines, if "your friend" didn't read those, is no excuse to act against it. ( just like RL laws)
Apologies aren't going to work, just proving there were no rules broken is the only reason to lift a ban.

btw: perma bans are indeed perma, if your friend makes a new account and gets traced, it's finished again.

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