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Why Can I not log into Aditi?


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I can log into SL but NOT into Aditi beta site using the native SL viewer and the FS viewer. I changed my PW¸ dunno why tho. I re-logged and rebooted. I asked others and they had no problem logging on so I realized resetting my router was a waist of time. The same error message I get is;

Login Failed
Sorry! We couldn’t log you in.
Please check to make sure you entered the right;
ect ect

(That sorry part is a crock but, anyway…)

So, I had a thought (really, I did) that if it was me with the wrong PW then I shouldn’t be able to log into SL as well. It would be all or nothing instead of only Aditi. (maybe)

Or if I wasn’t allowed to log in then the error message would tell me so instead of implying the error is on my end with the wrong name and password. If that was the case then (again) it would be all or nothing, I wouldn’t be able to log onto SL.

And the message I would receive would be to the likes of I am not allowed in, yet.

I was a Premium but not any longer, had cutbacks of my own, again. (I was once a Premium member then I wasn’t* then I was again and again I am not. *But I could log onto Aditi.)

So what to do, what to do?

To whom do I speak with to figure this out?


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6 answers to this question

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For years new folks needed to put in a support ticket in order to get entry to Aditi.  Not sure when the cut off date was but older accounts (last name folks) could still get in even if they had never been there.   Aditi is still working; I just checked. So if your friends and older and you are not, than that is likely the issue.


Unfortunately there has been an entry message when logging into Aditi (this after the sale) saying that there IS no support for Aditi any longer.  So you might be able to check with main grid support.  It could be that the beta grid is no longer available to some accounts .  


Good luck.   

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"I can log into SL but NOT into Aditi beta..."


I couldn't get into Aditi either, but I've installed the Second Life Project MeshOptimizer and I've been able to get in without problems.

1-Official Alternate Viewers.
2-Project Viewers.
3-Second Life Project MeshOptimizer -


Edited by Isa Rovio
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Now that was a shameless plug, Isa Rovio, but I did find it interesting..

Regarding the topic, Chic Aeon (Thank You, very much) had the answer and I checked in with grid support. The implication with the response was that I had never been there and will be sure to copy my account over in a day. And they did. All was well again, except that a lot of my inventory was copied over twice. Sigh, lets not go there. I just deleted in great swaths what I dont need and went from there. Geeez just to check how things look for my builds.

Thanks Guys!

Anyway I have another issue elsewhere.

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