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Connecting Strawberry Creations Furniture to Lovense toys | Anyone Knows Exactly How to?

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Is there anybody who did successfully connect Strawberry Creations furniture to the Lovense toys?

How far I did get already:
- Scanning QR Code provided by "Lovebridge" wit the correct app (The pink one , not the blue).

The update notecard (4.1) refers to an menu item in the adjust menu called Lovense. There is no such menu button.
It also refers to a hud provided by clicking on the LoveBridge icon (after rezing). That does happen with one of the beds, not with previously purchased sofas.

When I wear the hud, a message appears "You are now allows to use ...owned by Caroline Takeda". When I try the same with an ALT, It mentions that alts name, whereby the furniture is owned by myself. The creator of the Lovebridge assumed that they are using an outdated plugin and the notecard is not configured correctly. I did try to contact Strawberry but don't get an answer.

1. Is the connection to Loveense only possible if the actual owner of the furniture is doing it ?

2. Am I missing something or is it the furniture?

3. Is there anybody who managed to connect  and can tell me how exactly you did it?

I really need to get this going, as I started selling quite a few of those in my affiliate shops with the main USP being able to use Lovense toys with it.

Help anyone ?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Having some issues as well. My adventure started when i had told a friend about the ruckus shower moving body parts, she said try the strawberry rug, so i got it and discovered lovense... then i contacted my closest friend and asked her just to see if we could make a toy bounce across the desk (i know she owns one) trial and error and here is what we have 


Can not get the qr codes to work at all... they all say not a lovense qr code. 

I have the remote app says same thing. 


Bought the love bridge huds for her. she went through it and got to the point where she got the remote... But could not seem to pass it over or let me take control of it. 


At both of our homes, (she owns a bed i own the rug) and we kept getting a script error saying Unable to give inventory: 'No permission to transfer

So my questions are growing. if anyone has some answers to what we need to figure it out please do. 


We are on this funny little adventure with it so not upset just not quite understanding what all is going on yet 

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update... we did the love bridge, joined the downloaded lovense connect, not the remote... and boom the lovebridge part just worked!!! was hilarious to hear the toy suddenly come alive and run across my friends desk as she screamed in surprise... 


Down to the furniture... We got it we connected it, but it does not work correctly... It would randomly and intermittenly just buzz one or 2 times to the animations and not all animations worked. So it would seem that using the love bridge and granting access to guest and lover remotes to your play partner is the way to go... wait a tad bit longer for no touch furniture 

  • Haha 1
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