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​🚩 ​There is a huge hidden object that physically affects but I can't see it.


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Hi, There seems to be a huge object that is not visible in a certain part of the Sim and I can stand/walk/run on sky and it pushes me out of the sim. I restarted the sim 2-3 times, I tried ctrl+alt+T and other render metadata options but I can't see it. This problem is experienced only in a certain part of the Sim. Not only me, also my other friends who are on the sim are affected by this situation.

Help me please 🚩

🎬- GIF 1 -

🎬- GIF 2 -

🎬- GIF 3 -


Edited by istanbullet
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1 hour ago, Mollymews said:

could be a very tiny follower/pusher object that has gotten loose

try looking in About Land \ Script Info and see if you can find a suspect-looking script

Thanks for your answer 🙃. I found the issue. it looks about that off-sim mountains. They were not "phantom"

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