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Catwa HD pro skins


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Hey all, i am really on the fence about picking one of these heads up. I been demoing skins from a few makers but there seems to be issues, either with a neckline, or the body skins make my toes look like they got frostbite, OR.. they do the demo lines going right through the neck line so its hard to tell if there is one ro now.


so, those with the head, what skins are you using ?

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Ive been using hd pro since it came out, it already comes with either Skinnery(soft head) or deetalez(edged head) so depends which body skins you might already own or are willing to get to match it/you want to be wearing too.. (personally i like skinnery) and soft face looks so i got soft. .. i also got a MILA head skin for 880L for HD PRO, and also one by 7 deadly Skins in "sunset" pack. < 7DS also have a brand new one out on their facebook page..but i dont know when it comes out..they are teasing us with pics though!  There is NO neck seam, they use a universal neck line..and it doesnt have a seam on the Legacy or the Maitreya body...i can promise you that. The head is worth it i promise you.. you will be starring at your own eyelashes and eyes for hours.


PS about the toes, i am gonna assume you wear legacy? Or maybe belleza.. you need to be wearing skins made for those bodies.. for example, 7DS makes all her body skins fit for Maitreya.. so yes.. if you use a legacy or any other body, you will need to buy the 99L add ons for feet to cover that "frostbite" look.. or find skin stores that make skins for legacy, belleza ect.. MILA is great for this because for about 300L you get ALL the shades and ALL the body fits included.

Edited by xBaeBeex
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yea, legacy. I was just looking for head skins and alot it seems have head and body included, so you kinda get what ever you get.


 Now, i am going to have to look at that 7ds pack. so far the tone has been my fave out of the demos I have got and hopefully the new one is for the HD pro.

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My body is Maitreya (the latest version so 5.3) and my head is Catwa HDPro Majer Soft; I wear Deetalez skin on my head body plus I'm fully BOM and find 0 issues.  I know Deetalez also have an universal neck seam too, so worth checking them.

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18 hours ago, Sorciaa said:

 or the body skins make my toes look like they got frostbite


I don't have the head but the point above is a sign that the skin is an older Classic skin that's been repurposed for BOM without updating the toes and fingers. What you're actually seeing isn't frostbite, it's the old classic layer toenails, which aren't in the right place to match the position of nails on mesh bodies.

Fortunately, they are easily fixed by the use of tintable tattoo layers to cover them up. A marketplace search for "BOM nail fix" or "nail hider" will bring up several of them , some free. 


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