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Teleport from web browser

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There's this utility that might help you: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/slurl.

I've no idea what might have broken in your setup, but SLURL Proxy should set itself up to take SL map references from your browser and direct them to the viewer of your choice.

SL viewers usually grab control of the SLURL protocol when they're installed. If you have multiple viewers installed, you may want to keep it linked to a specific one, and this helps with that. In your case it may be that you installed a viewer, and then uninstalled it, leaving the browser with nowhere to send those references.

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Happened to me for many months, and frankly I just didn't have the time to invest in digging into one more thing.  So I just started right-click-copy the SLURL under the Visit this Location button and then pasted it into the viewer go bar. After three months or so of doing that suddenly it worked again.  

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10 hours ago, Pgarcia10 said:

Has anyone experienced an issue with not being able to teleport from a landmark in web browers? Whenever I click on the link to somewhere from the MP nothing happens....Any thougts or help?

It happened to me after I installed the LL viewer even after I uninstalled it.  I'm using the proxy for now.  I'm sure if I reinstall Firestorm, it'll be fine again.

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