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Why Does Media On a Prim Go Outside a Parcel?

Prokofy Neva

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Why does media on a prim, say a YouTube, bleed outside the parcel it is on, when the parcel is checked on the land menu, "Restrict gestures and object sounds to this parcel".

How is it possible to hear that media on another parcel? Where "Restrict gesture and object sounds to this parcel" is also checked? 

Isn't the sound coming from "media on a prim" (a URL put into the land) a sound that is restricted?

Obviously a stream on one parcel in the land menu under the "sound" tab does not play on another parcel; that makes it possible to put a separate stream on each parcel.

So why does media on a prim bleed out?

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1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Isn't the sound coming from "media on a prim" (a URL put into the land) a sound that is restricted?

There are two quite separate media systems, and Media on a Prim (aka "Shared media") does not correspond to "a URL put into the land" -- rather, it's its own URL specified right on that prim (in the Texture tab of the Build tool, with "Media" selected instead of "Materials"). Avatars can even wear Shared media and walk around crossing parcel borders without disrupting the media stream. And if there's a Shared media surface right on the parcel edge, it can still be seen by passersby just across that edge.

The other system, Parcel media, is the one specified by that "URL put into the land" -- but even that can be a little tricky. Usually TV scripts manage that one URL specified in the About Land window, but it's also possible for a script to specify Parcel media that's unique to an agent, meaning that it can be different for each visitor to the parcel, which back before Shared media was how we used to get multi-floor apartment buildings with different Parcel media in each apartment (and was also how the Redzone scam associated IP addresses with avatars and their alts).

None of this is meant to justify the effect of Shared media bleeding across sound-restricted parcel borders, which is a tremendous pain. I don't think anybody really wears Shared media so if it stopped at the edge of whatever parcel on which the media-specifying prim resides, I doubt there'd be many disadvantages.

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59 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

There are two quite separate media systems, and Media on a Prim (aka "Shared media") does not correspond to "a URL put into the land" -- rather, it's its own URL specified right on that prim (in the Texture tab of the Build tool, with "Media" selected instead of "Materials"). Avatars can even wear Shared media and walk around crossing parcel borders without disrupting the media stream. And if there's a Shared media surface right on the parcel edge, it can still be seen by passersby just across that edge.

The other system, Parcel media, is the one specified by that "URL put into the land" -- but even that can be a little tricky. Usually TV scripts manage that one URL specified in the About Land window, but it's also possible for a script to specify Parcel media that's unique to an agent, meaning that it can be different for each visitor to the parcel, which back before Shared media was how we used to get multi-floor apartment buildings with different Parcel media in each apartment (and was also how the Redzone scam associated IP addresses with avatars and their alts).

None of this is meant to justify the effect of Shared media bleeding across sound-restricted parcel borders, which is a tremendous pain. I don't think anybody really wears Shared media so if it stopped at the edge of whatever parcel on which the media-specifying prim resides, I doubt there'd be many disadvantages.

Well, thanks for explaining it in such clear detail. I realized they were different kinds of things. But I thought the principle of blocking sound on one thing ought to "carry over".

I'm baffled at what the use case is for "an avatar wearing shared media" needing to cross boundaries. Um, there's a giant Burning Man spread across 4 sims and someone is whooping and hollering and dancing around a bonfire with a prim on his back that plays psychedelic YouTubes? OK. But most people won't be needing that, thanks.

You could have it, and the ability to turn it off, just like any other sound or particle scripted phenomenon. 

Yes, the solution is to right click and block that thing making noise so that when you go over to another parcel, it's not trailing with you. But then, should you go back to the original parcel and wish to see/hear it again, you'll have to remember to unblock it. PS auto replay refusing to shut off within SL even if your own account has it shutoff is of course another known annoyance.

The vast majority of people in SL are not moving across parcels *wearing* MOAP. They might have some other object on like a dragon that roads but that's inherent within that object and while needing to cross boundaries, doesn't bleed back from them, i.e. kittycats or a familiar held in your hand or something jingling on someone -- the next parcel over won't have that IF I have checked the box.

I realize this isn't a priority for anyone because Lindens tend to weld their ideology into the prims and then not revisit it when other people come along with different ideologies.

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48 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

I'm baffled at what the use case is for "an avatar wearing shared media" needing to cross boundaries.

The vast majority of people in SL are not moving across parcels *wearing* MOAP.

when the wearable MOAP come out I made a iPod-like player in a armband for my neko, that linked to my Pandora music playlist. It was kinda cool that my avatar had their own music player, and I wore it quite a lot on my avatar just because I could really

I only ever got asked about it once. I was sitting and watching the world go by. A person stopped and we got chatting. They saw the player in my arm belt and asked about it. I said they could hear my playlist by enable Preferences \ Sound & Media \ Play media attached to other avatars. They did and they thought it was kinda cool also. But not sufficiently interesting to want one for themselves

it was one of those Linden ideas which appealed to pretty much no one as thing to do inworld, except to people like me who just liked the idea of my avatar being able to have their own inworld music player. Which from an individual user pov is a bit impractical given that we can play our own music on our computer media player anyway

it only ever makes sense if other people enable Play media attached to other avatars. Which is hardly anyone ever



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3 hours ago, Mollymews said:

I said they could hear my playlist by enable Preferences \ Sound & Media \ Play media attached to other avatars.

The important part (regarding attached media) is this. It's disabled by default, so that it's way less likely to be exploited.

I can't get inworld right now to test, but it may be that MOAP simply behaves differently from regular sounds, so it doesn't get limited to parcel bounds.

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