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Hey all,

Starting to get to work customising my avatar, been having some fun trying to teach myself though experimentation/google but I seem to have hit a wall when it comes to hairstyles. Basically, I have the maitreya lara v5.3 body, and a catwa head. These two together on their own are fine - I seem to be able to get clothes and the like going, and I'm slowly figuring out which ones I can/should be looking at :)

What I'm having problems with is hair. Literally any catwa hairstyle I demo causes my head to go invisible. What it seems to be doing is turning off the Catwa Head layer. If I turn that layer back on, the hairstyle vanishes. 

Every single catwa hairstyle I have tried has had the exact same effect, with or without a hairbase layer turned on as well. I do have one other hairstyle I randomly picked up that seems to work though - the Sintiklia Hair Raphael seems to just work. No muss, no fuss. It just applies, lets me use the HUD to change colour and be on my way. 

Thoughts? I'm assuming I've missed a little piece of how alpha layers work, I'm just not sure what yet. 

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10 minutes ago, vinnvixvinn said:

welcome to second life

no, you won't need to wear an alpha at all for hair. even alpha for mesh clothings are not necessary.

by the way, just a reminder: remember to choose 'add' when you want to put on something, not 'wear' or double click.

Oh? Interesting, didn't realise those made a huge difference. I'll retry from the ground up and see what happens

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Just now, RowanMinx said:

It's making her head go invisible so maybe she's wearing hair instead of adding hair and it's taking off her head?

Yes, if the head totally disappear. She is talking about "Turning on layer" I thought she means turning the head back from BoM to applier. Maybe that or she takes the head on again, as you think.

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1 hour ago, KimberRaven said:

Hey all,

Starting to get to work customising my avatar, been having some fun trying to teach myself though experimentation/google but I seem to have hit a wall when it comes to hairstyles. Basically, I have the maitreya lara v5.3 body, and a catwa head. These two together on their own are fine - I seem to be able to get clothes and the like going, and I'm slowly figuring out which ones I can/should be looking at :)

What I'm having problems with is hair. Literally any catwa hairstyle I demo causes my head to go invisible. What it seems to be doing is turning off the Catwa Head layer. If I turn that layer back on, the hairstyle vanishes. 

Every single catwa hairstyle I have tried has had the exact same effect, with or without a hairbase layer turned on as well. I do have one other hairstyle I randomly picked up that seems to work though - the Sintiklia Hair Raphael seems to just work. No muss, no fuss. It just applies, lets me use the HUD to change colour and be on my way. 

Thoughts? I'm assuming I've missed a little piece of how alpha layers work, I'm just not sure what yet. 

when you say Catwa hair style do you mean a hairbase or actual hair?  Are you BOM or not?  Are you trying to use an applier hairbase or BOM layer?  

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1 minute ago, KimberRaven said:

It appears vinnvixvinn and RowanMinx were right on the money. Tried using "add" and the head stayed. And it's not even too far off the shaping, that'll be some minor work :)

Thank you, that appears to have nailed it!

Awesome!  Cause headless people kind of freak me out.

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