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Landmark issues

Tokyo Enyo

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I could be pulling at straws here - but has anyone had the following issues:

1. unable to set landmark in similar trajectory or view to the set teleport point despite teleport being set near (unless this was because teleport was set THERE specifically when we got the place, i'm not sure that one got fixed earlier) 

2. unable to set landmark in spot you set home to? 


All of these are set with land set to group, and 2nd time around was group owned ( We just set it to deed for easier handling) - Both times we've rezzed a box in place where the specific is. 

First time was in someone's indoor shop area in our marketplace on our homestead.
Second time was in MY shop in the coordinates where i'd set home, but specifically 2000 meters higher in the sky on my platform. 

For reference: I've been to the estate rental place we go through, and that's why we got the first time fixed ( see #1 ) - but as soon as it was fixed about an hour later i tried to set a landmark in my sky plat form for one of our renters wanting to share space for rezzing and creation.  

Both me and another friend who are on this land with all this going on have been on and off SL since at least early 2007, my friend actually since 2005 - so we're utterly stumped.

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Have you checked these in that about land? Options tab?


Landing Point - Set a landing point where people will arrive if visiting your land. Click Set to place the landing point where you're standing. This is where people will be directed to if they teleport to your land, including from Search. For example, if you're building a space station, you can set the landing point high in the sky so people don't get lost on the ground looking for it.


Teleport Routing - Use this dropdown to select one of the following options:

  • Blocked - Prevents Residents from teleporting to your parcel.
  • Landing Point - Forces all Residents to land at your specified landing point.
  • Anywhere - Allows Residents to teleport to anywhere in your parcel.

Each has its uses depending on your intent. For example, if you're building a game with secret areas and divided into multiple parcels, you can choose Blocked for some parcels so people don't accidentally spoil surprises, but choose Landing Point for the entrance parcel so everyone can see the instructions sign you've posted.

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Actually honestly, as much as some have not -  Me and the estate person from RGF went through all that, cleared the landing point and it fixed it the first time. 
It's the second time that REALLY makes us laugh and baffled - because we just got done fixing the first one, and then VOILA the second time was when i set home at a specific point and couldn't set a landmark no matter high or low in the sky. 

We have it set and always have since getting the homestead to "Anywhere" - the only reason we cleared the landing point was because it was suggested by the RGF estates person.  They had me clear it, i sat on the prim that marked the area in question (Literally a standard "CREATE" button box, and set exactly in the dead spot) - and the first time half across the sim from the second time - it cleared it and fixed it. 

Also noting NONE of the homestead bar the rental section (where we have the rent prim from RGF that we pay) is parcelled of anymore.  We decided it wasn't going to help us because traffic needed to be shared across the land in order to help drive traffic to every point of what we had.  So we don't have anything parcelled off except for the required area that RGF has sectioned off for the casperlet prim. 

The second time we noticed it, I was in my shop which again isn't parcelled off it's on the same sim - about 1-200m roughly maybe less from the other shop in question - and it's in an area i'd set my home point to.  Now with me, my home point is set in the sky, rather than the ground - it could be there's a "HOME POINT" exclusion zone just for the user in question and nobody else has this issue.

Normally "ANYWHERE" plus a landing point doesn't cause this issue, unless I wasn't aware where the landing point was set.  The sim's owned by my RL/SL mother and we share the space with her.  So if she set it to be the shop she used to use and recently let someone else take over - then my bad, xD you can't set landing point landmarks!  As far as I was aware it wasn't there, and it was more towards the middle or the near the hangout. 

But yea, as a seasoned resident i'm quite aware (though honestly, it helps to go through everything when diagnosing glitch issues lol) - how the routing goes, it's just that i've NEVER seen this issue come up where you can't set a landmark on group owned land before even whe nyou haev a group tag on ! :)


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I don't know the history of the Create Landmarks option for parcels, but evidently it was enabled/disabled in the About Land / Options tab. I don't see that in my viewer now, but there is also a script function for checking whether it's enabled.

Rather than being a parcel setting, "Allow 'Set Home to Here' on group land" is a "Parcel Powers" Ability that can be assigned to specific Group Roles.

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