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Devil Ray & Trompe


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Upon visiting a property that I have in Devil Ray and later shopping for a prefab at the Trompe store, items are not rezzing, or derez in front of my eyes. In addition, I cannot teleport away, and if I try I get logged off. Also, I will either continue flying, walking until the system kicks me off. 

I had to refund a new rental tenant due to this. Am I the only one experiencing these issues? I can find no news or status suggesting why I am having these issues. 

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This capabilities failure (the region flatly refuses to interact with the avatar/account) is a phenomenon that has been affecting SL for some time and to the best of my knowledge has neither been officially accepted or in any way explained.  It appears to be entirely random in its appearance (after a region restart of any kind).

Nearly everyone I know has experienced it at least once.

It would be good if we could have some explanation of this phenomenon and a putative cure, from Linden Laboratory, but unless I have missed it nothing has been forthcoming from The Lab.

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  • Lindens

Capabilities are the way the Second Life viewer maps a URL that's just for you and your current session to the internal resources on our servers needed to make your connection to the simulator fully functional. It provides things like the ability to download offline IMs reliably, fetch chunks of your inventory, or send an Abuse Report when someone has broken the Terms of Service or Community Standards. The most important capability though is the "Seed Capability" which is the capability to get capabilities. Without that, almost nothing works, as mentioned above. We know some of the ways a server can look when it's not properly handing out capabilities, but I won't say we know what every case of capability failure looks like. We don't have a magic solution to make Capability failures go away (and if we did we'd be releasing it as soon as we could!), but we know it has a big impact on Residents' ability to enjoy their time in Second Life and it's never very far from our minds when we're thinking about ways to improve Resident experience.

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