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Looking For a Clinic to rent (Virtual Learning)

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Hello all, I am new in second life.

Me my team from University Putra Malaysia  is currently running a pilot project virtual learning for dietitian running a obesity clinic.

We are currently looking for a clinic for rent,  where we can conduct our virtual training  for a period of one year.  

If there's any, we like to know whats the price per monthly or yearly basis

Thank you 


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Hello CinnamonMousse

We are involved in research developing a virtual clinic environment (Second Life) as a teaching tool. It is a simulation-based obesity education for health profession students.

This project is for one year only.

Health profession will be involved; medical doctor, dietitian & nurses to conduct obesity management.

Just a simple clinic (size around 4000+) to conduct obesity management, need to have counseling room, & discussion room and tools to do an anthropometric  assessment (body weight, height, waist circumference, body fat %) 

We are seeking collaboration to rent a hospital or clinic available in island, Second Life, if possible and currently making a comparison whether building the obesity clinic(SL Marketstore assets) or renting(ready made with land) is more affordable?

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59 minutes ago, UPMTester said:

Hello CinnamonMousse

We are involved in research developing a virtual clinic environment (Second Life) as a teaching tool. It is a simulation-based obesity education for health profession students.

This project is for one year only.

Health profession will be involved; medical doctor, dietitian & nurses to conduct obesity management.

Just a simple clinic (size around 4000+) to conduct obesity management, need to have counseling room, & discussion room and tools to do an anthropometric  assessment (body weight, height, waist circumference, body fat %) 

We are seeking collaboration to rent a hospital or clinic available in island, Second Life, if possible and currently making a comparison whether building the obesity clinic(SL Marketstore assets) or renting(ready made with land) is more affordable?


Welcome to Second Life. Since you are new I will attempt to explain a few things that you may not know. It doesn't sound like you do from your post.   

While certainly possible it is very unlikely that there is a clinic building of your specifications sitting idle in Second Life.   The more typical route would be to either by a building that would work for you as well as furnishings and RENT a section of land or perhaps a homestead sim where you have more control. The other typical option would be finding a builder who would make a building to your specifications.  Personally I would choose finding my own building rather than hiring someone to build since that can be fought with troubles.  If yor rent rather than buying mainland you should look for a landlord that has been around awhile in hopes of having a secure plot of land for your year. 


You will need to do your own research in these areas to see what is more affordable to you compared with what you NEED and what you WANT.  There are many considerations to take into account besides price. 


I STRONGLY suggest that the people interested in this spend some time in Second Life == learning what it is and isn't and getting more accustom to the choices available. Good luck.

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  • 4 months later...

There are decent hospital and clinic buildings on the marketplace (https://marketplace.secondlife.com), if they have a demo you can see and check if they fit your needs. You can also repurpose other buildings which might have the necessary amount of rooms and use them as a hospital / clinic. Of course you can also make those yourself if you have the resource to do it.

I'm not sure if the tools you mentioned are required for decorative / instructional purposes only or not, but if they aren't (as in if they need to work like the real things), then you'd also need a scripter to script the codes necessary for them to run the way you want them to run.

And yeah for regions you can check the link Whirly posted or contact LL to see if you're eligible for the discount or not as she mentioned.

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