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1 hour ago, Solar Legion said:

Cykar, I know very well what I am talking about - thank you very much.

You make a habit of pretending "loads the program" means "useful" or "works" - loading and actually being properly usable are not the same thing - at all.

You like to tinker - lovely. You also took the "system requirements" page - which has not been updated in a long time - at face value. Not so lovely. Getting a program to load does not mean it is usable - that's reality.

Just as my description of any Chromebook is reality.

You don't have to like it nor do you have to agree - both are quite irrelevant. Your opinion doesn't change anything.

They asked if it can run it, I told them yes, because it can. I've run SL on much less and while it would be a terrible way to play SL, it could do it. If you dropped down your settings to basically nothing it could even be bearable.

I have played this game on its "minimum" and that was terrible but even haswell celerons would be dozens of times better than that. Especially since those N series ones aren't even that bad compared to the same gen mobile i3 dual cores, really it's big drawback is the different igp and lack of ram. 

The R11 OP has uses a slightly newer quadcore and has either 2 or 4gb of ram, if it's 4gb, they won't have an issue playing SL via firestorm on a chroot. If it's 2gb, you're looking at 300-500mb being eaten by chromeOS and another similar amount by the VM, though you can cut down both but that gets a little more involved. And SL just isn't playable on 1gb of ram.

The point here is that a chromebook isn't just some garbage tier android tablet machine. Just because the thing was designed to browse Facebook doesn't mean that's all it can do.

And I definitely did not take the system requirements page at face value, I did an entire over typed and incredibly boring post on the system requirements page and why it needs a revamp.

And I sure as hell do not "tinker", this is my hobby for sure, but I don't own 50+ graphics cards, 100+ different processors, dozens of motherboards, ram types and countless other parts both rare and obscure for the sole enjoyment myself. I do this to be certain when people ask for help, I first and foremost enjoy dealing with people's little tech support issues.

You can't be 100% certain in telling someone how their specific PC will perform in some specific tasks, or how well an upgrade will go and if it's worthwhile, or what their PC is actually capable of if you don't have the hardware yourself. A lot of the time you're gonna struggle to find a performance benchmark of GTA V on something weird like a GTS 150 or a GTX 760ti, there are even a handful of later AGP cards like the 7800GS that can still play modern games. What about egpu with a laptop from 2005? I've got two IBM Z61t's and a 2503 advance dock for that exact purpose.

I take tinkering almost downright offensively.

"Your opinion doesn't change anything." And nobody asked for yours on what you personally think a chromebook is. I happen to actually know what they're capable of and had information to give OP other than just shunning their machine.



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That's nice. 

All utterly irrelevant but still nice. 

When a normal person asks you if something runs, they do not mean "does it load" and in the case of Second Life they do not mean "can I log in" ...

Sorry, no. Chrome Book types are as I described them - that is reality. As is the fact that the answers you gave are not what was actually being asked. 

Believe as you will. 

Reality will keep not caring. 

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9 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

That's nice. 

All utterly irrelevant but still nice. 

When a normal person asks you if something runs, they do not mean "does it load" and in the case of Second Life they do not mean "can I log in" ...

Sorry, no. Chrome Book types are as I described them - that is reality. As is the fact that the answers you gave are not what was actually being asked. 

Believe as you will. 

Reality will keep not caring. 


once again, someone who doesn't know what they're talking about is talking about something 

and once again they're adamant in their belief which is plain and simple wrong because they refuse to be told that their belief is wrong

gee I definitely haven't seen this two billion times before

*cough*"ati doesn't work with SL" people*cough*

*cough*pulling jiras from a decade ago*cough*

*cough*macbook players complaining about SL causing too much heat*cough*

let me tldr this because I gotta be up at 4 tomorrow and my phone is burning my retinas 

you're wrong, plain and simple, you just are wrong and there is no more to it

practically any chromebook on the market today is hardware capable of playing SL and having it play fairly well even, those little mobile celerons aren't that incapable 

the only limitiation is ram, on top of the fact that it's generally harder to do than to just install and play like windows, such as if you don't want to pay for the android app and instead go chroot to Ubuntu to firestorm 

my basis for playing terribly is that it's going to involve stutter and generally low settings, but it will be playable and enjoyable, not just "well it runs"

ive done "well it runs" on a low end machine from 2002, and that's still well below my bar for "runs"

there are plenty of people here on SL that play on braswell/haswell igp daily and get very playable results 


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7 hours ago, Flydragon2642 said:

lol oh okay ......what if iwas just to try it after i buy it would there be some kinda of a well lets say a refund ???

I think the Google Play store still refunds if you return the app within 15 minutes. That's not a lot of time, but maybe enough to know if it even works for your device.

That said, honestly, it's a pittance compared to the vast amount of work that developer had to do to make the app possible. It's really quite an impressive feat if you know about Android apps and (especially) the open SL viewer source code. Lumiya is nothing remotely like a simple port to a new platform, and is by far the most innovative SL third-party UI development, ever.

But that's also its limitation. If you want the real SL experience, Lumiya is not even close. It's an amazing way to interact with the SL world, but it's not comparable to what you'd get with a big cushy desktop. (On the other hand, if you also have an Android phone or tablet, that Lumiya purchase is an investment that follows your account wherever it goes.)

Edited by Qie Niangao
(eep. "it's" != "its")
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