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3FPS Help


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Hey, when i try run the game it stays at 3.2 FPS or lower, anyone know how to fix, i was thinking must be some option i am missing that i to change.

I Keep my Graphic Driver Updated with GeForce Experience



Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB Graphic Card

16GB Memory

AMD A8-6600K APU 3.90 GHZ Quad Core CPU

Windows 10 Pro x64

Edited by LeStormBreaker
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2 hours ago, LeStormBreaker said:

Bandwidth: 10000kbit/s

That bandwidth setting looks extremely high.   Despite how high the slider will go, I'm pretty sure the recommendation is to keep it under 1500.  Try knocking that down and see if it helps any.

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Check to be sure that your system is actually using that GTX 1060 when you are in SL.  If you have an Intel graphics chip on your motherboard, the system may default to it unless you have used the NVidia control panel to tell it when to use the 1060 instead.  If that's not the solution, please open Help >>> About Second Life in your viewer, copy your full system specs to your clipboard, and paste them here.

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Second Life Release (64bit)
Release Notes

You are at 138.3, 42.0, 3,537.8 in Burnt Toast located at sim10358.agni.lindenlab.com (
SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Burnt Toast/138/42/3538
(global coordinates 130,186.0, 232,746.0, 3,537.8)
Second Life RC Magnum
Release Notes

CPU: AMD A8-6600K APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics    (3892.92 MHz)
Memory: 16334 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 17134)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version:
OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 398.36

Window size: 1920x1057
Font Size Adjustment: 96pt
UI Scaling: 1
Draw distance: 128m
Bandwidth: 10000kbit/s
LOD factor: 1.125
Render quality: 5 / 7
Advanced Lighting Model: Enabled
Texture memory: 512MB
VFS (cache) creation time: June 28 2018 13:04:27

J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.10.4
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.64
Dullahan: 1.1.1080 / CEF: 3.3325.1750.gaabe4c4 / Chromium: 65.0.3325.146
LibVLC Version: 2.2.8
Voice Server Version: Not Connected
Packets Lost: 17/2,368 (0.7%)
June 28 2018 14:00:50

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OK, that wasn't it.  ¬¬  You have a rather high packet loss, which certainly isn't helping any, but I don't think it's high enough by itself to account for the low FPS.  You might open your Statistics window (CTRL + Shift + 1) and see what your Ping Sim value (near the top of the display) is.  If it's much above, say, 200 msec, that could also account for some of the slowness.  Otherwise, nothing really jumps out at me from these specs.  I assume that you have tried running with a lower render quality, setting Maximum Non-Imposter Avatars to something like 4, and Maximum Complexity to maybe 200,000.  If not, see whether those help a little.  With that graphics card you shouldn't need to set things that low, but it's a place to start.  I assume also that you have tried going to another region (preferably one that doesn't have a lot of other avatars in it). 

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10 minutes ago, LeStormBreaker said:

Ping Sim is 189 - 250

OK, that's high enough to start giving you serious issues.  If you are in North America, your ping time should usually be below 100 msec or so (mine hovers around 75).  If you're in Europe, it can average 150 - 200.  If you are in Australia or SE Asia, you may have to eat a ping time that high forever, sadly.  You are just too far away from the LL servers.  In the U.S. or Canada, though, a ping time that large is unusual -- perhaps indicating a crummy path through the Internet or (heaven forbid) that you are using a satellite connection. 

14 minutes ago, LeStormBreaker said:

it has same issue when in a room by myself

"In a room by yourself?"  If there is someone else using your router too, they may be slowing things down.  Other programs running in the background on your machine could too.  But did you try going to another region in SL to see if things improve?

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A poor connection is not going to pull FPS down. It isn't going to help. But, you have something local choking performance.

So, get HWMonitor (free) and check your temperatures and CPU and GPU loads. You should be around 25 to 50% on both.

For NVIDIA use with Second Life see this article: http://blog.nalates.net/2016/06/05/nvidia-settings-2016/

Also, http://blog.nalates.net/2011/11/30/how-to-get-a-faster-second-life/

Also, http://blog.nalates.net/2010/12/17/graphics-tweaking-for-second-life/

These are old but most of the information is still pertinent. 

I have a 1060 GTX and i5-6600k OC @ 4.1GHz. One notch below Ultra with Shadows, Sun/Moon+Proj enabled and I get between 20 FPS in crowds and 120 FPS in skyboxes... So, something is up with your 'system/NVIDIA' settings.

PS: A poor connection can slow downloads and keep the computer tied up decompressing texture files. But, eventually they all get downloaded and your viewer stops decompressing. So, if connection is slowing this process you should FPS coming up after 10 minutes, more or less. Open the texture console to see when your viewer is done with textures Ctrl-Shift-3 (toggle). Other debugging consoles that may help http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Develop_menu

Edited by Nalates Urriah
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