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LL: Stop crapping up the data

Pamela Galli

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Okay someone has shown me how to make PivotTables* out of my Excel spreadsheets so I can see how much total someone has spent within a given time period, how much a given product has brought in, etc -- EXCEPT my biggest customer is MarketPlace Linden.  And all the objects sold on the MP are called Order # 12355555. NOT VERY ENLIGHTENING.

So I have to manually remove all the marketplace data that is incorporated in with the inworld transactions and then somehow take the data from the MP order history and put it in the spreadsheet.

It is nice, I admit, to look at the total number at the bottom of the page and know how much I sold that day. In the past I could also look at the total I had sold that day on the MP too BUT NOT ANYMORE!


BECAUSE THE DATA IS CRAPPED UP NOW!  If you will not give us reporting tools can you just make it less horrendously difficult for us to make our own?


*Actually he did not show me how, he just made one from my excel sheet so I could see it. I have no clue how to make one.


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You may want to poke your friend to see if they somehow cut and pasted something accidentally and monkeyed up the customer names and order numbers.  I just discovered those Excel spreadsheets a few days ago myself while I was responding to another post and I found them to be all sorts of enlightening.

I'm grabbing my sheets from "Reports > Orders - little blue 'Download CVS Output'" link on the MarketPlace.  If I had to guess it sounds to me like your friend got your sheet from the 'Transaction History' section... I'd double check that because you may still be able to easily get at what you're hoping for, although admittedly not as easily as we'd like.

Here's the information that I can get at and none of my 'Buyer' names are MarketPlace Linden from the link that I use.

Date      Order # SKU        Item       Order Item ID     Buyer     Recipient             Price      State               Commission        Distributions       Net amount

If we're ever on together I'd be glad to try to get you through the wickets... some of your questions like totals for the day, total someone has spent over a time period, etc really aren't too tricky to tease out.

Try playing around in that "Reports > Orders" section on MP and you may be pleasantly surprised... or become more completely spun out of control and into a rage over what you've lost in the transition... who knows... but more is always better right? (maybe not?)

Fingers crossed for you!

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Hi Lanas, and thanks -- I was not very clear about the problem :-)  I do download the MP csv. -- but the problem, for my purposes with the Pivot Sheets, is that all that data is dumped into the transaction record with the inworld transactions -- EXCEPT that the "customer" is Marketplace Linded and the item is "order # 12233444". Which craps up the data. Though I see some utility in having all the transactions in one record, it is a mess because the reporting fields for the two sets of data are not the same.


So I have to take out the MP data from the Transactions and then, if I want all the data in one record, import it back in column by column. (But I probably will not do that because what I want to know most of all is what is not selling, so I can delete it and avoid having to buy a 4th sim.)

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I use two sources of data. One comes from the SL Transaction History and the other from Marketplace transactions captured using ANS. I then filter the SL Transaction History to remove any Marketplace sales and merge in the Marketplace data from its own table. One giant SQL query later, I get a union of the two tables showing customer name, UUID, product name, product ID, price paid, fees paid, date and time of sale.

The only annoying manual part is importing the SL Transaction History into my database. Now, if I had an ANS for that data ... *grin*

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[Why do they mess up their own spreadsheet?]

Failing to mess it up would seem to defeat the only purpose yet plausibly hypothesized for removing the previously analytic tools.

I therefore am compelled to point out that this further supports the sole hypothesis; that LL does not want us to be able to effectively track changes in market behavior in a way that would allow statistically indisputable criticism of their changes to the system.

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You know… as soon as I left for work after posting I began to think to myself that your concern was far trickier than just doing gymnastics with a sheet from Marketplace (it’s only half the battle more or less—In-World sales etc etc, of course, what was I thinking… more like hoping).  I’m not even going to begin jumping in on this one again, my head hurt just thinking about it on the way home tonight before I’d even peeked at the rest of the posts here.

You are absolutely right!  “LL: Stop crapping up the data”

I’ll simply surrender now before I completely lose my peace of mind… I never knew how good it was, so I’ll accept how bad it is and gladly join your rant of desperation for hope and change!

Where’s the petition?  Sign me up.

Always just hoping to help…


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