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Avatar Copied


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Ok, here we go.  I was sitting at one of the beaches and chatting with the guy next to me.  Then another guy comes over and asks if he can sit next to me, he was 3 weeks old, on the same chair.  So i said it was ok.  After he left I zoomed in on him and he was dancing with someone who was 3 days old with the same avi as mine.  When I clicked on his name in my chat, in chat it said this other guy was in conference with us but nothing was typed in there. I don't care he copied my avi and I dont know how he did it.  I am more concerned if he got into my account to do it.  Maybe he just copied my avi without going into my account?  Also the guy in the next chair was asking me where I lived.  I told him I don't give out personal info on here.  So then he said the name of my state I live in.  I did send in an abuse report on the guy who copied my avi and the person using it. Is there anything else I need to do about this?  Thank you.

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How easy it would be to copy your avatar really depends on how much you have customised it and how you have customised it.

As to knowing the state you are in, I suspect that was just something he worked out from some reference in your conversation, perhaps a colloquialism you have overlooked.

It is a bit strange, but unlikely things happen at about the frequency you would expect but we only notice the unlikely events, because the likely ones are unremarkable.

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Copying some one's avatar is not against the TOS unless a part that is copied was created as an original by you and copied without permission.  Most people put together their avatar by buying all the parts either together or separately.  If you buy the together than as pointed out any one else can buy on too.  Even if you put it together from separate parts you bought some one else can buy the same parts to put theirs together, although this is less likely.

Guessing where you come from is not against the TOS either.  However, telling some one else any personal information about you is against the TOS.  Telling you what your personal information is I assume is ok since you already know it and no confidence is divulged.

Some one can get your IP address and then look up where you are.  Anyone streaming, such as a DJ, can get an IP address.  It's not a secret as your address is known by every web site you visit and can only be used to find the general area of your location.  (I looked up mine out of curiousity and it gave a location miles away from where I live.) Even so an IP address may not have been used and the guy may have made a lucky guess that was pure luck or by picking up clues such as how you talk, your time zone, even weather where you live in RL. etc

I'm afraid LL will do nothing in response to your AR's and there is nothing you can do about either situation.

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Ok thank you everyone for explaiing that to me.  The avi didn't cost much.  I wasn't going to win any beauty contests with it anyways. I'm flattered they wanted to take the time out to copy it.  Everything looks ok in my account.  Thanks for putting my mind at ease.  Didn't know that about the IP address thing. Thanks!

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...Or it's as simple as one of them copybotted you. Some people have viewers that can do that, your skin, shape, everything you are wearing. Or they have one of those scripts where they can see who created what you have on. But at the speed they did it it sounds like a copy bot.


The only thing you really can do is report it, but people that do things like this have many Alts, so it might not do much.

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