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I want to sell full perm items but MP is full of theft

RavenSkye Waverider

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So, a friend is thinking about selling full perm animations for builders. I was thinking about selling full perm items myself. But I am seeing more and more right now (even when buying templates to use for some things I sell not full perm like clothes), a lot of avatars coming up on Marketplace, with obvious DCMA violations. Not just one or two but MANY. It's crazy.

I really am not sure it's worth doing much on here these days as it's gotten so bad. Heck, I didnt realize a lot of templates I may have bought, might have been sold not by the original creator. So, I'm probably going to be out a hefty amount of linden if they are DCMA (as apparently in previous removals, you didn't get paid back). It's really hard to know who owns what as a buyer of items.


I have just noticed the massive amount of full perm items going on marketplace by I think 3 different users atm, of the same items from MULTIPLE original creators. I am always getting spammed for all the "gatcha" item sales of obvious copybotted items. This last couple of months have gone insane, I hate buying things from most places and I think I'm going to stop buying clothing templates (I buy lots) because I can't tell which ones are legit.


Frustrating, when you start really getting into understanding things, and its like Second Life has become a StopNRob with a side of reselling stolen goods on ebay. ugh

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I am talking about the full perm items people are making, most of it seems to be clothing templates. People buy them then resell them at lower costs to scam money from the people that created it to begin with. I don't want my items resold and money taken from me, when I am the one that made it, not them. (not talking clothing, I cant make clothes yet to save my life in mesh yet).


it's gotten crazy


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The Lab and people and organizations like them have done all the things they can think of to reduce this problem.

There are laws against theft.

What we have isn't working well.

So, everything most people can think of has been done. Now it is up to us to figure out what tools the Lab can provide that would help us figure out who is legitimate and who isn't.

Consider something like: BUG-37644 - I'm not sure how much this would help, but it would help me in making decisions on who to by from.

File your own Feature Requests. Try to make them something practical that can actually be done.

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Theft is a risk in any commercial environment.

When you want to start a jewelry store in RL, you can almost be sure that you will be robbed several times. But when jewelry is your passion, when you love it and you know all about it, and you are a good sales person, the dream of having your own shop one day might be strong. It might be stronger then the fear for the risk you going to take by realising that dream. Knowing that there are risks you can take your measures, like buying a strong safe, taking a good ensurance and hire security guards.

I sell full perm items for builders and creators for 7 years now. And yes, it happened to me also that my copyrights were violated. I have had to file dmca reports 3 times. That was in the first two years that I was selling full perm items. It is shocking when it happens, it is so unfair that someone is blatantly selling the things you made with your own hands.
And then you have the trouble of filing a dmca report, it can take several weeks before LL reacts to it. It is all very upsetting.

Luckily it is a long time ago. We did not have the LL marketplace yet, the infrigment happened in an in world stores. The last five year I did not come across any infringments of my copyrights (fingers crossed for the future).

But there is also another side to discover. When you are going to sell full perms items, you will have a wonderful customers. A great bunch of them is very aware of full perms market, because they are searching the MP all the time and look out for new items.  They will warn you when they see your items sold by another person. When it happened to me, there were so many people who contacted me, some of them had bought the item before for my store and recognised it, but also people who did not buy it themselves but still recognised it. And that is the opposite from the black medal of copyright theft, there is hart warming support from creators and builders who stand at your side.

But may I ask, what is for you the reason to think about selling full perms items, and what kind of items?





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Madeliefste Oh wrote:


And then you have the trouble of filing a dmca report, it can take several weeks before LL reacts to it. It is all very upsetting.



This may have been a while ago. LL have become a lot more efficient in acting on DMCA reports. It now takes between 2 to 4 days for items to be removed from the MP.

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