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indeed, the thrust is trust


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What is SL trust?

Is there such a thing in a virtual, anonymous environment?  What is your definition of the word 'trust' as you apply it to SL?

I have two people on my friends list that I trust - implicitly!  Trust is the belief in the truth, reliability, ability, or strength of someone.  The acceptance of truth of a statement without evidence or investigation.

Should I 'trust' the words (OP's and responses) I read in this forum? Should I trust the words I read by tweeters, e.g., I read it on twitter - it must be true?


ETA Should this thread be moved to Make Friends?

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I tend to *trust* my instincts and let them be my guide.  If I'm chatting, dancing, shopping and generally having fun with Avatars I don't know that well then *trust* isn't that much of an issue....... I take people at face value and I don't expect them to trust me anymore than I trust them.  I don't think you should automatically trust anyone either on SL or RL.......particularly in the early days.

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Trust = Total Reliability Understanding Secure Truth

Hi Storm,

Welcome back. Do you see we can now see who the reply is to? ^^^^

I think different people trust different things. Some trust their instincts, others their intuition and some of the wild ones trust their impulses. Whatever tools you use to make it through RL I think you should also use here in the forums. 

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it depends on everyone's individual expectations in SL, if u are here to find the love of your life 'Trust' will become an important driver in your future selection of friends and partners, if u are just here to create or to have fun I don't think that 'Trust' is applicable ....but rather 'Lust' comes into place :smileytongue: *meows*

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Wildcat Furse wrote:

it depends on everyone's individual expectations in SL, if u are here to find the love of your life 'Trust' will become an important driver in your future selection of friends and partners, if u are just here to create or to have fun I don't think that 'Trust' is applicable ....but rather 'Lust' comes into place :smileytongue: *meows*

One is trust of others and one is trust in yourself.  I would not have any friends if I did not trust in myself.  I have a short friends list and, like I said above, I trust them.  I trust the few that consider me a friend - we earn trust; do we not?  In your opinion how does one earn your trust?


ETA I wil ask about earning lust in a separate thread.  :smileyindifferent:


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Storm Clarence wrote:

Trust is the belief in the truth, reliability, ability, or strength of someone.

The acceptance of truth of a statement without evidence or investigation.
This I call it faith.

Should I 'trust' the words (OP's and responses) I read in this forum? Should I trust the words I read by tweeters, e.g., I read it on twitter - it must be true?
I'm not sure the forum have necessarily something to do with thuth (but I like to believe many posts do). The inworld relationships
do, at least for me. I cannot even imagine to lie to any of my friends in SL (or RL) and I would expect it goes the same from them.

ETA Should this thread be moved to Make Friends?
Or should it be Make Love if it was an option?



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    If thou speak'st false,
    Upon the next tree shalt thou hang alive,
    Till famine cling thee: if thy speech be sooth,
    I care not if thou dost for me as much.
    I pull in resolution, and begin
    To doubt the equivocation of the fiend
    That lies like truth: 'Fear not, till Birnam wood
    Do come to Dunsinane:' and now a wood
    Comes toward Dunsinane. Arm, arm, and out!
    If this which he avouches does appear,
    There is nor flying hence nor tarrying here.
    I gin to be aweary of the sun,
    And wish the estate o' the world were now undone.
    Ring the alarum-bell! Blow, wind! come, wrack!
    At least we'll die with harness on our back.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

Yes, Keli I saw the reply feature.  Did you see my post to 'My Favorite Linden' thread?

Do you trust?  Is trusting in-world different than trusting on the forum?    

I just saw the post. I love it. Yes I think trusting Inworld is different than the forums.

Inworld I guess is just like RL I trust in levels.

Level 1: I trust enough to put this person on my friend's list so they can see when I come and go.

Level 2: I trust this person enough to go somewhere out of public view with. i.e. a private home or a location with no other people.

Level 3: This is one I was taught by a good SL friend; I trust this person enough to go Poseball shopping with (in good fun of coarse).

Level 4: I trust this person enough to give a little more RL information to than is written in my profile.

Level 5: Yes I trust you. :)

In the forum I guess it is based on what day of the week it is.

Monday: They probably didn't mean it, its just the Monday Blues. :smileyindifferent:

Tuesday: I think this person really wants to make things better. :smileyhappy:

Wednesday: That is so sad what that Landbot did. :smileysad:

Thursday: Isn't it taco night? I thought Thursday was taco night or was that Tuesday? :smileytongue:

Friday: Like I am really going to believe that you had a relationship with a purple furry vampire hamster that was pretending to be a dog. :smileyvery-happy:

Weekend: YAY it's the weekend! What? But, but, but what do you mean there is no technical support on the weekends? HEEEELLLLPPPPP! :smileysurprised:


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I think there is a difference between trust and expectations. I do not need to place my trust in what I read in the forums.  I have reasonable expectations that I generally see fulfilled regularly. For example I expect that a post seeking technical help will be responded to with the best information our users have to offer. In the same vein, I expect that a playful post will get a playful response.  I also expect that the enmity between certain users will always color their interchanges.  Since, for many, SL is an entertainment venue, I don't expect people to be serious all the time here.  It's a pretend world, and there are lots of different ways to pretend.  I expect that sometimes there will be miscommunication between the players, since they come from so many varied backgrounds.

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I have three friends in SL who I hold most dear.  Two, I met when I was a n00b and one I met about a year ago.  My relationships with them are all different but one thing is constant and that is the trust we share.  I would do anything that I could for them and they for me.  I *feel* it to be true.  I *know* it to be true.

As far as forum posts go, what I trust is that I and others may learn something new or unexpected from the OP and posts.  Points of view, etc.   We may be entertained, we may laugh...hard..we may ponder..we think.  However, for reasons of confidentiality, I would not expect someone to spill the entirety of their personal stories out for others to pick apart. 

As far as twitter goes?  /me laughs

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I ask about trust in the forum because it is the written word by an anonymous person.  Today is the anniversary of one of the greatest inventions of all time: the lead pencil with an attached eraser - patented by H.L.Lipman of Philadelphia.  Any man who gives the world a chance to 'erase' a mistake must be a public benefactor.  I used a similar technology, many times, in composing my OP.

Can trust be earned in the forum? 

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Storm Clarence wrote:

I ask about trust in the forum because it is the written word by an anonymous person.  Today is the anniversary of one of the greatest inventions of all time: the lead pencil with an attached eraser - patented by H.L.Lipman of Philadelphia.  Any man who gives the world a chance to 'erase' a mistake must be a public benefactor.  I used a similar technology, many times, in composing my OP.

Can trust be earned in the forum? 

To err is human, but when the eraser is wearing out before the pencil, you are overdoing it. 


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I trust my group that I know in RL as well as SL. 

I trust certain people in SL with considerable weight as they've earned it time and time again, RL and SL

I trust those that those above trust, although not as strongly.  They've yet to earn that.

I trust those I do not know only to certain limits.  A certain amount of money or a certain amount of detail about my RL and SL self

I trust total strangers with rather little.  But that's because they've not earned said trust, nor distrust.


I trust LL not at all for they've repeatedly violated my trust and business contracts.  Indeed, it will be very hard for LL to recover said trust again.  I imagine this is true for most inworld who have been here for more than one year. 

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@Shockwave  I am glad to see you bring LL into your opinion.  I wanted to in the OP, but could not find the words to work it in properly.  I never came to SL to put my trust in the company that runs SL - I don't know what I should trust them with?  Perhaps security and privacy with regard to my personal information and financials - I do trust that they have done almost everything to protect my data.  

I didn't come to SL for friendships, either.  However, I found a few.  My friendships have become the best part of my SL experience.  I trust them.



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