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What is Linden Labs policy on suggestive clothing for child avatars?


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Occasionally while browsing clothing for my child avatar, I find clothing that seems very sexually suggestive, but I'm never quite sure whether to report it or not because of Linden Labs policy on child avatars not being very clear past blatantly sexual content.  So far today I've seen fishnet crop tops paired with speedos with large bulges for a preteen boy, micro bikinis for a preteen girl avatar where the ad picture is focused on her rear, and backless leather chaps paired with a thong for a preteen boy avatar.

These all make me very uncomfortable and I avoid it wherever possible, but I seem to have an unfortunate knack for finding them even at in-world malls, and I'm wondering whether I should start reporting them or not.


Edit: Since there seems to be some confusion, I'll give some examples (with indentifying store info censored out, I don't want to incite harrassment if there's "nothing wrong.")

The SMB body is marketed as being a child avatar, and is clearly intended to be a pre-teen. All of these are marked as general on the MP and I found the first 3 in a mall targetted towards child avatars. This issue isn't just limited to the SMB body, but it's the most notable that I've seen.

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As you say, you find this stuff in the children's clothing section of Real Life stores, too...darn it.  LL has NO policy on "suggestive" clothing for child avatars.  The policy on sexual age play only deals with actual acts of cyber-sex roleplay between an adult avatar and a child avatar.

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People have different opinions. What you may find distasteful others may not.

There are those that are 16-18 in RL playing avatars younger than 16.  Nothing is going to shock them.  They've seen it all before all over the internet and probably in movies, tv, etc.  If you think they haven't, you're a bit naive.  Everyone else playing child avatars is an adult.

The only hard rules LL has regarding kids is that anyone in RL under 18 can't go to moderate or adult sims and no one can engage in sexual play with anyone under 18 OR with an avatar that looks like a kid even if driven by an adult.

Maturity ratings may come into play.  If what you are seeing is on a M or A rated sim, there is not problem.  A region designated General is not allowed to advertise or make available content that is sexually explicit.  Whether those clothes would be considered sexually explicit only LL would know.  

Bottom line, if they are on a G sim and you think they are sexually explicit, then you can AR them.  Don't be surprised though if nothing is done.  Also note that you yourself can get in trouble for reporting things  that aren't against the rules if you do it frequently enough.


Reply to your Edit:

Many European males of all ages wear that kind of swimwear shown in the first pic in RL, as well as many American's, especially those who swim competitively.  I've even seen boys at my local pool just there for fun wearing similar swimwear, so nothing wrong with that.

Personally I find the other examples in poor taste for kids, but LL has no policy against such things as long as all the naughty bits are covered and nothing sexual is mentioned in the description on MP they are ok.

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I don't believe this is acceptable -- BDSM outfits for children!

I think we need to get an answer from Linden Lab on this question, not just from regulars on the forums.

I think if "ageplay" is banned (a euphemism for "child porn") then the props for them -- these awfully suggestive outfits -- should be banned as well.

After all, you can't be claiming to dress up in a BDSM harness and g-string to go on a picnic with Mommy and Daddy, right guys? 

And the implication that RL stores have clothing that is sugggestive like this has no merit. I don't recall seeing any BDSM get-ups for kids in Machy's or JC Penny's, you know? That's ridiculous.


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Notwithstanding the first and last pictures are swimwear you can see on any beach...

The SMB body is NOT just for kids. It is also used by some fembois, nekos and twinks. If you go to any number of Twink sims you will see it in use by some adult avatars.

People with 18+ year old avatars who don't wish to try to shrink that thick Slink bodys pecs in or deal with the TMPs shoulders

THIS IS ALSO AN AVATAR IN AN SMB BODY. He is 2M tall (6.1feet in American scale), over 18 and as you see has tattoos. For a sense of scale he has an average sized SL kid next to him. Please stop with this assumption that only preteens wear this body because you are clearly mistaken.


Edit: Photoshopped his nipples, becasue seriously, if the OP is thinking the first photo they link is pornography I'd hate to push them over the edge showing some 19 year old nipples.


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These are not fembois, and the ads do not say they are. They are children. Just because the ads say that female avatars are used doesn't mean anything. Nowhere is the notion of "femboi" introduced here so it shouldn't be invoked.

If the original poster could contact me inworld with the relevant information, I would be happy to help abuse report, as will others.

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It is important to understand that lodging a lot of fake abuse reports on a rampage could see you subjected to disciplinary action or a ban.

The fact remains that many adults do wear the SMB body. The questioner is incorrect in their assumption the body is only for pre-teens. It is a mesh body also used for femboys, twinks, realistic 18 year olds and nekos. With a furry skin it is also a good choice over the Avatar 2.0 or Kemino bodys. With an M3 head it is a valid choice for the Anime community.

While the first picture is clearly a child based on the groin line it is also not suggestive nor is it pornographic. The SL-Kid depicted is wearing patriotic G rated swimming trunks that you can see at any beach or pool on any fine summer's day.

The picture with the harness is worn by an adult, this is clear and unmistakable based on accepted human proportions. The groin line in the harness picture is on the adult avatar's, and not half way down his upper thigh as would be the case if he was a child avatar.


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