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Tell me of your funniest moment in Second Life! Part II

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Raudf Fox wrote:

Hmm.. I have two, both dealing with griefers and I'm pretty sure I shared them some time ago on the old forums.  Well, anyways on with the show!

Not too long after I started in SL, I had started building random stuff in Sandbox Island.  In this case, it was a throne, and I was talking with a friend while we stood near the project.  From out of nowhere, comes this pack of avatars chasing this one idiot, who was using a projectile based push weapon and spouting racial slurs.  I rezz a cube, sit on it and tell my friend to do the same.  So, we were watching the todo, while I filed an abuse report.  In a fit of sublime stupidity, the griefer decides that my throne must be HIS throne to sit on and toss his slurs.  I politely tell him to move his bum, because I am working on it.  He curses at me a bit.  Since the cushion he was sitting on wasn't attached to the throne, I, for some reason, decided to put the cushion back into my inventory.  With him sitting on it.  He went FLYING, cursing the entire distance he was thrown.  About the time he landed LL must have hit him with the ban hammer, because he vanished after hitting the ground.  My friend said, "And that's how we deal with griefers?  COOOLLLLL!!!"

My next one was back when I had started my DiamonX shop.  LL had just gave land owners the ability to turn off push and to deny object entry. I had turned off object entry because we'd just had a gray goo attack earlier that day.  I was working on a gown when this overly-muscled, tuxed suited guy comes TPing in.  He starts asking me questions about the bizz, which I am always happy to answer.. but it starts taking a new turn.  I guess he must have watched entirely too many mob/ganster movies, because the lines sounded like they'd been cut/pasted from one.  Including, "It'd be a shame if something where to happen, so you really need security."  At this point, I did the eject/ban and went back to work. From the parcel next door, I hear the sound of gun fire and peered out to see this wall of stopped projectiles at my parcel edge.  I IM'd said idiot and said, "Yeah.. this is why I don't need security," only to be cursed at.  Go figure. 

Hmm.. and it's always funny to be hit on by a creep.. only to see him run when I drag my dragon folder onto my avatar.  I guess they realize the only way they'd please something that big is if they were on the menu?

Both stories are so funny Raudf!  LOL!  Thank you for sharing!  Woot!



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Most that i can think of are usually times when someone shows up to a club or someplace and has forgotten to detach their GenderMcbobulators..

Male or female it always reminds me of the movie "something about Mary" on prom night and the brother yelling..

Beans and Franks!!!Franks and Beans!!!

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Most that i can think of are usually times when someone shows up to a club or someplace and has forgotten to detach their GenderMcbobulators..

Male or female it always reminds me of the movie "something about Mary" on prom night and the brother yelling..

Beans and Franks!!!Franks and Beans!!!

HEHE!  So funny Ceka!  Thanks for sharing!



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writing a quickie script to do something or rather I don't even remember.... shuffle things around to make it easier, and boom, region hangs, and I get red mapped.... well that blows

log back in write a few more line, save the script again, a few moments later it happens again... you see the problem now, I'm sure, but I didn't because it wasn't happening immediately... or at least I didn't notice it...

so I relog, assume the region is dying on me and move to a different one... a few minutes go by, I go to move.... I'm stuck... minute later... redmap. oh damn.... did I just? yup... but how... this script is dinky and doesn't do anything special....

stare at the code for awhile.... call in a friend to test it, boom, we both get locked up and red mapped.

I'm staring at the code some more... oh I shouldn't have copied that line there... it shouldn't even work there.... OHHHHHHH

and that was the day I learned how to stop a region dead with only three lines of actual script code. (and I was a good girl and reported it.). the funny thing was, it didn't crash the region... just caused it to stop dead for as long as the script ran

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Void Singer wrote:

writing a quickie script to do something or rather I don't even remember.... shuffle things around to make it easier, and boom, region hangs, and I get red mapped.... well that blows

log back in write a few more line, save the script again, a few moments later it happens again... you see the problem now, I'm sure, but I didn't because it wasn't happening immediately... or at least I didn't notice it...

so I relog, assume the region is dying on me and move to a different one... a few minutes go by, I go to move.... I'm stuck... minute later... redmap. oh damn.... did I just? yup... but how... this script is dinky and doesn't do anything special....

stare at the code for awhile.... call in a friend to test it, boom, we both get locked up and red mapped.

I'm staring at the code some more... oh I shouldn't have copied that line there... it shouldn't even work there.... OHHHHHHH

and that was the day I learned how to stop a region dead with only three lines of actual script code. (and I was a good girl and reported it.). the funny thing was, it didn't crash the region... just caused it to stop dead for as long as the script ran

OH that's funny!  Funny what only 3 lines of code can do huh?  HEHE!  Thanks for sharing!



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I like the stories in this thread. I could picture the griefer going flying (above) - great story ;)

Here area a couple of lesser ones:-

(1) I used to rent skyboxes out. They were made so that, from the inside, the walls were see-through windows (no doors), but the walls were opaque from the outside. I was in one, one day, when I saw an av hovering nearby and facing the skybox. A few seconds later he was inside it even though he must have seen it was occupied when he cammed in. A few seconds after that, he'd been ejected. He IMed me to say something to the effect that I'd regret the day I did that. He owned a very nearby parcel so he created a platform opposite my skybox and I and a friend watched as he built a small row of canons pointing at my skybox. We shouted stuff at him as he busied himself building them and had a good laugh at his expense. Then for a week or so he would spend short times of standing with his canons, facing the skybox. The idiot made us laugh a few times. He reminded me of the evil character in "The Great Race" (Jack Lemon) - busying himself with evil schemes to get ahead of the good guy (Tony Curtis), but his schemes always went wrong and he never got anywhere.

(2) In my skybox business, I sometimes modified the boxes for tenants. More than once, I've accidentally sent tenants plumetting to the ground when making a modification. One poor girl plumetted 3 times in succession before I got it right :-(

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Phil Deakins wrote:

I like the stories in this thread. I could picture the griefer going flying (above) - great story

Here area a couple of lesser ones:-

(1) I used to rent skyboxes out. They were made so that, from the inside, the walls were see-through windows (no doors), but the walls were opaque from the outside. I was in one, one day, when I saw an av hovering nearby and facing the skybox. A few seconds later he was inside it even though he must have seen it was occupied when he cammed in. A few seconds after that, he'd been ejected. He IMed me to say something to the effect that I'd regret the day I did that. He owned a very nearby parcel so he created a platform opposite my skybox and I and a friend watched as he built a small row of canons pointing at my skybox. We shouted stuff at him as he busied himself building them and had a good laugh at his expense. Then for a week or so he would spend short times of standing with his canons, facing the skybox. The idiot made us laugh a few times. He reminded me of the evil character in "The Great Race" (Jack Lemon) - busying himself with evil schemes to get ahead of the good guy (Tony Curtis), but his schemes always went wrong and he never got anywhere.

(2) In my skybox business, I sometimes modified the boxes for tenants. More than once, I've accidentally sent tenants plumetting to the ground when making a modification. One poor girl plumetted 3 times in succession before I got it right :-(

So funny Phil!  Did he every fire on you from his platform!  LOL!  Oh that poor girl too!  I have done something similar.  I deleted a house in the air, and planned on moving her later.  Little did I know that she teleported home, only to plummet and splat on the ground. 3 times!  LOL!  I made it up to her.  LOL!  Thanks for sharing Phil!



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ok just had to share....

Babbage Trainwreck.jpg

a several dozen or so physical tram cars, backed up across 2 regions, some wandering around vacant lots.... Just proof that that machine revolution had it's roots in the age of steam! (but hey the region is still usable, so the servers are getting better)

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Void Singer wrote:

ok just had to share....

Babbage Trainwreck.jpg

a several dozen or so physical tram cars, backed up across 2 regions, some wandering around vacant lots.... Just proof that that machine revolution had it's roots in the age of steam! (but hey the region is still usable, so the servers are getting better)

HEHE!  So funny Void!  Great picture!  Thanks!



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I wish I had something funny to share but I did so get a laugh out of reading everyone's funny stories. I should post a link to this on a thread I recently saw about someone being bored, I think at the very least, it would make them smile.

Great thread Hippie :smileyvery-happy:

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JoJo Moeleneaux wrote:

I wish I had something funny to share but I did so get a laugh out of reading everyone's funny stories. I should post a link to this on a thread I recently saw about someone being bored, I think at the very least, it would make them smile.

Great thread Hippie :smileyvery-happy:

HEHE!  Glad you like Jojo!  Making people smile is a good thing!  Far out!



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  • 3 years later...

A friend of mine heard me talking at work about second life.   She was interested in joining  So i helped get started  and she she was excited to get her first non-newbie clothing that i bought and gave her.  i said would you like to me to show what you to do .  Being a very indenpendant worman she said proudlly  I can do it   And off she went upstairs to have some privacy .

Now i knew she didnt know yet how to open a box to the clothing out.  ( you know whats coming lol)

So i cammed up and laughed as the box appeared on her head.   well no head now   just a box on a neck

Off went the box  

got to give her credit that box when on and off 8 times  lol

along were some swear words 

I was beside myself with laughter

finally i cammed away   and said  Need any help up there

The very frustrated voice calls back   Oh, get up here

i was laughing all the way

 when i showed her how opening boxes works  she says "Well you didnt tell me that "   lol


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