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SL will crash,and shut down my computer,i heard it happens to others too,when will it be fixed?

Alaskansnowwolf Barkley

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I have the highest graphics card,and the best one ever. I use to be able to get on SL,but now i can't anymore. I don't even have to log in now anymore for SL to shut down my computer. What happens is sl crahes,but instead of it just crashing it shuts down my whole computer turning it off completly,and i heard this happens to others,,when will this bug be fixed? is there some sort of Spyware in the SL game now,im not saying SL is spyware,just asking if theres spyware in the acctual game from someone else? what else can i do to fix the problom? please help me out cause i really miss being in world. I have completly uninstalled the game,and done a complete reinstall a few times,and the same thing happens.


Can someone please help out a felloew furry.

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Check your firewall and antivrus programs to make sure nothing is blocking any SL files. Then I would suggest installing a different viewer to see if the problem is specific to the one you are using.

Try a 3rd party one from: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory If you are using v2 and like that format, I believe the Kristen viewer uses that one.

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You state that you now have a very high end graphics card.  You also say that you used to be able to access SL with no problems.

Is the new graphics card part of a new computer or did you buy a high end graphics card and install it in a computer that you already owned (the one that used to play SL)

From what I am reading, I suspect you upgraded your graphics card recently?  If so, did you upgrade your power supply as well?  New high end graphics cards can consume a lot of power and if you are still using the power supply that came with your computer when you bought it, you might be overloading it. 

What computer and graphics card do you have and what power supply are you using to run the works?

Good luck with your troubleshooting.  It can be quite vexing when something isn't working right.

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Aside from what Cabbage said (which is very true) what I suspect is heat.  What you discribed was much more serious than "SL crashing".  Your computer is crashing and shutting down (or restarting).  That's a symptom of an operating system crash (Windows, Linux, Mac) and the crash is so severe it completely shuts down your system.  Many things can be the root cause for a crash like that but, by far, the most common cause is something in your computer has heated up to (and probably beyond) the upper threshold for the device.........it's a defense mechanism in operating systems to shut down (like a circuit breaker or fuse in an electrical system).  Two of the most important devices in any computer are your CPU and graphic processor (GPU).  SL, due to it's heavy graphics and computational nature, puts both those devices under a lot of stress which causes them to heat up (in some cases tremendously and it happens pretty damned quickly too).  If you are using a desktop remove the side of your case, get a can of compressed air and blow all the dirt and dust out of the computer.  Blow through all case fans both from the inside and outside to make the fans spin (it does not hurt to spin the fans backward).  The fans should turn very easily and you should be able to spin them quite fast.........if you can't do that then your fan may be failing or not working at all.  Don't forget the power supply fan(s).  Blow all the dust out of the CPU fan (it , too, should spin freely).  Same with the GPU fan (you said you have "the best ever" so I'm assuming it's high end and it will have a fan).  Look around inside the case and visualize how the air would flow through the case.......move any cables or obstructions that appear to be disrupting air flow.


Get some hardware monitoring software (you can Google free hardware monitoring and find tons on the Internet......or go to Download.com and search).  The high temp threshold for most devices is 105 degrees celisus.......if you get temps approaching 95 degrees C you are in dangerous territory.  If all that fixes your problem, then great.........but I can tell you from experience that if this has happened more than a couple times and you haven't fixed the heat problem, it's probably too late.  Hardware devices can take one or two times of reaching the shut down threshold and survive (most of the time) but more than that and the device it most likely damaged to the point of either failing completely or on it's way to failing completely...........there's no reversing it once it's started.


As I said there are other things that can cause your problem.  One is a virus.  Do a complete system virus scan.  Malware can also cause the problem (though not likely) so a malware scan needs to be done too.  Corrupted operating systems can certainly cause your problem..........but it's not likely to only become evident with a single program like SL (it will happen randomly with any program).


When a computer shuts itself down without any known reason or unexpectedly, you need to take the crash seriously.  Something critical is wrong and you need to find out why..........or risk a failure that could take all your data with it.  Trying to find some "bug" in SL is wasting time since a bug in SL would crash SL...........not your computer.


If everything checks out and you are continuing to experience the problem then list your computer specs (telling us you have the "best ever" graphics card says nothing except that you have a graphics card that you consider the best ever....I, or others, might disagree).  Launch SL but don't log in.  Under the "Help" menu, click "About Second Life" and copy the specs listed.  Paste those back here.  That will give people a starting point for further help.

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My computer works great,and fine with any other games/programs if they crash only the game does. Its only SL that shuts down the computer,i have run my anti- virus,malware scan all of my scans,Right now SL isn't installed on my computer due to the trouble i have had with it,once we find the problome out i'll reinstall sl. My computer was built for me about 3 years ago,i have not updated the graphics card. I am useing Radeon X1650 it was the best one out there,in fact it wasn't even on the market when my computer was built for me. Thank you all for your help. Its even funnier SL only does that on my desk top,runs fine on my lap tap,and that has a smaller graphics card,of course the lap battery dies fast. I will also still try to clean the inside of computer too.


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I also suspect heat.  have you tried checking to see if your fans are fully functional?

my second thought is that it might be from numberous installs of second life building up over the years. 

Back up your roaming file. Uninstall ALL versions of second life.  Run a registry clean up program to remove any remaining registry keys.  restart the computer then reinstall... 

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ok my fans are just fine,and working great. they are clean i reinstalled SL,and the same thing still happens. I had our computer guy look at the problom,and he says the problom is on the progrom. There are others out there with the same problom i was also told its not just me. Can someone please look into that,and see if you can find that bug,or problom in the progrom. I did a complete unstall,even erased hidden sl things this morning,and wham it still shut down my computer. Sorry if im causeing any trouble with this. Please if any lidens see this will you check things out thank you.

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Alaskansnowwolf Barkley wrote:

ok my fans are just fine,and working great. they are clean i reinstalled SL,and the same thing still happens. I had our computer guy look at the problom,and he says the problom is on the progrom. There are others out there with the same problom i was also told its not just me. Can someone please look into that,and see if you can find that bug,or problom in the progrom. I did a complete unstall,even erased hidden sl things this morning,and wham it still shut down my computer. Sorry if im causeing any trouble with this. Please if any lidens see this will you check things out thank you.

Hi Alaskansnowwolf.

You need to go to https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ and submit a ticket in the category "Technical Issues".

Fill in as much info as possible, including everything that you have done & what your own computer guy told you. If possible attach crash logs & any other useful info you can think of that will enable the techs to get the full picture and not come back to you with suggestions that you have already tried.

Good luck :)


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The exact same thing happens to me on my windows vista computer. I've been in SL sense about March 2010 and in about January of 2011 I would turn SL on and login and i would play for about ten minutes and my entire computer shuts down. I found a way to keep SL running for a little longer, dont stay on the SL page too long, go to the internet like every five minutes like the marketplace or something. But I dont think its heat cuz i have air conditioning blasting in my house and fans next to my desk pointed toward me and the computer. So I dont really know. I've done countless scans and stuff and its not helping. :-(

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tune down your overclock.  I had the same issue, did everything that everybody on this site said to do and it didn't fix the issue.  out of curiosity I manually tunned down my OC and it fixed the issue.

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