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Interior wall texture problem


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Hi i was wondering if anybody would be able to help, Im having an issue retexturing a wall inside my house. I have two walls in my house that are coming up with mutiple small boxes 

I would like to retexture the wall in a brick pattern but because of all the small boxes,.... instead of one large one,  it looks rubbish........ It only works with a vertical pattern or plain coloured wall

Is there a way i can change it so i dont have the multiple small boxes?





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This wall has high numbers of repeats of the texture in both horizontal and vertical directions. Each of the squares you can see will contain one copy of the applied texture. This is called tiling. It only works properly with special tileable textures which are made so that you don't see  seam where the repeats join each other. You can change the repeats in each dimension by selecting the face you are working on (Select face in the edit dialog) and changing the numbers in the texture tab of the edit dialog.

It's a good idea to have a backup of your house, if you can, before doing thios sort of thing. I once forgot the Select face checkbox and accidentally textured a whole house, inside and out, with wallpaper. I had to get a replacement house!

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Thanks for your reply :)

Yes your right the vertical texture on the left hand side, was originaly where it was beige now.

I was hoping i had just missed somthing small i could tick or untick ;) That seems like a bit to much effort to go to just for one feature wall incase i bugger up the whole house.

I guess i will have to come up with plan 2 now...


Thanks again Disk :)

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Drongle gave you the answer, and it's really very easy to do. You already know how to open the Textures tab in your editor, so ...

1. Be sure to click the Select Face button at thje top of your editor window

2. Select the wall by clicking on it.

3. Adjust the Veritcal and Horizontal scales of the texture on the wall (make the numbers smaller to make the texture bigger).

That should do it.  If you are trying to apply a non-tiling texture, the results will be less aesthetically pleasing than if you are using a texture meant for tiling, but at least you will have scaled it properly.

Also, as Drongle suggests, be sure that you have the original copy of your house in your inventory before you start.  If you do, you have nothing to be afraid of.  If you screw up -- EVERYBODY screws up -- it's no big deal to replace the house and try again.  This is how we learn.

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Thanks for clearing it up you made it a bit easiar to understand now. Because i didn't understand the first reply, it went over my head .....

It might be EASY FOR YOU, because youve been on here 5 billion years ...but i've only been on here just over a month...:matte-motes-bashful: No harm in asking or posting?

So ive clicked on another wall on the house and looked at the details of that (wich i should of done before i posted luls) now i know!

And im going to do like you said and change the vertical and horizontal scales, like the other wall. :)


Thanks for both of your replies  Youve been a great help...  :)




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Diskomo wrote:

[ .... ]

It might be EASY FOR YOU, because youve been on here 5 billion years ...but i've only been on here just over a month...:matte-motes-bashful: No harm in asking or posting?
[ .... ]

Heh -- It only feels like 5 billion years. I'm not a day over 100 million.  Good luck.  Even us old guys deal with odd texturing challenges.  It's all part of Second Life.

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Hooray for the SL forums!!! I would never of sussed that out on my own, but i did it thanks to you two. I was getting ready to snap my carrot lol! ..........it's not perfect but it will do for now until i can be bothered to tweak it.

Thanks again 

PS Rolig 100 million dosn't seem that old ;)



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