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This is my question about land and prim usage.

Gator Peterman

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This is my question about land and prim usage. If a private region (a home stead) has a number of parcels, lets say 3, then these parcels automatically get the prim allowance that goes with the size of the parcel. The remaining prims which are not connected to any or these parcels remain free for general use.

Suppose this region is largely water and can be used to sail with boats, then any boat arriving in this region will consume a certain amount of prims depending on the size of the boat. My question is this. When will the region run out of prims for arriving boats, or in other words, when do you get a 'region full' message. There are two possibilities. The not used prims in the parcels are still available for any arriving boats, or arriving boats are limited to the remaining prims after subtracting the total amount of prims the parcel support..

To illustrate this lets take an example.

A Home stead has 3750 prims. Suppose there are 3 parcels in this home stead each holding 1000 prims and each of them is filled with 600 prims, so 400 in every parcel is free, 1200 in total. The HS region has 750 prims left (3750-3000) for general use. How many prims are available for arriving boats, 750 or 750 plus the 3 times 400 remaining prims in these parcels which would amount to 1200+750=1950 prims. In other words, do we have 1950 prims or 750 prims available for arriving boats until the 'sim full' message appears?

Note: The 3 parcels are all set to a different groups and are owned by different owners.
My guess would be 750 prims, because if arriving boats would be able to "loan" prims from owned parcels, the owner of that parcel might suddenly discover that his prim allotment has declined because it was pinched by a boat.
(In reality the parcels have a bonus factor of 4, but for simplicity reasons, I left that out of the question)


**Thank you all for your answers, it was important for me to understand this better, since I organize sail races in an estate with rented parcels on Home Stead regions. My understanding now from your answers is, the total pool of non-used prims in a region  is available for boats sailing through. That was what I was hoping for.


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Gator Peterman wrote:

This is my question about land and prim usage. If a private region (a home stead) has a number of parcels, lets say 3, then these parcels automatically get the prim allowance that goes with the size of the parcel. The remaining prims which are not connected to any or these parcels remain free for general use.

Suppose this region is largely water and can be used to sail with boats, then any boat arriving in this region will consume a certain amount of prims depending on the size of the boat. My question is this. When will the region run out of prims for arriving boats, or in other words, when do you get a 'region full' message. There are two possibilities. The not used prims in the parcels are still available for any arriving boats, or arriving boats are limited to the remaining prims after subtracting the total amount of prims the parcel support..

To illustrate this lets take an example.

A Home stead has 3750 prims. Suppose there are 3 parcels in this home stead each holding 1000 prims and each of them is filled with 600 prims, so 400 in every parcel is free, 1200 in total. The HS region has 750 prims left (3750-3000) for general use. How many prims are available for arriving boats, 750 or 750 plus the 3 times 400 remaining prims in these parcels which would amount to 1200+750=1950 prims. In other words, do we have 1950 prims or 750 prims available for arriving boats until the 'sim full' message appears?


Note: T
he 3 parcels are all set to a different groups and are owned by different owners.

My guess would be 750 prims, because if arriving boats would be able to "loan" prims from owned parcels, the owner of that parcel might suddenly discover that his prim allotment has declined because it was pinched by a boat.

(In reality the parcels have a bonus factor of 4, but for simplicity reasons, I left that out of the question)


A boat or any other vehicle with an avatar sitting on it has a special status and the prims that make it up don't count against the region's standard prim allowance. As soon as the avatar stands up it becomes a conventional object and will be returned to the owner unless the region is specifically set to allow that owner to rezz objects - i.e. they're a member of that group or "object entry" is set to 'Everyone."

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Your region's entire L.I. allotment is 3750.  You have created four parcels, three of which have a total L.I. allotment of 3000, so the four one has 750.  If someone rezzes a boat in one of the three occupied parcels, it uses part of that parcel's 1000.  Otherwise, it's using part of the remaining 750.

The bonus is relevant here. It's redistributing some of the L.I. that's allotted to your fourth parcel.  If you have applied a 4x bonus to parcels on the region, that means each of the three residential parcels originally had an allotment of 250 L.I.  By using the bonus, you have given those three, which occupy 20% of the region's land area, 80% of the region's L.I.  In the end, it's taking 2250 L.I. that would have originally been available for visiting boaters and giving it to the residents in those three parcels.

EDIT:  Theresa's right.  I am assuming that you're concerned about people who visit one of your residents and gets off his boat, so it's no longer a vehicle in transit. 

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The answer is, "it depends." :)

If I understand your example correctly, you have the region carved up into four sections -- three "residences", each with 1000 prims allocated to it, and then a fourth "public commons" area that has the remaining 750 prims available to it.  Correct?

If so, then it depends on where the boats are arriving.  Once a region is carved into parcels, each parcel's prim allocations apply only to objects within that parcel space.  (Or, more specifically, objects whose root prim is within that space.  Technically, an object such as a large waterfall or other landscaping object can span multiple parcels, but only count against one parcel's prim count.)

So, if the boats arrive in the public-commons area, then they count against the 750 prims in the common space, not against any of the residence spaces.  If they arrive in one of the residence spaces, then they count against the available prims for the particular parcel they're in.  If they cross from one parcel to another, then they also count against the prims for the parcel they've moved into.

That being said, vehicles can be a bit dodgy when it comes to the prim rules. :)  If the vehicle is being worn as an attachment, then obviously it doesn't count at all -- and if memory serves, as long as the vehicle is being sat upon and driven by an avatar, then the sim considers it a "temporary" object, and it comes out the sim's pool of "reserve prims" rather than out of the actual parcel prims.  (In which case, you should only get the "region full" message if the region has used up all of the temp-prim capacity as well.)  I do recall there was a bug about this a while back, where vehicles were being erroneously counted against the parcel limits even when being sat-upon, though I think it's been fixed by now...

However, if the AV dismounts the vehicle, then (again, if memory serves) it becomes a "real" object and its prims count against the capacity of whichever parcel it happens to be in at the time.  (And if the owner of the parcel has it set to not allow anyone other than themselves to build on that land, or if the build rights are set to "group only" and the owner of the vehicle isn't a member of the group, then the vehicle will be immediately derezzed and returned to the vehicle owner's "Lost and Found" folder with the usual "cannot rezz object on this parcel because the owner does not allow it" message.)

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Whoops.  In my opinion, Theresa isn't correct (a rare occurrence!)

Unless your boat is the kind you actually wear...in that case, she's right and the boat's prims don't count against the land's capacity.

(EDIT:  Theresa is right in another sense as well.  If you rez an object and sit on it, Auto-return will not affect it.  When you stand up, though, the land's auto-return (if it is enabled) will return the object.  The object is being affected by suto-return, NOT the prim capacity limits of the parcel.  If you try to rez or bring an object into a full parcel, you'll get the "parcel full" message I describe below, whether you are sitting on it or not.)

But most vehicles are objects you sit on, not wear.  These vehicles DO count against the land's capacity.  You can verify this by trying to sail into a parcel that already has all the prims it can carry.  You will get a "parcel is full" message at best, and at worst you will be unseated and probably wind up embedded in the ocean floor.

Gator, your hypothetical region isn't divided into three parcels, it's FOUR.  The first three that you carved out, plus whatever part of the region is left over.

The behavior of an incoming boat is not determined in any way by the region's capacity, it's determined by the remaining capacity of the PARCEL it is entering.  It's quite possible to sail without problem across a region and then crash into the one parcel that's too full to accommodate your boat.

To make sure visiting sailors don't encounter navigational hazards, it's a good idea for each parcel owner to make sure she has a remaining capacity of at least 35 prims or so.

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