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Responsibility of the Merchant if the Buyer is not happy


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Hello all....

I've never really had a need to consult these forums much, but I find myself in a bit of a bind.  I use this account for gacha resale on the Marketplace, and have listed on there an item that I had a *horrible* time trying to pull out of the machine.  

So, it's expensive.  I'll freely admit that.  But it's only about three hundred linden profit given the amount I poured in.

Anyway... as of yesterday, I was the only person selling it on the Marketplace.  There has been nothing but positive response to the item (blog after blog have featured it), but today, I get this message from a buyer:

Saved Sat Oct 31 00:35:44 2015)yesterday I bought the head  
the head does not match the description and pictures, I want my money back or replace the head or I'll go to Linden lab and you are banned!!!!
[03:51] Po****6: (Saved Sat Oct 31 00:52:28 2015)if by Monday we do not decide this question, he will go to Linden lab

(With avatar names blotted out to protect the... er... aggressive.)

I've contacted them, telling them if they are willing to return the item **IN FULL** (as in, it's all there since there are a lot of bits and bobs), I will be willing to discuss return.  If they don't go for this... is there any truth in their threat?  I know they can flag an item for misrepresentation, but... the rest of it?  

If they would have contacted me civilly, I would have been more than happy to do a quick switch-back, but threats?  <twitch>

Any help at all would be appreciated.





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This kind of person likes to spend his time in SL being rude and ugly to as many people as possible. This kind of behavior should not be reinforced in any way.  If it gets them what they want, they continue inflicting it on others.

While I usually refund for returns for any reason, if the person offers reporting to LL as an alternative, I would choose that So they can learn the results of that choice: nothing. 

"Being nice" is the only leverage there is in SL. Threats get you nothing.

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Well of course anyone can report anything to linden lab, the question is have you violated any of the terms of service.  the answer is of course not,  You have sone what you can to satisfy a customer that apparently cannot be satisfied, I would give them a time limit to return the item (  complete item) . then  I would  (close the complaint)

kudos to you for trying to solve what appears to be a non issue


NO you have done nothing wrong that i can tell 



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Also, re "it looks different from the picture":  occasionally someone insists that something they bought inworld or on MP looks like the textures are completely different when they rez the item. I explain that different Windlight settings can make textures look radically different, and that the models in the store and the models in the MP pictures are exactly the same as what they purchased. 

The hardest part of providing customer service is when I try to explain to someone how SL works, and that there is nothing about the object that can be "fixed", since it has to do with the viewer or SL itself, and they insist I am lying or cheating them. 

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Also, re "it looks different from the picture":  occasionally someone insists that something they bought inworld or on MP looks like the textures are completely different when they rez the item. I explain that different Windlight settings can make textures look radically different, and that the models in the store and the models in the MP pictures are exactly the same as what they purchased. 

The hardest part of providing customer service is when I try to explain to someone how SL works, and that there is nothing about the object that can be "fixed", since it has to do with the viewer or SL itself, and they insist I am lying or cheating them. 

I know how implacable these people can be.

And what people like this do, even if the Merchant refunds them, they still tell their friends the Merchant is a thief and how they had to threaten them to get their money back.  

I've heard it first hand.

Which is why I say to let them stew in their own self righteous indignation.  Let them give themself an ulcer. 

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Also, re "it looks different from the picture":  occasionally someone insists that something they bought inworld or on MP looks like the textures are completely different when they rez the item. I explain that different Windlight settings can make textures look radically different, and that the models in the store and the models in the MP pictures are exactly the same as what they purchased. 

The hardest part of providing customer service is when I try to explain to someone how SL works, and that there is nothing about the object that can be "fixed", since it has to do with the viewer or SL itself, and they insist I am lying or cheating them. 

I know how implacable these people can be.

And what people like this do, even if the Merchant refunds them, they still tell their friends the Merchant is a thief and how they had to threaten them to get their money back.  

I've heard it first hand.

Which is why I say to let them stew in their own self righteous indignation.  Let them give themself an ulcer. 

This is how I look at it: If their friends know what kind of person is slandering the merchant, they will consider the source. If they trust the buyer's word, then I don't want them as customers either. 

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Linden Lab stays out of citizen disagreements and that is what this is. It wasn't fraud and if they buyer doesn't like said head, it is TRANSFER and THEY can sell it. If they don't want to send it back, then I wouldn't worry about it. Honestly if it were me and I got that note I probably wouldn't even want it back in order to refund their money.  Many listing of gachas on the Marketplace come with warnings about being sure you are online, no way to redeliver etc.


Folks that buy gachas on the Market always take a risk. Any RESALE buying of gachas is tricky. I have been very lucky as most folks are very honest. One time I was missing an alpha layer but that is easy to deal with. 

Actually thinking about it, YOU have a better case on harassment charges than they do on "unhappiness with purchase" charges. I am sure that many retailers have disgruntled customers all the time. 

If they were going to buy a VERY expensive (I am assuming RARE) head, then they should have found a place to view it inworld before buying. That is certainly the SMART thing :D.

I have only had one item flagged and that was because "someone" thought it should have been in adult (plants that are legal in my state but not legal in all -- and you do have to be 18 so I could see that ADULT was a reasonable category and just relisted). No one slapped my wrist, they just took the listing down until I fixed it. So I don't see that is a big deal unless I am missing something.






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I tend to agree with you, I have sold on mp and am a big buyer on it to, but sometimes you get merchants that  take no pride in thier service and just ignore customers when problems happen, right now I bought some hair from a well known merchant and the item is flawed in its fitting and hud something I cannot do anything about .I have wriiten and notecard the owner also spoke in thier group chat, with zero replies, most people would give up after a while ,but I will persue this ,someone mentioned being polite ,well so far I have but how much do you expect this to be? do we let merchants get away with no after sales,  because they have a duty that if they are selling something its fit for purpose and the customer gets what was advertised if we going to have an open for all ,where merchants can do as they feel then that open a can of words,

The after sales reviews is a great 

I do belive that also if a merchant is seen to be misleading or selling something thats not and complaints exceed say 10 in 5 months then LL should step in and warn that merchant.

The store that I will continue to fight . is not down to the price being L$300 its the princiable 

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That person needs to learn that ad pictures are not always what an item looks like. It might have a different skin on than the default. It could be windlight settings. Often the picture has been improved with Photoshop. None of those are your problem. 

On this avi, I sell clothes. On an alt I sell shapes. The shapes are styled with inexpensive clothing and I include a style card of what I'm wearing so the look can be achieved for around 1K Lindens, including the shape. I had one IM me that they wanted their money back because the skin I'd use was no longer availabe so they couldn't get that look.....sighs. 

I make a point of not enhancing either my clothes or my shape photos. I take them, using a windlight setting, against a green screen then remove the background and place them on something more interesting so I can resize and move the images around on the background. I feel like it's cheating if you enhance the looks of the sale object so you get a look on it that you can't possibly achieve in SL.

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I had a similar thing recently, not so much with the threats as you had. Someone purchased 6 items , then started leaving negative comments on some. When i contacted them the told me its because the items didnt look anything like the picture. I don't edit my snapshots of an item other than to cut and past it into a pre-made advert template, and i state in the pic and details the name of the body im wearing. Anyways, the person in question asked for full refund for all items and they'd stop the bad reviews. I refused. I jumped on a pose stand, put on the outfit and took a gyazo shot and sent it to the buyer to show it was exactly the same as the pic on the listing, telling them that if there was a problem id fix it but i cant fix problem they dont tell me about. I never heard anything more from them.


Unfortunately, some folk just like to try it on and see how far they can get, its part-and-parcel of being a merchant in SL. IF you get the full item back then all well and good, just refund and move on and re-sell it. Most threats are empty ones, bully-boy tactics cos its all they know, and a bully can only win if you let them.

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