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Marketplace Product Information Presented Incorrectly when using search engines

True Redrose

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When I search my MP store via google, the product information seem to be linked to the wrong item, e.g. the Koi fish are now titled 'vinyl clutch', and so on: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/124076?id=124076〈=de-DE (this is the german MP webpage). However, the build-in browser displays the items correctly. In addition, I'm receiving my email notifications in German or French now, with the item incorrectly displayed (probably because I tried out and clicked the french webpage) - the Clutch is linked to the Pelican, as you can see below): Ligne 1 : TLC Mesh Vinyl Clutch Candy Girl [midnight] Livraison effectuée à : XXX URL de l'annonce : http://marketplace.secondlife.com/fr-FR/p/Promo-TLC2-Prim-Mesh-Pelican-animated-copyable/7158461 Quantité livrée : 1 sur 1 Date d'achat : 06/09/2015 05 h 46 PDT Prix de l'acheteur (articles livrés) : Total des allocations (articles livrés) : Commission de la Place du marché (articles livrés) : Vos gains (articles livrés) : Total de vos gains (articles livrés) : ...... Can you please advise? Thank you!
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I viewed the links you gave and indeed they show the names incorrectly as you described, however, as soon as i switched the page to english or clicked translate the product names are correct as to how you want & expect them to be. 

I tested this is chrome not the browser viewer as that isn't the most stable at the moment, but in the browser you might mind that language defaults to english which is why you see it correct there.

I did the test in my own store too, in english everything is correct, but selecting a different language changes them all. 

The reason for this is that when you edit a listing you have the 6 langauge tabs above where you enter the item name, description etc. If you only fill in one laguage (as i do) they dont auto translate across all laguages so instead it fills them in randomly with guesswork. 

Can be construed as a bug? I don't know. But the laguage tabs are there for that purpose that we, as merchants, are to be the ones to specify what is seen per language. Although it would be nice if all languages showed the same item name except where it is changed. There's only so much an auto translate can do especially as many of of use words which are unliekly to have direct translation available in any laguage other than english, and still make sense.

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Check each language page in the MP listing to make sure the associated data is correct.  You can have a different item title per listing and for whatever reason, yours are incorrect.

What I suspect may have happened is that you had a listing for a product with multiple languages filled in, then used that as a template for a new product and you didn't change the titles for each language?


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I just checked mine after seeing this thread.

My english listings are all correct, as they should be.

But, if I use the drop down menu and translate into another language, the names are incorrect.  Most frequently, there is one name that is used for all of the related items.  While I do use quick fill when I initially fill out a listing, I do not use any of the language translations - everything I do is in English. When I look at the listings, they do not correspond to the listing I used as the basis for quick fill (I often use a variety of them just depending on which one shows up first in the list when I am doing the quick fill).

I'm not even sure how to correct this, it's so messed up. 

Edited to add: My earliest work is fine in all languages.  Starting with products in the 500 range to most recent, they are messed up.

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HunniHope wrote:


The reason for this is that when you edit a listing you have the 6 langauge tabs above where you enter the item name, description etc. If you only fill in one laguage (as i do) they dont auto translate across all laguages so instead it fills them in randomly with guesswork. 

Can be construed as a bug? I don't know. But the laguage tabs are there for that purpose that we, as merchants, are to be the ones to specify what is seen per language. Although it would be nice if all languages showed the same item name except where it is changed. There's only so much an auto translate can do especially as many of of use words which are unliekly to have direct translation available in any laguage other than english, and still make sense.

I think you must be right, HunniHope.  That auto translate is not able to handle the translation and just fills in with a "like as" title across all items in the group.

While this may be "intended", it causes quite a mess.  I would prefer to see Merchants have the ability to turn off auto translate and just let their listings be in whatever default language they use if that is their choice.  I'd certainly turn it off now that I see what a mess it makes of things.

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Thank you for checking my post and for your helpful comments. At least now I know how to fix it! It is a bit (ok, not just a bit) painful to delete all 5 item field in all language tabs (yes, it also affects Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish, apart from German and French). Languages I definitely would love to fill in (and speak), however have not filled in for good reason...laughs...Like Arwen, I list my items in English only. It is also very strange that my animals link to my clutch, since intuitively I'd not use that one for Quickfill (at least from today's perspective)...well you never know :) Thanks!

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Wow, this does seem to be a bug! Thank you Pamela, for providing the link to the older tread.

The good news is, with regard to the 'fix', it does not seem to be as complicated as mentioned in the older thread, where it was suggested to relist/ resend your items to MP.

I may be lucky, but in my case, deleting the wrong item description in the item field of each language tab (that was the only wrong entry in my case) in the edit window, resolved the problem. When I checked the items afterwards (within a few minutes) the correct information was displayed. I guess because the only available information is then the information entered in the English tab.

It is still burdensome and time-consuming (I still have to update a lot of my items) but at least it seems there is a fix!!

Of course, first you need to be aware of this potential issue - I only found out by coincidence when I was looking up my store via (German) google.

True Redrose, Co-owner │T│L│C│

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  • 3 months later...

HI Rose!


Ive had a bit of the same, Product pages swapping titles (although it still has the proper product info in the rest of the page and links to the original product) 


I have noticed it happens when I use the auto fill to make a few similar listings.  It is always the title from the page I used for the auto fill info that my pages revert too, also it  seems to happen after a sale.  So I am manually changing them back every day. 

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Hello Sunny -

Yes, it definitely related to the Auto Fill. I had to delete all the item headers of the language tabs which was quite some work. However, since then and since the 'new' marketplace system has been in place I haven't had this problem, although I'm still using auto-fill. Therefore I was of the opinion that this issue has been solved in the meantime, though I have to admit I stopped checking after a few times and when I noticed that the item descriptions of the other language tabs were not populated (I will check again though).

I want to take this opportunity to thank the developers of the 'new' (I know it has been there for a while) marketplace delivery and listing system. I have heard so much bad things about it and was therefore sceptical. However, it really is great and offers so many new useful features, like the possibility to add additional items to the folders or update your landmarks, etc. Thank you <3

Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year

Truly yours, True Co-owner │T│L│C│Home Collection




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