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Thank you, LL!


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I want to thank LL for upping the video memory limit to 1G. It's been an uphill battle (on my end, LOL). After sometimes very abusive responses, and sitting thru endless sessions of ppl angrily telling me it can't possibly be done, guess what, it's been done, after all. :P The brief 'I told you so!' moment despite, I primarily just want to thank LL for having done this. Let there be no misunderstanding, I was already half-way out the door, as many of my materials-enabled homes/scenes just kept texture-trashing, sucking all the fun out of SL. And now I can enjoy all those things again, in their full glory. This has definitely sparked my renewed interest in SL. So, thank you, LL, for having upped the video memory cap to 1G! Kira
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Christhiana wrote:

As far as I know LL has nothing to do with it. The credits go to the firestorm team. LL doesn't even have a 64bit viewer...

Christhiana wrote:

As far as I know LL has nothing to do with it. The credits go to the firestorm team. LL doesn't even have a 64bit viewer...




When I asked them about it, in the firestorm suppport group (as to why they had changed their mind), they told me it was Linden who had instigated the change. Strange.
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Have you seen this option in a Linden viewer?

First I saw of it was Black Dragon quite a while ago, early this year I think. Had a quick play around with it and for the first time had temperature alerts form my mobo monitor software from using any sl viewer, not that I`m drawing any conclusions from that.

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Sara, I stopped using the Linden viewer a while back already. :)

I did use the Black Dragon viewer for a bit, but it kept texture-trashing after a while, after all. The Firestorm viewer, seems to have gotten it 100% right, though: no trashing, not even after having been online for several hours.

One thing the Black Dragon viewer did superiorly, was a kind of specular reflection (I forgot the corresponding LL term; it shows real floor reflecions; FS makes the surface looks black when you enable that option).

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Might have a look at FS then, used to be my one and only viewer for a long time

Niran (Black Dragon dev) has been publicly thanked by Lindens for code contributions at a few TPV meetings that I`ve seen. Not sure what the Linden view of these 1gig vram sliders are though, would be interested to hear.

Good to hear that the FS version is working for you :matte-motes-smile: Thrashing isn`t something that has noticably affected me but I hear how common it is.



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I have been using Singularity 64-bit for years now on Linux and never experienced this issue. I have always had at least 4 gig of memory and 2 gig of graphic memory on any PC I used on SL as well; so I'm not sure LL did anything except bring their out of date viewer up to date which is still too out of date to run on my Linux machine without installing dumbing down patches. 

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