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VMM again - just when everything seemed to go so well :(


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LL started migrating stores over to VMM without releasing an official viewer that supports it first...


I can't say what I think about that because if I do, the thread will be deleted. (I know it will - already tried.)

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Ok so the link is wrong. After downloading and restarting my system I could not find the thread but regardless.. The Latest viewer that LL offers for VMM supports VMM. Everything Beta is tested live in order to see what changes need to be brought on.

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Kralus wrote:

Ok so the link is wrong. After downloading and restarting my system I could not find the thread but regardless.. The Latest viewer that LL offers for VMM supports VMM. Everything Beta is tested live in order to see what changes need to be brought on.

My point is that some of us dont want to beta test our stores (in my case because my store is my full time job) and certainly do NOT want to have to use the crap LL viewer -- but if you care to read the discussion I have referred you to, and related blog posts, you will see why the TPVs were prevented having VMM capability by the time VMM was launched.

In any case, I am sure Chin is well aware of where to get the VMM beta viewer.


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My stores are my full time job as well.:smileywink: I have been dealing with the auto migrate all morning and messing with the viewer that supports VMM. The only way to test it properly in beta is to make it wide spread across the board for everyone. You cannot have just a few volunteers use the new VMM and Viewer and expect LL to work out all the kinks before making it live. You will still have a ton of people that did not opt to volunteer suddenly come up with new issues that were not apparent with the few volunteers. In any case.. there is a viewer that supports VMM.

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Kralus wrote:

I just downloaded it an hour ago from a link that LL offered and it supports VMM just fine.

It's been officially promoted to official viewer now and may well have been so an hour ago but it wasn't two hours ago when I wrote that post, after various group chats had been flooded with cries for help from merchants who couldn't for their life understand what was going on.

Oh well, VMM really looked like Commerce Linden's chance to redeem themselves - or at least starting to redeem themselves. But they blew it.

And then just as things couldn't get any worse, we suddenly got confirmation that there is indeed a inner clique of privileged merchants.

I no longer have any respect or sympathy with nor belief in the people responsible for the Marketplace.

They still got me and all other SL merchants by the throat though and can do just anything they please. I wonder if that makes them feel good.

(Edit: Just fixing a few of the typos)

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See that guy in the profile picture to the left? Doesn't he look so dapper and smart and totally up to date?

Well, he isn't. He runs Windows XP. He can't run the LL Project Viewer that supports VMM. He's screwed. (He's waiting on RAM and Windows 10 .. and about 100 hours of moving more than two decades of digital life onto yet another new operating system...)

Part of the reason he has that many years of accumulated history is because he doesn't run bleeding edge stuff. He does that because he's learned that lesson the hardest of hard ways. Running "Project Viewers" and other "maybe yes, maybe no" software is something he tries to avoid very religiously.

Besides, his family's full financial, medical and social worlds are standing on those gigabytes of history and information too.

Yes, we know where to get the software tools. But where can we get the confidence that those tools are ready to use? That's a product LL hasn't tried to put on their shelf in a LONG long time.

(pssst ... Ebbe? Are you tuned in son?)

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That "Inner Sanctum" is a throwback from Long Long Ago (yeah, in a Forum Galaxy far far away). It's my fault for resurrecting it. It really has zero participation and has less than 10 folks that can even find it and access it.

It's NOT something super secret. It's really old, moldy and disused .. and I effed up by bringing it to the light. That's on me.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:


That "Inner Sanctum" is a throwback from Long Long Ago (yeah, in a Forum Galaxy far far away). It's my fault for resurrecting it. It really has zero participation and has less than 10 folks that can even find it and access it.

It's NOT something super secret. It's really old, moldy and disused .. and I effed up by bringing it to the light. That's on me.

Oh. Glad to have that sorted out then. :)

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Pamela Galli wrote
In any case, I am sure Chin is well aware of where to get the VMM beta viewer.

I do indeed. I've already used a viewer with VMM support for quite a while. But I also have automatic update enabled and when the 303130 tried to install, it crashed so I had to go to the download page for a fresh copy. That's how I found out that the official download at that time still was an old one.

And then merchants who did not have autoupdate enabled or possibly didn't use the official viewer at all started to ask lots of questions what was happening to their MP stores.

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The viewer that I am running that supports VMM (for me) was posted on the 16th. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Commerce/Viewer-Managed-Marketplace-Released-Migration-Begins-July-23/ba-p/2949604 There is the thread that was linked in my MP under Manage Marketplace. That's were I stumbled upon the one that I am using.

Interesting to hear there are "privilaged merchants" I started to read through VMM threads and its all a mess, but usually is, so I have not read through everything that is being said. I run windows 7 and so far.. the new vmm viewer has not given me any problems. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Although I dread the release of windows 10 as im sure ill have more issues to deal with then.

Many.. too many merchants closed their business down over a year ago because LL has full rights to do whatever they want whenever they want and that was not okay with them. But most programs I do business with all work this way now so I decided to keep going. It might bite me in the ars later but for me.. thats later.

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ChinRey wrote:

Kralus wrote:

I just downloaded it an hour ago from a link that LL offered and it supports VMM just fine.

It's been officially promoted to official viewer now and may well have been so an hour ago but it wasn't two hours ago when I wrote that post, after various group chats had been flooded with cries for help from merchants who couldn't for their life understand what was going on.

Oh well, VMM really looked like Commerce Linden's chance to redeem themselves - or at least starting to redeem themselves. But they blew it.

And then just as things couldn't get any worse, we suddenly got confirmation that there is indeed a inner clique of privileged merchants.

I no longer have any respect or sympathy with nor belief in the people responsible for the Marketplace.

They still got me and all other SL merchants by the throat though and can do just anything they please. I wonder if that makes them feel good.

(Edit: Just fixing a few of the typos)

Seriously? They did not think there was any reason to notify us?

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Kralus wrote:

My stores are my full time job as well.:smileywink: I have been dealing with the auto migrate all morning and messing with the viewer that supports VMM. The only way to test it properly in beta is to make it wide spread across the board for everyone. You cannot have just a few volunteers use the new VMM and Viewer and expect LL to work out all the kinks before making it live. You will still have a ton of people that did not opt to volunteer suddenly come up with new issues that were not apparent with the few volunteers. In any case.. there is a viewer that supports VMM.

Again my point is: some of us do not want to beta test, even if you do. We do not want to be forced into beta testing.

But the larger issue for me and many others is that we do not want to be forced into using the LL viewer. As it is we must go back and forth -- and for me that means many trips because I upload to the VMM severall times a day.  If LL had behaved as TPV devs had from previous LL instructions expected they would, the devs could have had the TPVs ready for VMM.

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I never wanted VMM at all to begin with which is why i did not volunteer to do it when it first came about. I do not like the fact that my inventory is accessed by purchasers or MP/LL every time an item is purchased from the MP. That opens up a slew of issues that can go wrong and lock me out of my account from time to time or even idenfinetely depending on the issue. My inventory should only be accessable by me and me only. The marketplace is on a different platform and therefor "uploading" to that platform was ideal.

I don't know if LL thought it would be a great update for all merchants wanting brownie points or that they wish to delete their old database used to store all items uploaded. Either way its not a favorable system for merchants.

As far as the new LL viewer.. its sucks royally but for me.. i will continue to use firestorm and just hop on the VMM viewer just to move my item folders to the mp listed folder. its indeed a pain and no one likes to be forced to do anything.. especially since we are so used to doing things a certain way for a long period of time. But everything gets updated eventually.

I update my stores and items and contact my customers personally to notify them of updates and give it directly to them. That takes hours actually to go through my sales reports and look up each buyer then paste their name in search to pull up their profile then IM them explaining the update and drag a new updated item into the profile to send them. In fact the only feature I like is that i will no longer have to do that. Which for me is a big deal because i do not just let my old items sit there. I like to keep things fresh.

So... idk.. as long as my store is still functioning I guess I will roll with the punches and hope LL works WITH me and others on this VMM.

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My items are my own but the scripts are no copy.  I can't just jump on Lindens viewer to list a new item,  I'm replacing all day long.  The scripts are expensive so I don't preload more than one,  some popular items, 3,  so for me, it's all day on the borked,  buggy, no way to personalize it,  roving sun, and unable to stop the constant group chat no matter what you TRY to do. The last crash today delisted my entire market place. As I stated elsewhere. 

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The last time I cleaned out my computer, I had around 15 different viewers. This is because I was constantly downloading project viewers to test out new things. The thing about that, was that I had so many versions, I had to search thru logs after logs to find conversations. I never knew which viewer I was using when some customer contacted me. It was nutty.

After I cleans it all out, I swore I'd never download another project viewer. Testing them was a waste of my time. It's not like LL listens anyways, so what is the point.

You know, this week, I made this crazy avatar. The main mesh uploaded fine, and it all works. I did make a hair layer for it, and that won't upload at all. This is literally the first mesh I've ever had that won't upload, and I know there is nothing wrong with it. The dang viewer tho, won't tell me what is wrong, it says to check the dang logs. Why doesn't it just say wtf is wrong? Why do I have to dig thru files? I swear, LL purposely makes things difficult. If the fricken thing can tell me to look at the log files, then it could tell me what the log says. LL is so fricken backwards. Sorry, I know, unrelated, but I felt like ranting. lol

How much do you want to bet, if I log into Firestorm, it will upload?


Updated: Yep, it uploaded fine in FS!

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