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10 Things that bug me so much about the marketplace...

XanXan Jervil

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There are probably threads about this already, hidden somewhere in the depths of these forums, which I am not going to dive into. 

I have been in this game for 8 years and run my stores for about 6 years now. I started with SLX like most and then was brought to the marketplace, which at first seemed like a great idea, and it still is... but there is so much wrong with this entire system, that today, I just lost it.

I am just going through my personal list of the things that annoy the living hell out of me.


  1. The search engine - In the year 2015, where many MANY stores already adapted smart search, the marketplace still fails to deliver any sort of comfortable searching. I enter my desired search and then I click into the main category and maybe the subcategory I want to get into. But then I decide I want to search something else, or define my search for the particular item. But.. there is just no way. You want to search that sub-category? Well... How about no? How about you go back to the main category and search again, and then click your way all the way through until you reach the sub category again. This is so uncomfortable and so out of date, it just drives me nuts.
  2. The favorite list - The favorite list is a good idea. I love the idea. Wishlists are useful and I personally often use it... if it is actually useful. The Marketplace Favorite Folder is a gigantic mass off items I added. There is absolutely no way to categorize it in any kind of way, and I am also still unable to add entire merchants and/or stores to that list. Instead I have about 68 pages of favorites which I click through every now and then for hours just to find that one item I once wanted to buy and now want to buy it. WHY... just.. why is it so uncomfortable
  3. Items from decades ago - I understand that items can not just be randomly deleted from merchants, as they would go crazy, but PLEASE.. I don't want to buy scripts from 2008 which I don't even know still work, or if that person ist still around to support their item and since there is no way of telling when the item was actually submitted to the marketplace, It is hard to tell how old it is. Yes, I can do a search for most recent items, but that still tells me nothing about the "health" of the item or if store and owner are still around to give me support. I can't be that hard to add a little tiny date to the right column that tells people when the item was submitted and updated.
  4. Sold Out items - This is probably something that bugs me the most. No actually the second most.. I will come to the biggest annoyance in just a moment. But sold out items, or limited items are still really something that needs to be worked out. WHY.. can you please tell me WHY there are ACTIVE listings of sold out items? If there is the possiblity for item quantities already, why is that item not unlisted automatically when there are no quantities left? For what reason would I want to see an item that I can not buy? Why does it clutter the categories of building components? 
  5. Demo Objects - THIS... THIS... is just something that makes me want to pull my hair out. The whooooole marketplace is clutterd with this junk. Yes, Demo objects are important and needed, but they are not needed to be a whole specific LISTING! You already added the option to link a Demo item to the actual item and yet the the Demo item is still an item because of the outdated way the marketplace works! I see all these fantastic updates on Aditi which are made to merchant outboxes and soon to come in-world listings, but you haven't figured out a single way of how to deal with annoying Demo items?! If the system requires the Demo item to be a physical item within the system, then PLEASE make an own Category for it!!!! So all the stuff can be sorted in there. Doing a hair or skin search? Excellent.... Here are five different styles and fifty demos for it on the same page... woopdiedoo... Yes, that is exaggerated, but it truly feels this way
  6. Delete Items - As a merchant and store owner who actually cleans out their marketplace listings every once in a while, I understand why most people don't do it. You were clever enough to add the option to mark multiple listings and edit them, unlist them, list them.. etc... but you have NOT managed to add a freaking option for MASS DELETION? WHY?! Seriously WHY? Just to make sure that I am certain about each and every single item that I want to delete? It works for the favorite list but not for the listing management?
  7. SKU's and Quickfil - Oh.. my.. god. I can not even sum up how much is wrong with this system that is so important for merchants. I swear... I have listings in the quickfil box, which are 4 years and older. Items that don't exist anymore, they don't exist anymore in the store, nor even inworld and yet I find these ancient, dusted fragments still in that list. How is that even possible. Why are there items listed that I have deleted decades ago and why is there no way for me to delete these? This bugs me so much that everytime I make a new listing I already dread clicking on that darn button and scroll my way through. 
  8. Related Items - This is just the exact same BS as it is with the Quickfil. It shows items which are rotting away somewhere in the digital nether and yet are still shown as an item i can list as related, but when I actually click one of these dead items, the system is clever enough to detect that item does not exist! Now, this is actually an improvement, because it wasn't always that way, but why show the listing in the box in the first place?! Does this very system not do any requests to the actual item database and when it gets no recall, it delets it? why not.. just.. why?
  9. ANS - Please see the knowledgebase for more information? You haven't had the time to put in a little effort to explain to new merchants in about 5 sentences in that large box, what ANS is? Instead you tell them to look at the knowledgebase which you are not even linking to? That is outright lazy.. I'm sorry.. .but that is just.. yeah.. I have no other words for it
  10. No inworld information - So when I sell something in world, wether it is via prim that is set to sale or via vendor system, I get this neat little information that I sold something. Why is it not possible for the marketplace to deliver me the very same message in the nearby chat but instead only sends me the emails (if it actually works at that moment). I would rather have the option to choose between the two of them and instead of being flooded with emails, get those reports in a seperate chat window which also allows offline messages. 


IF.. and I say.. IF there is EVER going to be a SL2, I TRULY hope you step up that game with the marketplace as it has become the most important tool for merchants now. The in world sales are not even remotely close to what I make here on the marketplace and for this tool being so full of flaws and uncomfortable options, in the year 2015 makes me question where this is going to end up.


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Okay so I could rent a monthly server and hire someone to do something for me since I cant do it myself, or it could be implemented as a feature for actually paid accounts. The benefits of paid accounts is another rant story, I am not going to get into now. 

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XanXan Jervil wrote:

Okay so I could rent a monthly server and hire someone to do something for me since I cant do it myself, or it could be implemented as a feature for actually paid accounts. The benefits of paid accounts is another rant story, I am not going to get into now. 

That's fine, I understand.  Because you mentioned ANS, I presumed that it was something you wanted to use.  We have already done the work for what you ask for and it's available as a very low cost service although if you're already consuming ANS elsewhere then it won't work for you as we don't pass through and MP doesn't offer multiple ANS receivers.

(and yes it could so easily be a standard offering, it's a standing joke that some of this isn't implemented when it's such low hanging fruit but it took us stupidly long to even get review notifications via email for what was probably no more than 3 lines of code).

I agree with everything you've said though but you're right, it has all been said before but it doesn't hurt to remind LL that they're not listening!


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  • 3 weeks later...

To be honest you'd be better off finding an ingame market and then all of this'd be settled.
Items'd be the latest, demos would be available through the script, yadee yadee..

I'll admit with 1 thing doe',
and that's it's kind of awkward that some vendors with ~1 month of salesman with limited ingame experience and tools, provide a better service than a multi-million dollar independent company which specialises in sales and without limits.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of my peeves in marketplace is the inability to narrow my search by using Boolean operatives in the search window.  Just being able to add something such as -demo would save a lot of time and bother.

Another is this recent thing of using a picture that shows someone's entire product line with the particular item highlighted (or not), usually coupled with the word "rare" in the description and a jacked-up price. First of all, it's only rare because the builder decided to make it so. And if it is, indeed, rare and valuable, shouldn't it get its own photo that shows it in detail?


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the boolean operators are AND, OR, NOT

blue AND shoes NOT demo

red OR blue AND shoes NOT demo



people who do stuff like



etc etc

are sinners and they will go to hell. The hell where I will not ever buy your stuff. Not ever. Never


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It wouldn't matter if they used D-E-M-O, D*e*m*o, d3mo or anything else if Linden Lab did something useful by using the attribute from the database which has already been marked to identify the item as a demo and NEVER display it in search results in the first place.

A core change to the search query that would take less than one minute to change.

It's beyond my comprehension as to why the obvious and simple stuff just doesn't get done despite all the noise about it.


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Sassy Romano wrote:

It wouldn't matter if they used D-E-M-O, D*e*m*o, d3mo or anything else if Linden Lab did something useful by using the attribute from the database which has already been marked to identify the item as a demo and NEVER display it in search results in the first place.

A core change to the search query that would take less than one minute to change.

It's beyond my comprehension as to why the obvious and simple stuff just doesn't get done despite all the noise about it.


Really. It is beyond disgusting. If there is ANY good reason to ignore these things year after year, then why have we not been told what it is? 

I am thinking maybe Inara or Hamlet who is widely read should interview you about this.  Ebbe probably has no clue.

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irihapeti wrote:


them people who dont provide a DEMO checkbox in the search filters are all going to hell


You're missing the point.  There doesn't need to be a demo checkbox, nor boolean filter for demos. 

Demos *have* to be linked to a full product, LL should use a search query to exclude from search results, ANY product which is set as a demo of a full product.

There is never a reason to return a demo in a search result, ever.  People only need to find product, then get its demo.  Not the other way around.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

irihapeti wrote:


them people who dont provide a DEMO checkbox in the search filters are all going to hell


You're missing the point.  There doesn't need to be a demo checkbox, nor boolean filter for demos. 

Demos *have* to be linked to a full product, LL should use a search query to exclude from search results, ANY product which is set as a demo of a full product.

There is never a reason to return a demo in a search result, ever.  People only need to find product, then get its demo.  Not the other way around.

i kinda disagree

if something costs more than 100L then I wont buy without a demo

so if I am looking for something in particular then I will enter in a description plus the word demo

this way I get them all in the view. Those products which are (do have) demoes. Excluding those that dont


so altogether as it works now

shoes. Filter price: 0. End up with all freebies and all 0$ demo

shoes NOT demo. Filter price: 0. End up with freebies only (or should but also get _demo_ d*e*m*o etc)

shoes demo. Filter price: 0. End up with demos (excluding _demo_ d*e*m*o etc)


i would rather have a demo checkbox. So i just get a list of the products that do have demoes for me to get and try on before I buy


eta: i just add for any merchant reading who indulges in _demo_ d*e*m*o and why you end up in hell

look at how I use the search filter

your product comes up when I am looking for freebies. When looking for freebies then I wont buy your stuff. bc is not free

your product doesnt come up when I actual do have over 100L money to spend. So I never see it

and if your demo is listed for 1L then I dont see that either


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Still not needed.

You'd accomplish your search with price max 100.

There's simply NO need to show demos, just look at the product and if it's over 100, click the "demo" link in the item.  Demo's shouldn't ever be shown, they're totally redundant in terms of flow as a product on their own.

You've been forced into dysfunctional searching because of the way the current system works.  It's just not logical to search for demos first then product.

Think about it, you don't go looking for samples of paint, then go find the big tub.  Nor do you first and foremost look for samples of wallpaper, then find the roll, nor do you look for samples of cosmetics or perfume, to then find the product and not for one moment would anyone shop for plain clothes textured "DEMO" in RL to then find the item on the shelf in a colour and size of their choice.

We have been forced into a stupid way of having to do things in SL because of a malady in search and marketplace implementation.

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i think you presupposing that all products have demos

they dont

i dont want to see any products over 100L that dont have demos. I dont care what they might be. I will never buy them. So I dont want to have them show up in my search list

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I'm not pre-supposing anything, just saying that the current system has forced dysfunctional behaviour. 

I can agree that there should be an selection to "only show products that have a demo" but there's still never a need to show a demo item in a search result, it's a sub item of a full listing.  There is no need to search for demos first.

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