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  1. Out of personal experience, i'd recommend; Have something worth visiting for free Some people give away freebies or have nice scenary, items to try, or w/e. This'd bring more to your visitors than "come'ere n gim'me wad a dosh $$$" Buy traffic through advertisements. Find another place with little shops but lots of traffic, and purchase advertisements. Utilize #1 to have people pay more attention to your ads => more chance of visiting => more chance of sales Monitor your traffic This' important cause you wanna know if people stick around for 5 minutes or 5 seconds. If people don't stick to see all of your selection, they won't know truely if there's something they'd wanna buy Hoping this helps!
  2. To be honest you'd be better off finding an ingame market and then all of this'd be settled. Items'd be the latest, demos would be available through the script, yadee yadee.. I'll admit with 1 thing doe', and that's it's kind of awkward that some vendors with ~1 month of salesman with limited ingame experience and tools, provide a better service than a multi-million dollar independent company which specialises in sales and without limits.
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