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Forum Etiquette

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Back in the ancient internet past there were things known as Netiquette and Forum Etiquette.  These have mostly vanished from human memory, but here is one version of Forum Etiquette which the antiquated among us still (more or less) recognize:




1. Read the forums rules and guidelines before posting for the first time.

2. Search the other posts to see if your topic is already covered.

3. Use a meaningful title for your thread.

4. Do not use a forum to promote your product, service or business.

5. Be civil. Personal differences should be handled through email or IM and not through posts displayed to everyone.

6. Stay on topic.

7. Ignore spammers, respond to them personally and not through the board, or report them.

8. Do not submit a post that requires readers to download a large attachment. Either explain the attachment or, better yet, provide a link to the information.

9. Use plain text over HTML if you want your post to be readable by everyone.

10. In order to be understood by most people, use correct spelling, grammar and avoid slang unless you know the word or phrase will be understood by other members.

11. Do not double post (post the same message twice in one thread) or cross post (place the same message across several forums).

12. Act in a give and take manner; help others as often as or more than you ask for help.

13. Do not use all caps or SHOUT in your posts. In addition, one exclamation point is enough.

14. When replying to a post, do not quote more from the previous post than you have to.

15. Do not post new problems on someone else's thread and interrupt a topic of discussion.

16. Do not use someone else’s thread for a private conversation.

17. Most forums prohibit warez, cracks or illegal downloading of software and similar topics.

18. Watch your sense of humor, posts may be read by people from a variety of backgrounds and ages.

19. Do not use a huge and annoying signature, a modest signature is fine, moderators may remove large ones anyway.

20. Do not post any information that you want private. Posts should not contain personal, identifiable information or content embarrassing to others.

21. Do not post content that violates a copyright.

22. Do not post ”empty” or useless responses, such as just ”lol” or ”cool.” Only post responses when you have something to contribute.

23. Write concisely and do not ramble.

24. Do not use words like ”urgent” or ”important” in your subject line, be patient.

25. Do not chastise newbies.


Quaint, isn't it?


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Pamela Galli wrote:

Kelli May wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:


 Quaint, isn't it?


And yet most of it remains relevant.

In some universes it is. 

I'd argue "in this Universe". Time has increased network speeds to a point that large* downloads are less of an issue, given us browsers that handle HTML reliably, and rendered the term "warez" rather outdated. The rest? Tell me what's irrelevant about remaining polite, on-topic, informative, concise, helpful and intelligible?

*'Large attachments'  could still be a problem, but the definition of large has shifted.

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I laughed.


People have been writing rules and regulations since the beginning of human social interaction.  You can't please everybody, but some try. 

PS As for me, I write my own rules.  Kinda like everyone else I have met on the Internet. 

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Yes, I was a Usenetter, and back then woe unto anyone who failed to, say, read the FAQ before posting. Of course, at least in the groups I was in, most people attempted to appear of at least normal intelligence (tho the mentally ill were always well represented).

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I once had a death threat from someone in alt.fan.bladerunner because I used bold to emphasise ONE word in a post.

Apparently for those using 2400 baud connections it slowed things down unacceptably . . .

And I recently noticed some complaints because an acquaintance with a similarly consonantly complex name habitually uses multiple different sized and decorated fonts in his posts here. Plus ca change . . .

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  • 2 weeks later...

There should be a sticky of the guidelines for this forum, if not of basic forum etiquette everywhere. Especially since the mods have evidently thrown in the towel on moderation, despite Xiola's recent claims.


Here we have people who are having their hand slapped for posting "Whut?" yet refusal to read the guidelines before posting is ignored.





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I agree Pam. In fact, I would take it further and suggest that a set of guidelines specific to General Discussions should be stickied, reiterating the point of the GD forum,  but also (for the mods benefit as much as participants) the differential treatment of posts which contained contentious opinions - which is what this forum is supposed to be about!

What might be considered flaming elsewhere in the forums is the lifeblood of a discussion-focused forum, otherwise you might as well rename it a "Me Too" forum. Questions asked in it should NOT have simple answers which might easily be extracted from reference sources elsewhere in LL's web properties, but should demand personal opinion.

Disciplinary offences should be things like:

* Offering an opinion without justification

* Posting a non-cogent argument

* Indicating agreement and adding nothing else to the debate

* Posting LOLcats

[OK, that last one might seem a bit harsh, but generally such images offer little insight into an individual's viewpoint.]


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Really don't need the mods to sit in judgment of the cogency of my posts. I would be happy -- well, not happy, but less unhappy -- if they just advertised and enforced the guidelines they already have.  Why have rules you have no intention of enforcing? 

I have mentioned before, if you posted in the wrong Xstreet forum you got your hand slapped. Being a noob was no excuse; it was EXPECTED you would read the rules.  (Duh -- it is expected in the vast majority of "company" forums, just not this one.)


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LlewLlwyd wrote:

Disciplinary offences should be things like:

* Offering an opinion without justification

* Posting a non-cogent argument

* Indicating agreement and adding nothing else to the debate

Posting LOLcats


:catsad:   :catfrustrated:   :catmad:

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