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high resolution pic cause grid like on skin?

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hi...im wondering if anyone gets this when taking snapshots on max resolution. it shows grid like on the skin when i zoom right in. i dont know if its my settings or my powerfull graphics cards going way beyond.. ive reset all my settings and played with it in everyway to see if i can get rid of it. so please tell me... or tell me how to fix it. i have to zoom right out, but by doing that.. i lose the high resolution. please help...blah.PNG

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It looks a bit weird, indeed; do try another skin, just to be sure, but mainly I would try different Windlights and, if enough of them don’t show those lines, play with the one you were using to try and minimize the shadows. Alternative, you might want to go to Debug Settings and try “RenderShadowDetail” to a lower value than the default 2 –I think you may have to relog for this change to take effect, and be aware that, while this may fix the problem without even changing your Windlight setting, most things will look kinda different, so it may not be a setting you want to leave permanently changed.

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no.. its not only on my skin and its definitely not a demo. i do photos for other pple and i see it on their skin too. i would have to zoom out far enough where it is not seen no more and then do my best to photoshop the rest out. but its annoying when it doesnt have to be like this. i thought maybe its my graphics cards that is faulty .. but i have 2... so i switch one off and then try the other and vs versa, and it will still do the same. its very highly unlikly that both my cards are faulty.Snapshot_002.png

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Huh - thats a very weird effect.

Do you only see the grid on the skin when shadows are enabled in graphics preferences?

Can you try renaming your viewer settings folder so that you can test on out of the box settings? The location of your settings folder can be found  HERE

Do not change any settings away from defaults apart from to enable high res snapshots and to set your desired snapshot size in the snapshot floater.

After testing that you can switch back to your old settings folder.

Does the same problem happen on the Linden Lab viewer?

You said you have 2 graphics cards. Do you have SLI enabled? SLI can cause all kinds of weird rendering glitches on SL viewers. If you disable SLI, does the problem go away?

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could be a graphic card issue.. try a process of elimination. take the same close up with no shaders, no shadows, then turn on just the shaders, then shadows, then with ambient occulsion on and off... try to find at which point this grid appears then it will be easier to figure out if it just a setting, or a hardware problem. I would also try another viewer, maybe the linden viewer, to see if it appears. if it doesn't, maybe you tweaked something on FS

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yes it only shows up on skins, and has to be a close up pic  to see the grids. I forgot to mention that i dont see it on viewer.. it only shows up on snapshots at high resolution. i mean i do see it on viewer but very faint. only when i take the pic and look back at it, it shows up terrible. It only happens when i have all the graphics settings set to max. When i turn graphics down, shadows reflection off , it goes away. . on max settings i dont experience any other problems... no lag, smooth as... which tells me the cards is not the problem. ( i have titan black 2 way sli) i have to take the pic under 3k resolution for it not to be visible.

i only recently got in to serious sl photography and started playing with the settings to get the best quality pic possible. before that was just ordinary pics so thoes grid never showed up. whether it did then or not, i woudlnt know, cause the setting were pretty much at default settings.

yes i did disable sli and tried one card.. and then switch to the other card.. trying one card at a time to see if the card is faulty, but as i said... it did the same so its highly unlikely that both my cards are faulty.

its late now, but tomorrow i will try clearing all saved settings on my pc.. thanks for reminding me. i forgot about that. and if that doesnt work, then i will try a different viewer. iam currently using firestorm and will try singularity.

thanks all for helping.. i will get back to you tomorrow.. thanks heaps!!

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so ive downloaded singularty and i still see it there.  ive deleted unistalled firestorm from my pc and everywhere esle and then reinstalled it and it is still there. . i play other big steam games and i never see anything unusal there. i am sure my graphics card is fine. so i dont know why or what.

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To me that looks like a problem with ambient occlusion. The artifacts definitely follow the edge structure of the mesh, and are more pronounced where the angle between two adjacent triangles along their shared edge is larger, like the deeper creases around the mouth. Since AO is calculated based on how far from flat a particular edge is, that would be my guess. Sort of looks like the AO is flat shaded instead of smooth shaded.

Not sure how firestorm does it, but in the sl viewer you can configure ambient occlusion independantly of other quality settings by opting to display advanced settings on the graphics settings page. 

Is there anything similar in firestorm? Maybe if there are two kinds of AO, like one screen space and one object space, they're both switched on? Maybe there's an option to choose a different interpolation method? Doubt it goes into that much detail but never used that viewer.

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sevenhand wrote:

Not sure how firestorm does it, but in the sl viewer you can configure ambient occlusion independantly of other quality settings by opting to display advanced settings on the graphics settings page. 


Is there anything similar in firestorm?

In Second Life viewer there is tick box for Ambient Occlusion.

In Firestorm viewer there is tick box for Ambient Occlusion.

No difference between the two viewers in this matter.

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sevenhand wrote:


Is there anything similar in firestorm?

On Firestorm, go to World -> Photo & Video -> Phototools

Under the Light tab you will find all the Ambient Occlusion settings.

For AO you can change Scale, Max Scale, Factor, Effect and AO Soften.

Hover over each option for a detailed tooltip on what each setting does.

This video also explains what each Ambient Occlusion setting does:

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oh thank you sevenhand!! that fixed it!.. it was in ambient occlusion settings. on default, it caused that grid like on skins for me, so i turned all the settings under ambient occlusion to max and that fixed it! Thank you sooooo much!!

thanks everyoen for trying to help.. and special thanks to sevenhand for finding the problem!!!!!!

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