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Any Opinions On This Years Skin Fair ?

Elinah Iredell

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I just looked over the skins featured in this years skin fair. I have to say  I was a little disappointed. While there were a few standout skins I liked and I now have some new stores I didn't know about I found most of the skins to be just mediocre . Just the same old thing. Some of the best skins stores are not represented there anymore for some reason. And maybe some nice skins stores have simply faded away and disappeard from sl completely, And  it seems like some of my favorite skin stores also have been coming out with new  skins I like less then their older ones.

Some of the skins from last year were better. Of course last year I was actively searching for a new skin and this year I actually like my skin. I do not know what I was expecting. maybe i was expecting too much. I was hoping that they would come up with some new way to make a skin look  fantistic .I didn't find it.

The subject of mesh heads and bodies is confusing to me. I see appliers for slink in stores but do not know if it is possible to actually apply a skin to a mesh head and body or not?  I cant even seem to figure out how to try a mesh head on in most stores. Either it does not rez properly and I can't see it or it tells me it has been uploaded to some mysterious place somewhere and I can go find it? What? I was interested in a mesh head because I can never seen to get the nose right on my skin but mesh has issues.. When I go somewere and look at other avatars I ofted see their hair in the air and their dress next to their bodies. I do not want to know what I would look like to them with a mesh head.

Anyway I learned that  if you find a skin you like you do not have to change it . A good skin is timeless. .



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Skins have improved over the years, but it's been a gradual process.  Basically it is the skin creators artistry that improves.  The tech hasn't changed at all. 

Year to year changes have more to do with what is fashionable, such as more recently the skins that make you look like a young teen.

If a creator has an applier system that they allow other creators to use it and a skin maker makes appliers for them, yes you can apply a skin on a mesh body and/or head. 

I've seen headless avatars with mesh heads floating next to them sometimes when I first go somewhere, especially to crowed places, but it usually snaps to the right place once it rezzes fully.  The same happens to clothes too.

I haven't been to the Fair this year, but I like the skin I have and am not in the market for a new one.  I'll only change it if there is a noticable improvement AND I can find one that doesn't change the way I look too much.  I want to look better not different.  But it's a personal choice.  My oldest SL friend changes skin and hair like she changes shoes.  I never know what she will look like lol.

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I found a few I likes. I was refurbising an alt I'm using again and needed new skins for her as what I had was 4 years old and looked flat. I got the Zoul skin, appliers for it were free and you got all the skin tones of that skin and on the appliers. Theirs has minimal makeup then sell the makeup for a tat layer for a very reasonable price, which is really nice. I also picked up the Alterego Kensi and one from Imabee. Nice details, reasonably priced appliers.

Nothing turns me off a skin faster than finding the appliers cost as much as the skin does. I do clothing appliers so not a huge difference in the technology. No reason to charge 800L for the skin then turn around and charge another 500 for a single skin tone for each body applier with a single tone and then another 400 for the Slink feet and hands. 500L if it includes all the current skin tones, that's reasonable and have paid that. For one single tone...a bit much.

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I saw one skin that cost $5000 at the skin fair. Unless I misunderstood the reason for the cost that is very expensive. While others are around $300 or $500 . What is a reasonable cost for a skin? What is too high? It is hard to tell. I know this I do not like to pay for demos. Do skin makers price them too high because they want to generate snob appeal? Luckily I did not want the skin.

I notice some skins look better at higher settings . I remember being advised in linden tech support info to keep my settings low for less lag. And also I assumer different viewers make the same skin look different.. Not to mention different sun levels I always try my skins on at noon sun because that is the harshest so if it looks nice in that setting it will look nice in the others.

I just felt some of the new skins from one of my favorite skin sellers were not as nice in many ways as the older ones. Oh well. I mean  some aspect  of the skins I liked better but some  I felt got worse.


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The 5000L was probably a fatpack with more than one skin.

The lower settings put less strain on your computer so helps eliminate client side lag (your puter). Most lag in SL is because of the user's computer or ISP, not SL itself.

Mesh heads have seperate appliers and not all skin makers support them as, as I understand it, don't follow the SL UV map so have to be redrawn to fit the mesh head UV. Most mesh parts are from the neck down and follow the same SL map so skin makers just use the same texture in the applier that they do for the actual skin.

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  • 11 months later...

Lots of ugly skins. A few good skins. 

Lots of ugly tats that almost completely cover the skin. A few nice tats.

What really annoyed me was crap like this:

"PaleGirlProductions's 'Agent Script Scan v2.5'

Hello Annalise Ember, you are wearing heavily scripted attachments, causing excessive script lag.

your scripts: 17 time: 4.244 ms mem: 0.6 Mb
[max. scripts: 20 time: 0.250 ms mem: 8.0 Mb]

** Please, detach some attachments **
(SEND HOME within 120 seconds)"


I guess they wanted nearly naked Ruths shopping there. I left after visiting a handful of stores and didn't buy anything. Won't be visiting anything Pale Girl Productions does again.

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My impression, I went in with way less than 1MB of scripts and was told too much.

Nothing I could remove unless it was my body. A headless body floating about a sim isn't so great for looking around skins. Not when they could just... disable scripts.

When it booted me, I stayed away.


Edit: Sorry Bobbie, didn't mean to specifically reply to you. Just hit reply and yeah.

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OH MY!  On the whole these are NOT good reviews lol..  I have been too busy to get around to going.  And I do like my present skin, paid for all the appliers for my mesh bodies and have quite a bit invested in this skin.  But now I must say I am curious to at least take a look lol..  however, having said that, I doubt I would get in as I am definitely NOT going in nearly naked or as a ruth.. But we will see.. I will report back later if and when I get in lmao !!!

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Well that was an interesting excursion.  Of course the majority of skins did not have appliers at all available.  My own fav skin maker has nothing new in over a year, and was promoting appliers which is good,  but advertising "coming soon"  a skin specifically for a TMP head which as far as I know isn't even out yet (but I could be wrong on that).  So I won't be looking at that as any kind of upgrade for my avi.. not into anything TMP.    And indeed I saw a lot of very ugly skins,  weird totally unatural lips with a pemanently exagerated pout, or strange looking eyebrows,  And the kicker was one store that is known for their popular mesh body, had skins on display, nice looking in fact, but no mention at all of any appliers for their own body yet!  That I found incredibly strange, one of those skins I would have for sure considered but not without an applier for my body!  

And I went with well under 20 scripts,  and still go that message I was wearing heavily scripted attachments.. lol ok 2 scrips in my hair, 4 scripts on my body 2 scripts on each hand..  and that was it, mesh body hair and applied clothing no shoes.  I ignored the message and I did not get kicked lol.  

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Annalise Ember wrote:

Lots of ugly skins. A few good skins. 

Lots of ugly tats that almost completely cover the skin. A few nice tats.

What really annoyed me was crap like this:

"PaleGirlProductions's 'Agent Script Scan v2.5'

Hello Annalise Ember, you are wearing heavily scripted attachments, causing excessive script lag.

your scripts: 17 time: 4.244 ms mem: 0.6 Mb

[max. scripts: 20 time: 0.250 ms mem: 8.0 Mb]

** Please, detach some attachments **

(SEND HOME within 120 seconds)"


I guess they wanted nearly naked Ruths shopping there. I left after visiting a handful of stores and didn't buy anything. Won't be visiting anything Pale Girl Productions does again.

PaleGirlProductions's 'Agent Script Scan v2.5'

Hello Tamara Artis, you are wearing heavily scripted attachments, causing excessive script lag.

your scripts: 15 time: 0.450 ms mem: 0.4 Mb

[max. scripts: 20 time: 0.250 ms mem: 8.0 Mb]

** Please, detach some attachments **

(SEND HOME within 120 seconds)


I had an AO. 

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Right there with you on the script thing. I was refurbishing an alt and had stripped down. THe FS decector had me at 11 scripts and at about 0.1ms or so time as did the script detector I have at my shop so I figured I was good to go....ummm, nope. The detector at the sim said I was running 11 scripts but was a 3.0 ms time and booted me. 

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All I had on was my AO, shape, LAQ skin,  and a one piece kini. Not even hair. So it was my AO that got me kicked. But I hate walking like a duck on amphetamines so I stayed out after getting kicked for the 3rd time.

I dislike lag a lot, too, but when I go shopping or browsing like at Uber, Cosmo, Collab, or wherever, I just keep my avi in one spot, cam around, and keep an eye on my minimap as to where my cam is so lag is irrelevant mostly..

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I must say this was indeed an interesting experience!  A skin fair where most of the folks are walking around without bodies,  dresses and no body, or heads floating around bald bobbing all over the place, I don't think I saw one complete avatar the whole time I was there lol.  

I was warned that I would be booted, but for some reason I wasn't lol..  I think what ever script detector thing they are using is definitely borked.

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